

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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So because my c section is in SIX DAYS :shock: I had to go shopping for some very unattractive high waisted knickers which my consultant told me would be essential to protect my scar. I found some in M&S and my question is this...


Maybe they are just manufactured for us ladies that can't push out our babies. My goodness....six days....I'm still in shock!

Just thought I'd share...I'm on maternity leave now so expect more pointless sharing...

are they granny knicker?? is it strange if i say i wanna see your knickers now :rofl:

how are you feeling??? 6 days and you will be a mummy :)
Yes they are granny knickers and YES it's strange to say you want to see them! Pervert! Mind you, I expect nothing less from you...

I'm seriously still shocked! I've got to repack my hospital bag to allow for staying in at least 2 nights and also to change the nappies from size 1 to size 2 and get the newborn stuff out cos it won't fit her :oooo:

I'm ok though thanks. Slowly getting my head around the fact I'm having a section...I'm a bit phobic of operations but if it means she gets here safely then so be it. It's also strange knowing my baby's birthday already!

How are you doing?

haha big granny knickers bet they are cool really :rofl:

aww did you buy 0-3 months?? id be screwed in your situation as everything is mainly newborn that i have haha

i know what you mean about operations i'd be scared too as ive never ever had 1 but they do this every day lots of times so you will be in safe hands :)

im alright so far days are dragging though wish i knew what day would be my little ladies birthday :(
Yes I know I'm lucky really knowing that I won't go overdue or anything. Thankfully most of the stuff I bought was 0-3 months apart from her coming home outfit which was newborn and now she won't be able to wear :violin:

Lots of stuff has been given to me though which is newborn :wall2:

Are you feeling well? Is baby moving down yet?

aww you will have to save it for the next one hee hee

yeah im feeling good i had a few BH today with pressure then got a bit of period pain whilst cooking tea but nothing since think im going to be like i was last time lots of BH with pain the come to nothing :( i think she is lower i dont think she is engaged yet though as it doesnt feel like she is about to drop out. she is very low down though
:lol: post up a picture of your granny knickers! you could start a wee game of who can find the ugliest
pants to wear.. hehe.
I have some of these pants just incase! Post a pic we could compare ;) they're HUGE!

see im not the only weirdo that wants to see your kecks
:bum:hahaha nmf you're getting worse than me with the bums!!! (god that sounds wrong!).

GET YOUR OWN BIG KNICKERS YOU FREAKS!!! (they're 3 pairs for £10! :whistle:)

god M&S dont come cheap do they nothing like primarni
god M&S dont come cheap do they nothing like primarni

I know, that's what I thought! They're bloody rip off merchants! It was a bit weird when I was buying them cos it was me and two VERY old ladies browsing the section. Some of them were brown...brown?!! Brown massive knickers?! NO!!!

I've got the throw away ones too...mmm so sexy! I've also been reading my c section info from the hospital and they've told me to shave my lady garden if possible, or they'll do it for me...sounds a bit like a threat doesn't it? SHAVE BITCH OR WE'LL DO IT FOR YOU!!! Sod shaving, I'll whip out the Veet!

well it does sound like a threat you should report them pmsl

you would of though they would at least wax it off seeing as though you wont feel it pain free free wax lol

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