Do you let guys post!!!! (Protein question)

Welcome to the Forum Andy (and wife and LO).

I hope your wife is feeling better now after reading some of the posts. It's a great support network here.

I had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy. The protein is something they do routinely check for during the ante natal tests. It has nothing to do with Crohns disease as far as I'm aware.

Anyway, give your wife a :hug: from me and try to get her on the pc! She'll make a lot of friends here.

Hi all.
Thanks for the new messages :hug:

Well, we turned up at the hospital, to be greeted with an apology, and there's no appointment for you, sorry.
So she naturally got even more upset and worried, and eventually a midwife came along and had a good chat with us.

She checked out her latest blood tests, and confirmed there's nothing at all to be worried about.

We also got an appointment to see a consultant for another scan etc, on Monday.

So all in all, a bit of a let down, but the middy did make us feel LOTS better, and our little one is still kicking away!!!!! So hopefully, Monday should make us feel even better and relax.

Thanks again,

I'm glad your wife was a bit reassured by the midwife. Shame about the mix up with the appointments though. :(

Good luck for Monday :hug:

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