I wore the hospital gowns both times and whipped them off when I got to the pushing stage so that the baby could be born straight onto me.
You do get really hot in labour so minimal clothing or nude is definitely fine.
I don't understand why midwives still tell people to bring thick/fluffy socks for labour, every antenatal class I've been to they've said to bring/wear socks because your feet get cold, but I was boiling even with my second who was born in November.
First was born on a really sunny day at the end of April and they had a fan on in the room and I was still boiling lol.
Oh and then for afterwards I had a 2 pack of nighties from Mothercare that had buttons down the front to just below my boobs for easy breastfeeding.
Anyway, this time I'm having a home birth (or that's the plan anyway), so will labour in whatever I'm wearing at the time, and then once I'm in full blown established labour I reckon I'll strip off again lol!
I have some lovely soft PJs for afterwards and a BFing t shirt jama top but if it's warm I'll probably just stay topless and enjoy having skin to skin.