Just wanted to let you know...

So sorry for your loss, thinking of you and your family. He's at peace now. Just remember to look after yourself at this difficult time xxx
Thanks everyone.
Funeral is tomorrow, so we're just rallying around his mum atm making sure she's ok.

My husband is being so strong! We're going to see the body in the church today for the first time, and I'm dreading it! I'm trying to be strong for my husband but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my emotions in check when I see his dad lying there.

Thanks for all ur kind words everyone xx

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So Sorry to hear this... wish you and your OH all the best!! If you need anyone to talk to we are all here. :Hugs: xxx
Aww JayJay, really sorry to hear this. Hope you & family are keeping as well as possible at this sad time. Hope the funeral goes as well as it can. Take care xxx
So sorry to hear this lovely, sending you all lots of love xxx
You and your hubby's family will be in My thoughts and prayers tomorrow Hun. Hugs x

Just wanted to pass on my condolences to you & your DH at this sad time.
Unfortunately, my FIL passed away 8 weeks ago after a very short illness and it has had a profound effect on all of the immediate family. There is no easy time to grieve the loss of someone so close, but I found the emotional strain from the pregnancy left me feeling like I could not be the strong support to my DH & DD that I needed to be.
I hope you can be strong for each other at this time and allow yourself some breathing space to ensure that bubba does not get too involved in the stress of the situation. Take care of yourself and each other.
hope the funeral goes okay tomorrow. xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your father in law hun :hugs: hope tomorrow is as ok as it can be x x
Hi Jayjay, just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you today, hope all is going as well as it can be x

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