Just spat a mental and had to leave office.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Worse thing was I got wound up about the air con sit in the office. I didn't even speak to anyone I just got myself wound up thinking about it. Gone outside for some fresh air and promptly burst into tears. Please tell me other folk are feeling hormonal too, this defo would not have occurred of I were not PG. I am really even tempered and rational normally. Just about calmed down now.
Haha aww big :hug: Ninja! I'm the same, it normally takes a lot to wind me up or upset me but lately I've been getting worked up over the smallest things! I couldn't find a pen that worked this morning and ended up crying about it lol! I also threw a hissy fit because I couldn't find my babybel! Thought somebody had scoffed them all but turned out they'd just fallen behind the butter :rofl:

But yay! We're due date buddies! xx
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Yes defo hormonal here hun :hug: I'm normally laid back & chilled but I've been a were-witch since being pregnant! Like you, I keep it to myself, then let the flood gates open, and no one is the wiser :lol:

Hope you're ok. x
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Oh Hun bless you

You are NOT alone! I can assure you! I have worked for the same company now for over 5 years and not once have I argued or caused any remote atmosphere with anybody (I work with 600 people) and in the space of 2 weeks I have managed to pick a fight with 2 people. Go me!

I deffo think its hormones but I do have an excuse for one of my arguments lol.. SHE STARTED IT! :D
I NEVER swear least of all at work but the 'F' word has slipped out a couple of times now and I've been at that stage where the tears are welling in my eyes and I just 'have' to go and check something in the stock room!!!

And last night for no reason I burst into tears in bed????!!!
Ormmm Cazza! Tut lol

My cursing has become incredible bad recently!

There is words I will always always refrain from saying but the F word has cropped up more than once this week too! Ha.. Even text my OH saying *F OFF"

ooooooo i know how your feeling ladies i threw a hissy fit at my hubby earlier because he didnt tell me something and then he laughed at me!!!!!!!!!!!! which ultimatly made me worse *sigh* xxxxx
im sure you were well within ur right, every office has 'air con politics' :hugs: xx
I cried earlier because my OH was being too loud putting the dishes away when I was on the phone to my Grandad...:roll:

Hope you're ok now :hug:

Awwwww thanks girls. I feel much better now. I'm glad I'm not alone, was going proper mentalist this afternoon. It's about my third outburst in three weeks, I was ok before then. Just glad I 'contained' it and didn't embarrass myself.

All ok now :)
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Im the same this past week felt a "rage" building inside of me! Screamed at a young lad on pavement on a bike

Then yesterday managed to fall out with my mum and dad in space of bout 2 hours! At that point said to hubby im going out, grabbed car keys n went had no money/phone anything! xx

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