Just to let you know


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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We have been for our 20 weeks scan and all is fine with Junior!!
Wahooo...not pic uploaded to laptop but will sort it out :)
The sonographer didnt ask us if we wanted to find out till I got scared and said 'errr we arn't gonna see anything we dnt want to see r we??' and she replied 'why...dont u want to find out?'
I was so shocked...I was like 'Errrrr no'
If she have asked me Id have told her but I didnt wanna go barging in and tellling her as soon as I laid down on the bed.
Jeeez what a close shave so luckily we r still team yellow :)

Sorry it took so long...I just such a busy M2B...sorting house stuff n growing a baby :)
p.s Hubby is almost coming round to the idea of Jackson Gregory as a name. Think he's fed up of baby name discussion, has no contibutions so thinks its easier to just go with it, lol x

Yay glad all is well :)
And Jackson Gregory is lovely x x
Yay, so happy for you and well done on team yellow!xx
Great nbews so glad all is welll And well done for staying strong and staying team yellow.
wa-hoooooo yeam yellow is so hard but according to my friend who gave birth 6 months ago - the midwifes n nurses in the hospital were so excited not to know the sex as apparently these days people are alllllll finding out.
So I cant wait for the excitment. I'd love to know dont get me wrong but I know we r gonna wait :)
aww brill news cant wait to see d pics xxx
Great news glad all is healthy and congrats on being strong with team yellow.
Lovely name hun, and well done and sticking with team yellow :) xx
Yay! Glad all is well hunny. Love the name Jackson, was on my list my DH hated it! Lol!
Ive loved jackson right from day one but craig said he thought ppl would associate him with michael jackson - I mean jeeeez you could say that about most names huh??!!

So atm its looking like : Jackson Craig Gregory and Valentine Elle Gregory. Love them both but we'll have to wait n see. wahooo t team yellow xxxx
Its so tempting to find out but the midwifes all seem pleased we dont know i bet so they can guess lol x

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