Another Scan

Well done for staying team yellow!! :dance: Scan pic is amazing - so clear. Congrats!!
thank you so much, baby really didnt want us to stay team yellow, when the consultant checked it's femer bone baby wiggled its between legs shot onto the screen, luckily my dh and i both turned away quickly, it was sohard knowing the consultant knew and we didnt, but we managed :) i think we deserve brownie points lol.
Awww brilliant scan pic!! Well done for staying team yellow!! Our little monkey was a wriggler and tried to show us something or other but hubby and I managed to turn away!! Roll on the next 17weeks and you will know!!x
I cannot wait to meet baby, (although i want baby to stay in till he/she is fully cooked) its been a hard couple of years before this pregnancy.
My goodness how did you both look away , that's some will power right there. Beautiful scan picture ,how exciting now your team yellow to the end (hopefully ) .All the best xx
My goodness how did you both look away , that's some will power right there. Beautiful scan picture ,how exciting now your team yellow to the end (hopefully ) .All the best xx

I have got to have another scan at 35w, I just hope by then that it will be a case of... We've gone this long without knowing! lol
Id do anything to be able to find out right now what I am carrying!!! :) I simply hate waiting and can't cope with the surprise!! xx
Well done for looking away! We've got our next scan on 22nd may and are determind to try and stay yellow too. Did you have to really look away quickly? x
I'm with you Gayle I really can't wait to find out ,I'm hoping with my dating scan being sooooo late I may just be able to see fingers crossed anyway still not a date yet . xx
Well done for looking away! We've got our next scan on 22nd may and are determind to try and stay yellow too. Did you have to really look away quickly? x

Yeah pretty quick, the consultant moved to babys femur and baby wiggled so we had a perfect potty shot, as soon as I saw the second leg come on to the screen and the bum we both turned away do we couldnt see, the consultant saw what sex baby is and moved the scanner then froze the image on the femur do she could measure it and we could turn back to the screen.
Well done for looking away! We've got our next scan on 22nd may and are determind to try and stay yellow too. Did you have to really look away quickly? x

Yeah pretty quick, the consultant moved to babys femur and baby wiggled so we had a perfect potty shot, as soon as I saw the second leg come on to the screen and the bum we both turned away do we couldnt see, the consultant saw what sex baby is and moved the scanner then froze the image on the femur do she could measure it and we could turn back to the screen.

Thanks Sproglett, sounds like we're gonna have to be on the ball (excuse the pun!!) to miss the potty shots!!!!! x:lol:
It might just be me tbh, people who want a potty shot would have been very very greatful for the view. Our little bundle has been mischevious for us all the way through lol. every scan, every midwife appointment, it's been really funny tbh.
12w scan baby slept all the way through, then turned away when the sonographer tried to get a pik
16w midwife appointment baby kept moving away from the doppler, the midwife had to almost squash baby between her hand and the doppler after chasing him/her around my belly.
20w scan baby refused to move position even though the consultant tilted the bed so my feet were in the air and got me to wiggle my hips around etc 40 mins she tried for and i don't know if you've seen my 20w scan of baby staring at the screen with teeth showing, its quite scary lol.
22w scan baby tried to show us a potty shot even though we dont want to know the gender and also tried to shadow his/her heart with their arm so the consultant couldnt see the chambers easily lol.

Even before the pregnancy was confirmed viable I had an early scan and by my dates now I would have been 5w+4 the sonographer didnt even see a sac, then 2 weeks later i was showing at 6w+5 then i had another scan 4 days after that and showed as 8+2.

so generally my little one is a little monkey in training, oh and I've only started to get definate movements since Tuesday. Lol
Yep, sounds like you've got a monkey on your hands!!! They couldn't find a sac at my early scan either, even though it turned out I would have been over 5 weeks (by dates now) then at my 12 week scan baby decided to spend the whole time upside down and the wrong way round despite lots of bed bouncing on my part!!!! Lets hope they get all of this mischievious behaviour out of their systems before they make their grand entrance!!!!

Woo hoo for feeling more movement! I can't wait to feel a proper wriggle instead of wondering if its wind! xxx
It is lovely to know its definately movements now, the scan helped, i felt what i thought was a little kick when i had my scan but it turned out to be a punch lol, the screen has a slight delay of about 2 seconds, and i think it is about time at 22w that i feel baby lol. Although i'm not suprised it has taken so long as i had a laparoscope last may to remove an ectopic pregnancy and that has left me with scar tissue in my belly so i'm not as sensitive.

Yep, sounds like you've got a monkey on your hands!!! They couldn't find a sac at my early scan either, even though it turned out I would have been over 5 weeks (by dates now) then at my 12 week scan baby decided to spend the whole time upside down and the wrong way round despite lots of bed bouncing on my part!!!! Lets hope they get all of this mischievious behaviour out of their systems before they make their grand entrance!!!!

Woo hoo for feeling more movement! I can't wait to feel a proper wriggle instead of wondering if its wind! xxx
Laughing at the antics of baby sproglett. he/she sounds like a wee terror! Don't you just love how cute they can be even before they come out!!!

27 Sleeps for me...........
27 sleeps.... not that you're counting hey lol. Yeah our little bundle is definately a terror, but I couldnt be happier, I'm literally so in love. Will you be finding out the sex?

Laughing at the antics of baby sproglett. he/she sounds like a wee terror! Don't you just love how cute they can be even before they come out!!!

27 Sleeps for me...........
Ive never been this in love either. With both my little one and OH. I could burst.

Yes - have to find out, I am hating having to wait which just feels like torture. xxx
Bless ya, hope baby play ball and lets you see :)

Ive never been this in love either. With both my little one and OH. I could burst.

Yes - have to find out, I am hating having to wait which just feels like torture. xxx
Mines naughty and wouldnt let the sonographer see her face, but shes such a poser as well! Posing on every scan photo!! x

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