Hey sweetheart.
I know how stressful it is being pregnant after a mc. You have to protect yourself and try not to worry because it won't do you or the baby any good.
I have some tips for you that may help
1. Do not compare with last time, it won't tell you anything. All pregnancies are different, even ones you have yourself. Some you might get cramps, others you might not, you might feel sick, you might not. You might have really sore boobs, you might not. Any of these scenarios are valid and neither mean something bad is going to happen. Trust me, I have spent many a night worrying because I haven't had cramps and haven't felt sick as much. It does you no good.
2. Don't compare yourself with anyone else. For mainly the reason mentioned above. I used to get down reading posts saying I am feeling sick or my boobs hurt etc when I was feeling fine myself. If you are not experiencing that symptom don't worry about it. Your mind will play tricks on you and will be constantly searching for either reassurance or something to make you worry. It is very draining but we have to try and ignore it.
3. Don't google. Google has information on every eventuality and your mind (whilst searching for reassurance/or something to make you worry) will twist every little piece of information you read and you'll end up worrying. If you have a concern speak to the GP or your midwife.
4. Trust in your body to do it's job. I really struggled with this and thought a lot about things that might be wrong with me that means I can't carry a pregnancy.
5. Trust in the statistics. Having 2 miscarriages in a row is really very rare. You have a much greater chance of going on to have a baby after a mc than you do of having another mc.
6. Take each day as it comes. Each day ticked off without incident is a day closer to meeting your LO. If things are going to go wrong, then trust your body will give you a sign. I worried immensely that the baby had died and I was going to find out at the scan. MMC are very rare, even though I technically had one my body did give signs that there was something wrong.
7. Have a scan if you think it will reassure you. I am of a split opinion on early scans after a conversation with my midwife. If you think seeing your baby will reassure you and you won't worry again afterwards then that's great. I however worked myself up into a right state before the 10 week one I had and then again at the 12 week one. This was because my mind was constantly searching for 'bad news' utlimately.
I somehow managed to survive the first 8 weeks so you can too hun. My body and mind went into protection mode. I effectively tried as hard as I could to ignore the fact that I was pregnant. I didn't go to the docs until 6 weeks odd. I didn't read my books/information. I didn't tell anyone. I went to the midwife late on and didn't read the information she gave me or send off the forms she asked me to send until afterwards. Last time I fully submerged myself in all of these things and it made it very hard to deal with a mc because I was so wrapped up in being pregnant. I guess this was just my way of protecting myself against the worst. It has helped in other ways because I am only now starting to accept I am pregnant and I am almost halfway through.
Big hugs lovely.

I am sure it will all be fine this time. xxxx