Eek, so today is finally the day of my induction at 40+7, I am being induced for slow growth and my BP has been messing about for the last 3 weeks.
08.00- arrived at the hospital and was booked in to the antenatal ward.
09.30- saw the midwife who checked my BP which was high so I was put on the ctg monitor to await a doctors review and see if they could proceed with the induction.
11.00- saw the doctor who was happy with my trace and informed me I had been having regular tightenings so could proceed.
11.30- had the pessary inserted, I am 1cm dilated so at least that is something and now the waiting game begins.
19.45- can feel tightenings and some uncomfortable cramps but very little else to report.
03.20- woke up to find myself leaking waters so pessary removed, contractions started almost imediately so just waiting for them to progress so I can go up to labour ward. Currently around every 3 mins lasting 50ish seconds.
08.00- moved to labour ward where I was placed on ctg which showed good contractions
10.00- taken off montior and examined, 4cm dilated. Given an hour to progress before they decide if I need the drip as well. Start using gas and air.
11.00- re examined now 6cm dilated and contractions very painful in back so epidural requested. Although good progress was made babies heartbeat isn't very happy so I have to stay on the monitor a while longer.
16.00- examined again, 10cm dilated but baby not low enough to start pushing so given 1 and half hours till they will let me try pushing.
17.30- allowed to start pushing although baby has not come any lower.
19.30- reached maximum time for pushing without intervention so doctors came to see me. Prepared for theatre for forcep delivery.
19.58- Baby girl Evelyn Maria born on 20/8/15 weighing 6lb 15oz, few marks on her face due to forceps and I had to be stitched as needed an episiotomy.
12.45 21/8/15 allowed home, settled very well and feeding like a pro
mummy and daddy both completely in love with her. Xx
08.00- arrived at the hospital and was booked in to the antenatal ward.
09.30- saw the midwife who checked my BP which was high so I was put on the ctg monitor to await a doctors review and see if they could proceed with the induction.
11.00- saw the doctor who was happy with my trace and informed me I had been having regular tightenings so could proceed.
11.30- had the pessary inserted, I am 1cm dilated so at least that is something and now the waiting game begins.
19.45- can feel tightenings and some uncomfortable cramps but very little else to report.
03.20- woke up to find myself leaking waters so pessary removed, contractions started almost imediately so just waiting for them to progress so I can go up to labour ward. Currently around every 3 mins lasting 50ish seconds.
08.00- moved to labour ward where I was placed on ctg which showed good contractions
10.00- taken off montior and examined, 4cm dilated. Given an hour to progress before they decide if I need the drip as well. Start using gas and air.
11.00- re examined now 6cm dilated and contractions very painful in back so epidural requested. Although good progress was made babies heartbeat isn't very happy so I have to stay on the monitor a while longer.
16.00- examined again, 10cm dilated but baby not low enough to start pushing so given 1 and half hours till they will let me try pushing.
17.30- allowed to start pushing although baby has not come any lower.
19.30- reached maximum time for pushing without intervention so doctors came to see me. Prepared for theatre for forcep delivery.
19.58- Baby girl Evelyn Maria born on 20/8/15 weighing 6lb 15oz, few marks on her face due to forceps and I had to be stitched as needed an episiotomy.
12.45 21/8/15 allowed home, settled very well and feeding like a pro

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