Just one of THOSE days!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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I am having one of those days today. Everything is irritating, upsetting or just generally annoying!

Started off with both the trolls wetting their beds last night (They're 4 & 6). Then came teh school bus being early, me running like a womble for the escort to then say 'Oh we're not leaving till 25 past, so don't rush'

The traffic lights had the sun shining on them, so couldn't actually see if the green or red man was on or off. Then stupid German driver woman beeps her horn to tell me to cross (with a pissed off look on her face!) Germans are ignorant w**kers! Pedestrians & cyclists ALWAYS have right of way so I was panicking anyway being a very, very busy junction about crossing!

Go to the local shop & stupid German woman in front won't let me go first all I had was a bunch of bananas & a small bag of doggy food. She had a bloody trolley full! :mad:

On the way back from shop, the traffic lights at the junction were actually broken, so which meant the red & green man lights were off too. So I was stood panicking about trying to cross, yet everyone just drove where they wanted & didn't stop for us pedestrians. Until a big truck stopped & hooted for me to cross (finally a nice German!) This set me off in tears.....

I got home & laid on sofa ALL day. Then I get up to go kitchen & find the neighbours dog in my garden ripping up all my yellow(recycle items) rubbish bags :mad: rubbish everywhere...So not only do I feel shit, I can't go in the garden as the dog can be a bit wary towards people (scares me) so off I trot to let her know that he's in the garden & ripped open the rubbish. Didn't offer to clean it up....So a job I really don't feel up to doing today I had to go do!

Now I'm waiting for hubby to come home so we can go get some food shopping & I just know that will entail in me walking round in tears!

I just want a big bottle of wine & a good cry! :shakehead:

aawww hun it all happens at once huh xxxxxxxxxx
It sure does happen all at once. I Hope Mr G can cook dinner tonight as I really cannot be bothered to do anything today. I can't believe I have sat on my bum ALL day long. So not like me! :(
Your emotional well being is just as important as physical in my opinion. If you feel like doing nothing tomorrow then do nothing.....there'll be plenty to do in a few weeks xxxxxxxxx

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