Labour thread lucyann


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Omg,been unssettled since coming to bed damp knickers feel.sick just stood up and trickle trickle all down my leg with white bits in my tummy is achy just put a pad on amd jist collecting my thpughts!! Omg!!!
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Feel so sick and shivery im scared! Xxx
Best of luck Hun, hope it all goes quickly/smoothly!

How exciting xx
Thanku just woke my mom up everytime I move im leaking :0 going to call hosp now just to check and for advive xx
Hospital want me in to confirm omg xxx
Just leaving hosp confirmed waters have broke and have contractions got to wait till I get 1 every 5 mins. Have 1 every 10 at the min and have to go back this evening to b induced if not got more regular :) x x either way will av baby soon xx cervix still way too far back she tried to pull it its closed so not quite ready and ouch xx
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Good luck Hun! Hopefully not too long now!xx
How exciting. Good luck hun xxx

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Oh gosh how exciting, good luck xx
Eeep!!! Best of luck to you Hun!! Yay labour watch :hug: xxx
Fantastic news, your baby is on it's way :) u will be great, just stay as relaxed as you can and focus on the baby and u working together to get her out xxxx
Thanks everyone still contractions every 1ims quite paimfull but used to them now last about 30 secs xxx still bloody leaking water lol ive ruimed two pairs trousers, 3 nickers n lots of pads I feel like a slug xx
:lol: @ slug! All for a fabulous reason Hun!! I may predict team blue for u I think ;)
Will be thinking of you today :hug: xxx
Thanks princess :+) reality has really sunk in just scared that cervix is closed nt sure what happens about that xx

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