
I had 2 lots of kittens last year. As cute and wonderful as they were they cost a fortune!!
The kitten food alone, up to 12 weeks for 6 kittens is outrageously priced.
I never sold them, but gave them to trusted friends as I was warned by my vet that 'free' kittens are often
used by dog fighters as bait :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: shocked the life out of me.
Our local sanctuary charged us £45 each for our kittens but we had to have a home visit to check the house and the 'adoption lady' insisted we get a proper floor down (we'd just oved and had boards in the living room) and cat flaps, so they ebded up costing us hundreds, but I couldn't be without them!

Good Luck Cassi, I'd gladly have them all, but Oh refuses to live with a mad cat woman so I'm limited to 2 :(
thats scared me now about the bait thing...i really worried that the kittens will be mistreated...

i dont know what to do? im scared they will go to bad people.
at £55 I don't think bad people will be buying them, it tends to be the free kittens.

I wish I could help you out :( my cats are all spayed/neutered and have a big settee to sleep on. A kitten would settle in great.
My mom lives in birmingham is that any closer? :wink:
Cassi hun, don't vet really put the emphasis on FREE. Apparently thats what they look for :evil: :twisted:
If you're going to pay £55 for a kitten, the chances are you're going to give it a good loving home.

Totally agree with the price costs a lot to get a kitten nice and healthy to 12 weeks.
They are gorgeous!! love em, will go take some pics now

Hehe beanie, start begging now lol!!! I have started hinting how attached i have become to one of the kittens. He was smaller and getting pushed away from milk by bigger kittens and was getting really thin so i had to feed him with a syringe for a while and give him his dinner away from the other kittens and when id give him his milk id wrap him up in a tea towel and hold him like a baby (but more upright obviously) cause it made him feel safe and calm and so he would take the milk like that.

I think when you spend so much time caring for one specially you become very attached. The biggest is the ginger one, he is stunning.

Il post pics in a min
cas xx
yep 3 of them afaik, brown black and white, black and white with white nose, black and white with black nose. Ginger and other black and white with white nose are boys.

am hosting pics now xx
photo bucket is been super slow tonight so i will leave them to upload and im off to bed because im exhausted (and i have done nothing all day and attempted a midday nap) its horrible been this exhausted all the time!!
will put them on in morning they should of uploaded by then lmao

cas xxxx
Lots of pics...its actually starting to really upset me at the concept that in a few weeks they wont be here anymore :cry:








cas xx

ps: can you tell that i just woke them all up lol!! especially the black brown and white one, he wasnt impressed hehe...
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww theres sooooo cute!!!!

I WANT ONE!!! but other half wont let me grrrrrr :evil:
the ginger one is stunning. his coat is perfect i have named him garfield..i know u shouldnt name them but they all have names.

ginger : garfield
black nose: punk
white nose: pork chop
smaller white nose : weakling (cause he is so much smaller than the rest lol)
and the black brown and white one: smurf

I dont want them to go :cry: :cry:

ps: little minx i will be in birmingham soon :D
aw how gorgeous. which ones are girls again? Its just that we have one girl and 2 boys and maisy needs a friend but saying that another boy would be cool too.
brown black and white, black and white with white nose a(on the last picture) , black and white with black nose

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