Just need a proper sleep!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Oh gosh my sleep at the moment is horrific and im so tired :(
Example is last night- probably had about 6 nightmares, got up to wee about 4 times, heartburn waking me up, can't breath properly due to my nose being crap due to hormones or whatever,which also makes me snore like a train and pains in my sides when I wake up from sleeping on them ( oh and my ears randomly pain too if I fall asleep on them so have to use alternative sides!) am I the only one this is happening to? Luckily I'm on maternity leave or would def struggle at work but im having to sleep during the day for hours to compensate my lack of sleep :/ ne 1 else getting ne of these? It's basically an everyday thing now ;( x
Awww hun, I feel for you.:hugs:
I was the same in the last few weeks. I'm finding I'm getting more sleep now she's here, hopefully you'll be the same! If there's one positive to it, at least you'll be a bit more prepared for the night feeds!

I'm the same, I wake up so many times to pee, or because I have to move because the side I'm laying on hurts too much, and once I'm awake that's it, I'm awake for ages because it takes forever to fall back to sleep!
yeah pretty much the same with achey sides...general tossing turning and not getting comfy. Visits to the loo and acid reflux! Gaviscon tablets are good for the heartburn x x
Doc prescribed me the liquid gaviscon which is horrid so saw strawberry chewwy ones in boots and got those but they don't seem to help! :( x
It's driving me nuts, the pains down the sides are awful, as for the heartburn well just thinking about it makes me wanna cry!!! I'm managing to control it with rennies, and cold milk so far.

I'm propped up with pillows from all angles but even that doesn't seem to help anymore. Xxx
Feel for you girls-my sleep was rubbish for most of my pregnancy. My advice would be rest in the day when you can. Have to say that once G arrived I actually slept better and deeper even though he wanted feeding every 3hrs. Sorry there isn't a cure- my midwife told me it was my body preparing me for dealing with a newborn- not what I wanted to hear at 15weeks pregnant! :)
I could have written that! I'm the same, and for some reason this last week, the toilet trips have gotten worse! Three times I had to go this morning before I left for work and about 4-5 times in the night! I'm just going to start wetting myself coz it's easier than trying to get out of bed.. haha. ( joking but it would be so easy to do.. :lol:) I've also been waking up with pins and needles in my arms and hands, I must be sleeping on them or something, its really annoying . Hopefully not too much longer then the little monkey will be here and its dad can look after it during the night so I can catch up on 9 months worth of a comfy nights sleep.. :) can't wait!
i get up at least 6 times for a wee. get the achey sides to but otherwise im not too bad at the mo. have the odd night where i just dont get any sleep. finding im having to go to sleep abit later as if i go around 10.30 which i used to lo decides to get wriggling and stretching. which is very uncomfortable and keeps me awake. xxx
Hang in there, it will all be over soon.

I'm sleeping more now Owen is here then I did before. Now I lie in bed thinking how unbelivably comfy it is! It's worth the wait just to appreiciate just how heavenly bed is.

It is good prepartation though. I can't imagine how I would cope now doing night feeds if I had gone straight from 8 unbroken hours to this.

hey im with u sleepy girls to sleepy all day long till i get to bed then im up and down for toilet and at times im just awake for no reason x
Hey, me too... I am getting maybe three hours a night if lucky, but am struggling to get to sleep; can't turn head of, am feeling anxious... am so tired, my tummy hurts when laying down and turning over is painful sometimes; I am struggling big time, but am so bored as well... is horrid..

I have bags under my eyes and seem to have no energy; I am also keeping my OH awake so he is tried as well... poor man!!

It's quite stressful isn't it!! I've felt off alll day today and haven't done much but now I feel lazy !! It's all worth it of course and I suppose getting us ready for night feeds but I also feel sorry for oh as when I do sleep I sound like a fog horn - I've developed awful snoring and he said to me the other night if u snore like that when baby is here you wil keep him awake!! lol
It's quite stressful isn't it!! I've felt off alll day today and haven't done much but now I feel lazy !! It's all worth it of course and I suppose getting us ready for night feeds but I also feel sorry for oh as when I do sleep I sound like a fog horn - I've developed awful snoring and he said to me the other night if u snore like that when baby is here you wil keep him awake!! lol

I know that one! when my other half was working day shift for about a week, he comment on my snoring a lot!.. :shock: . i didn't even know it was that bad until he said. Thankfully he is back on nights so I can snore away again without feeling guilty. I can only think I'm like that just now because my nose has been blocked this whole pregnancy and bleeding on and off. I really hope it goes away once the baby is here as i've never snored in my life!
I know what you mean im having trouble with my joints so the pain from that alone could keep me awake but then i have heartburn and a very active baby at night .
I also had the ear problem after 2 nights of them being painful i went to the docs and apparently i had really bad cattarh build up. It was not infected but apparently can turn infected really fast so he gave me nose spray to clear it and antibiotics and they are feeling so much better already (i only went on Tues)
Me too! & dead hands & arms :( although the past week Ive been exhausting myself by cleaning so Ive slept better x
Looks like I'm set for another crappy night :( acid reflux is keeping me awake oh and already been for a wee at 1am and 3am ! Ears and sides hurting and woke up from a dream along the lines of something from pirates of the carribean where I was swash- buckling and fighting with swords !! But no jack sparrow boo. so destined for another groggy day tommo fab :( x

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