just not ment to be this time


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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My scan yesterday ddnt bring the re assurance i was expecting, it was bad news and in fact i'd had a missed miscarriage, So this is just a little note to say goodbye to number 4. and to just hope that the next scan shows everything gone so i dont have to go thru more hospital crap while feelin so low.
I'm really sorry to hear that Lyn, this is really sad news. Take it easy, and I hope the scan confirms that you don't have to have any medical intervention. My thoughts are with you xxx
I'm sad to hear of your loss Lyn ... wishing you well & *hugs*

im so sorry for your loss hun my heart goes out to you xxxxxxx
My heart sank when i read your post.

I went through a missed miscarriage last year and had a D&C a couple of days later. I know how empty you must be feeling and for it to be number four, i just can't imagine!

Sending you lots of love and hugs, if you ever want to chat feel free to pm me.

Claire xx
Lyn, I'm so sorry for your loss hun, take care of yourself x x

bev x x

im so sorry hope they do somthing for you thats alot of miscarriages cannot imagine.
Keep your chin up ,
xxx Katrina
Hi Lyn,

Thinking of you at this sad, sad time. Your im my thoughts xxx
Hi Lynn

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know just how you must be feeling as I myself have just had my third miscarriage. I have no children and was doing so well this time only to have this happen again.

Thinking of you

Keep your chin up thats what I'm trying to do.

Take care


Thanks everyone for your kind words, sorry its taken me a while to reply, ive been just goin thru everythin wonderin if there was anyway i could of changed it.
I don't want you to mis understand i have been very lucky, this wasnt my 4th miscarriage it was my 4th pregnancy, i have 3 beautiful children which i am so very grateful for especially after this.

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