Kicks/movements are still low


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Everybody on here seems to talk about being kicked in the ribs but I'm not having that and feeling abnormal!!

I've only just started feeling kicks/movements a few inches above my belly button in the last few weeks.

Is it just the way baby is positioned? At my 28 week appt the mw said I was measuring fine for my dates (although she didn't use a tape measure - just her hands). She also said the baby was head down so I expected to feel my kicks up higher...

Got my 31 week appt next week so will make sure I get measured then!
Sounds like babies turned breach! Do they get hiccups? Where do you feel them?
My bubs is breech, in a U shape with head under my ribs, bum down and legs up the right hand side. I'm getting low down movements but also high movements, get hiccups under my ribs :lol:

Could it be where your placenta is? If its Anterior you may feel very little high movements xxx
Hiccups - yes, I think so - down low - below belly button.

I've got a fundal placenta (right at the top and both anterior and posterior) so I guess that might be cushioning my ribs well!
Most of my movements are still quite low - not too worried though as I think that they sometimes dont turn until quite late on.
i tried to remember when i had the high kicks and i know when my mum was here ti visit me i was just gone 28 weeks and she felt the kicks very low, under my bellybutton. It feels like i have had the ribkicks forever but nah, i think they started after 30 weeks and the painful ones not until 33 weeks or so :hugs:
my bubs is head down but back to back... I get a lot of low movement which must be his hands but he wriggles his bum a lot too at the top! Prob just way baby is laying hun x

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