last chance. please help <3

Everyone makes mistakes, and when I was 18 i thought I wanted a baby, but i really didn't! Just be sure of what you want- if you want a baby, great. If you don't or are not sure, use protection!! I'm pregnant now at 21 and am very happy, but if it was 2 years ago I'd be a wreck!! In Jeremy Kyles words- PUT SOMETHING ON THE END OF IT!! Oh, and as mentioned before, enjoy all that sex, you lucky lady!!!! xxx
will doing this make my period come early if im not pregnant though?x
yeah thats true. everyones different. haha hopefully :)
thats a good tip. i am the stress queen at the moment! i think thats what delayed my last one.

Last year I (stupidly!) had unprotected sex with my OH and got the morning after pill the next morning within like 8 hours of sex so it was in the effective bracket. I had a 44 day cycle that month (normally an average 28/29 day girl). Partially delayed by the pill I think but I was so so stressed out which cannot have helped.
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exactly right, everyone makes mistakes.
aw thats good :) i know i want to have kids young anyway as does my partner, whether young is now or when im 21 though is the question. haha good saying! x
oh wow thats a big difference in the days of your cycle! ...and nothing came of it? just an extra long one?x
haha thanks :) i do enjoy it while i can :) xx
oh wow thats a big difference in the days of your cycle! ...and nothing came of it? just an extra long one?x

Yep, nothing came of it. Took 3 negative tests to convince me and then just trying to chill out and wait for AF. Eventually had an insanely light period which was just a week of spotting really then back to my usual regular cycle after that.
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Totally are. I've decided mine likes to get all predictable then just chuck a major spanner in the works to throw me off.
Mental and cruel!
haha if anyone has more info or advice feel free to share. thank you so much everyone. xox
if i was you when you next see you partner sit own and work out what you when, when you want it, then if you dont already try and find a place tgether as living with someone is alot harder than just seeing them every day when you can go back home

then give it a year if everything works out ok then look at what money you are both bringing in,if you think you can manage then look at trying

that way you can have them while you are young but the last thing you need is worrying about finding somewhere to live and having a regular decent income when expecting a baby
well because i stopped taking the pill ive gotten my period...kind of... its not much and very light, but more than how you all described implantation bleeding. i think im clean.
It is possible that you COULD get pregnant based on what you have says in the time frame. However, for anyone there is a slim chance of getting pregnant every month (even if you are trying).

The only way to know is to wait for your period :) though if you don't Want to get pregnant, take the morning after pill as a precaution.

i have my period because i went off the pill. you cant get your period when youre pregnant can you?
some women czan, thats why you see these shows about women not knowing they were pregnant till they give birth, because they still had periods.

my boss bled every month with her second child
so i had my period before he left on the 7th(and we had sex when i was on that too coz i was at the end of it).
but having my period from the 4th-7th...then stopping the pill on the 20th/21st/22nd then getting my period on the 23rd...thats two in one month..and im due around the 5th too. is it wrong to keep my hopes up that i may be pregnant?
Today i was dizzy, had a horrible headache and felt like i was going to pass out or vomit. and i rarely need to vomit.
im so sorry girls! i appreciate all of this!
god girls i dont know :( a big part of me thinks im definitely not pregnant, but my tummy has always been 'pot-belly-ish' but im getting smaller because of what ive been eating, but the belly is just getting slowly bigger. i dont know :( x
sorry guys one last thing. how can a woman not know shes pregnant until she has the kid?
wouldnt you notice the bump?xx
exactly right, everyone makes mistakes.
aw thats good :) i know i want to have kids young anyway as does my partner, whether young is now or when im 21 though is the question. haha good saying! x

Just be sure its what you want and that you can manage, thats all that cojnts x

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