Just got in from a&e

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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What a night!! Katie woke up at 11ish screaming and with a horrible barking cough. Setted her back down then she did the same a few minutes later but tonnes worse and was finding it really hard to breathe. I was shitting myself and couldn't decide between the emergency docs or a&e but she was getting worse so off I popped to a&e! Thankfully OH was staying so he could watch ella! Managed to get hold of her dad who was "busy" but he came down too. Typically the moment we walked in she got better!

The doc said she could have just had a bad dream or something cos all her obs were fine, scared the bloody life our me tho!! And in 2 hours ella's going to wake up :wall: eating a maccys tho which makes it all good :)
Poor Katie :( So glad she's ok :hug:

Your last line did make me smile though :lol:
Oh no! Glad she's ok, you can't take any chances with a LO can you, hope you get some sort of rest today! :hug:
Kids eh? Nowt but a worry. Typical that she got better once you got to hospital. Hope you managed some sleep chick and I hope katie is ok xx
You did the right thing taking her down, wouldnt want to take any chances! Maccys breakfast...mmmmmm.......
Thankfully ella slept in til 6ish and I got a bit of kip on the sofa once she'd had her milk :blush: got to go back up to the hosp in a bit to drop OH off at the fracture clinic - I swear I shouldhave my own parking space there :lol:
So glad katie's alright x x
glad all is o.k just noticed the times on the posts do you ladies not sleep??
fairydust, us mummies get no sleep :lol: I'd have never have thought 6am would be classed as a lie in !
glad shes fine i would have done same, cant be too careful. xx
Anything to do with breathing I'd be straight there all a panic just the same, you did the right thing, even if kids end up making you look silly. ooh I'd get up early for a maccy D breakie- good plan

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