just had a chemical - 3rd loss!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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first cycle after my 10 week mc - I wasn't told to wait to try and didn't feel we wanted to - so tried - and I had spotting 10dpo and then it stopped 11dpo - so tested and fot a BFP on a FRER and Tesco own and IC test - my temps have been low and today were lower - and I woke up with a migraine like I do sometimes when AF comes - and sure enough I started bleeding bright red early this morning - and an IC test is now BFN..... so looks like a chemical pregnancy.

can't believe it! I thought AF was here on 10dpo so prepared myself mentally for next cycle - then got the bfp - now it's gone again....my head is all over the place.

Have a family party today at my house - for my Sons birthday that was Tuesday. Am busying myself getting house ready etc.
Aww I am so sorry for you :( It's horrible to have it taken away so quickly. Big hugs :hugs: Hopefully the party will keep your mind off it for today. Thinking of you xxx
Try to get through today and enjoy the party for your son, Tuesday book yourself an appointment with the GP.

I was referred to RMC after my 3rd loss.

Big hugs

I was thinking 'i wonder if they will class this as my 3rd mc! but then thought what if they just lecture me and say i should have waited to try again after mc etc - not that I was told to by EPU constultant.

I'll see how I feel in a few days - i may go to docs.
oh no hun thats terrible news.
Def go to see the gp, doesnt matter that it was a chemical was still a loss and your third. If you wasnt told to wait then dont see how they can have a go. Im sorry this has happened again, im still trying to move on after 2nd mc, been ttc now for 2 monthes and still waiting for BFP. thinking of you
Iwant3 I'm really really gutted to see your post I really hope u get ur sticky bean soon it's such an emotional track and having to do it 3 times is awful and must be heartbreaking my thts are with you xx
So sorry iwant3 it's identical to my story 2 late losses then a chemical well I was actualy 4+5 so technically wasn't a chemical was an early mc I actualy blocked the whole thing out couldn't handle it and it did help me I don't count down the weeks like I did with my other losses it was like it didn't happen cos I blocked it out beginning to think I did summet realy bad in a past life to be death this shit all the time :-( .... Big hugs xxx
Aw hun :(

Im so sorry this has happened to you! Gutted to be reading this :(

I really hope you get some answers and a sticky bean soon :( :hug: xxx
So sorry to hear this Iwant3!!! :-( This happened to me exactly the same as you, straight after mc and got two BFPs followed by AF the next day. I was so angry, so I can imagine how you're feeling.
Hope you're doing ok xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Hun. I hope you get some answers and a sticky in the near future. My heart goes out to you xx
Awww no :(, sorry to hear about your loss hun!. Ive had 2 chemicals myself so I know how mentally draining they can be :(
Thanks ladies - i'm just glad I have all of you to help pick me up when things like this happen!

Jojo - i think i said through the tears something like 'what did i doto deserve all this!?' i too have kind of blocked it out, pretended that day didn't happen and just taking this as my AF and ttc as normal.

I'm going to see GP about it, but try not to hope too much that they will do a lot to help. I guess least i can hope for is some blood tests.
So sorry i want x do get it recorded, they recorded my 4 plus 4 chemical as early mc.

Dont wait, just count first full day of bleed and if your head and hearts up to it , go again. I bled until cd11 and ov was slightly delayed by two days, but your still primed and ready hun x
Sorry to hear, similar is happening to me but i think il give doctors a miss cuz don't want them to think im lying? Argh its so frustrating. I googled chemical pregnancy n it was described somewhere as 'the cruelest joke ever' i wasnt expecting to get a pos test but was elated and then clots start and test lines fade and your emotions take so many turns in such a short space of time its exhausting!! Hope you're ok xxx
They won't think your lying hun xx it's always best to get it on your record. Did you test before your period was due and then get your period at your normal time?
I started spotting a week before period due n i just had a feeling, so tested with quite a strong line (2tests) considering the time and then bleeding got heavier and redder with small clots and now the positive line has faded so much it almost isnt there :/.

I know but u know what drs r like, in my experience anyway they just wanna get u out the door and no doubt il start blubbing, they might not even consider it a 'proper' one anyway. I dunno, i hate medical places xxx
Well I suppose you know your own GP and how you feel about them. A loss is a loss hun no matter how early on you were and it's heartbreaking xx
Booo, just saw this sad news. I'm really sorry hun. Fx for next time. Big big hugs xxx

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