Last night with all the kittens


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Well this is it 2 of them are going tomorrow, to a very good home (thankyou Beanies sister :) ) But i must admit i am finding it very hard saying goodbye, they are 16 weeks old now and i have grown a very strong attachment to them, this pregnancy has made me really sensitive as it is, and i know they have to go to a new home, we couldnt and are not allowed to keep this many cats in the house and i know they are going to a good home, but i cant help feel guilty, like i am betraying them...are they going to be sad, or scared when they get carted off away from their mom and dad and brothers/sisters? Is smudge and coco (mom and dad) going to be sad and pine about it? Or will they be fine, i mean its not like 1 of them is going alone 2 of them are going together so will they be ok? I guess im posting this cause i need some sort of comfort, but i also want honesty...even if it hurts.

Its just that i play with them every day, and i say goodnight to them all every night...and i cuddle them and they come up to me and trust me now, and they sit on the keyboard when im trying to type, and it never annoys me it just makes me smile...and they are the best little kittens in the whole world and i really love them. And im sure beanies sister will love them just as much when she see's how gorgeous they are and what amazing and clever personalitys they have.

You all must be thinking im so stupid right now, that they are just animals but to me they are more than that....i care about them and dont want them to be scared or sad or pine.

I am getting really upset typing this cause they are all running round like nutters play fighting and punk is carrying around a peice of fluff in her mouth and i know its the last time that I will see them all like this...its going to be so quiet without them here...I just need something to make me feel better about myself right now because i feel like such a horrible person and im going to miss them so much.... :cry:

Im sorry for going on, thanks for reading if you have got this far..

Aw you're not stupid at all, I love animals and you've looked after these for a long time.

If it helps...I met beanie's sister yesterday and she was lovely :) I'm sure she'll make a great mommy.
Thanks Urchin. :D

Cassie, if it helps at all Peggy did mew a bit whne we were taking her home, and when she first got to our house she did hide for a bit but after a couple of hours she was fine. The day after she was cuddling us all, and purring her head off. Now she is so settled in, she eats her dinner with the other cats, plays in the garden (usually following Maisy) and is very happy and content. She is such a member of the family.

The other 2 that Lynds will be taking will have each other so they won't feel like Peggy did. I have been to Lynds' house and it is a lovely big place, and for the first couple of days they will be in the front room so they can settle in, and they will have their own sofa etc. Lynds has a chocolate lab called Barney and he is such a happy, friendly dog and she really looks after him, taking him to the vets if he is poorly or need his jabs, lots of mommy cuddles and he is lovely.

It is hard saying bye but your other cats will be ok, and the other two will be fine. Lynds promises to let me know how theyare doing so I can update you, and we will send you photos. You shouldn't feel guilty, you have taken great care and have done your utmost to find them good homes.
Thanks very much, i am in no doubt that they will be in a great loving home, i was just finding it so hard to say goodbye, but i feel much better this morning... :D
Ahhhh Big Hug :hug: for you Cassi.

I don't think you're stupid at all and I'm sure if I was in your shoes I'd be exactly the same.

Being 36weeks pregnant probably isn't helping your emotions much either!!

Dont blame you for being upset , no doubt you would be attached having them this long already, im sure they will be fine and by the osunds of it in a great home!

It's Beanies sister here, Just to let you know porkchop and punk are doing fine. They settles in really quickly and put Barney (crazy choc lab) firmly in his place. Which is now basically the floor as they have stolen his sofa. W e have gone out and got hhem loads of toys and a scratch post as the two of them have been using the walls. (please do't tell my landlord). Will keep you posted on how they are doing.
Bye for now.
Fluppyfrog :wave:
hahaha bless them!! poor barney!!

thanks for keeping me updated! lovely to know they are doing well!

did you like the photos? tiny wasnt they!!

take care
cas xx

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