Just got back from the hospital very scared!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi so today i had an appointment with the hospital guy (i have forgot what its called) and he has really scared me,
As soon as i got in he was like right your BMI is high (bad i know) so we will be putting you in high risk pregnancy and we will probably induce you at 38 weeks, we need to do a glucose tolerance test and another scan, and then he put me on vitamin D tablets.
He made me feel like crap and really panicky he basically said i hadn't been given the right amount of folic acid (how was i to know) and that i should have got these vitamins, i explained i asked the doctor for vitamins and he said i didn't need any!
He made me feel like a terrible person and that they where having to do all this extra because of me (which i suppose they are) but i feel really bad right now... I'm having to see the hospital and my midwife extra too,
As the midwife has known since day one my BMI so why didn't she warn me about all this? I thought it was just a check up sort of thing not all this- i asked if my blood pressure was raised and he said it was fine but it will probably go up... he also said the baby may be too big and that's why it will have to come early but its bang on the average mark on the scans... I'm so confused can anyone give me advice? xx
how rude it sounds as tho he is assuming that your bmi is high you will get everything which is not true at all yes you may be at more risk of things due to bmi but he is saying it as if you already have it. Im sure loads of women wiv a higher bmi have trouble free pregnancies. Also how were you to know about vits?
Why did u seen this guy? Was it a referral from your midwife?

The appointment just came through the post i don't know why- It really panicked me that everything will go wrong.. i said to him 'so what if this glucose test goes ok' he just said 'well we will see you a lot between now and birth' sort of saying i may need inducing anyway.
He was saying we are going to induce etc.
I went to the doctors and asked if there was anything i could take because how sick i was and he said no- it wasn't like i didnt try...
Also i said 'is the glucose test just a blood test?' and he like snort laughed and went 'what else would it be?' really shitty -- i was only asking what the test im having is how would i know what they do!!

On the plus side listened to heartbeat and baby had hiccups lol x
What a pig!!! I wouldn't mind betting his wife made his life a living hell during her pregnancies and now he's taking it out on everyone else.
((((((redbear))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
What a tool! I'd put in a complaint about his attitude and the way he made you feel! None of it is your fault at all, you are in the care of your GP and midwife and if they haven't picked anything up then you just have the opinion of this horrible man. A high BMI may well mean that you are more likely to get other things but it doesn't mean that you will! And in no way should he have made you feel like that. Hope you feel better soon hun xxx
I always knew I would be under consultant care due to my BMI. I will also have the Glucose Tolerance test as they class a high BMI as a higher risk of gestational diabetes and pre eclampsia. Your mid-wife should have discussed this with you earlier and prepared you for it. I'm guessing maybe you saw a consultant and I'm sorry he was shitty with you because those sort of experiences really undermine your confidence. However if I was you I'd contact your midwife ASAP to discuss your appointments and maybe even make a complaint because you should have been kept informed.

I had an antaesthetist review last week which I was expecting where they check you and see basically if they think they could give you an epidural. I was left angry and upset by this because the doctor talked as if it was a forgone conclusion that I would have a C-section and his first question was of have you opted for an elective c-section at 38 weeks! He then went on to say that I had to make a decision there and then about whether I would allow them to give me a spinal block if need be. He asked me various questions about my birth decisions based on what I had been told by the midwife. I had to inform him that no such discussion had so far taken place so I was ill-informed. I was very annoyed that I had been put in a situation where I had to make very important decisions without having the necessary information. I will be discussing this with the midwife at my next appointment.

I still intend to go for a natural birth unless there are medical reasons nearer the time which means that I can't. I am starting pregnancy yoga, swimming and walking to get match fit iykwim. I am seriously thinking of using a doula as I've read that they can increase the chances of having a straight forward labour.
Okay i am not going to start asking people what their BMI's are but mine was 34 in the last pregnancy and is slightly lower in this one but not by much!

i had a perfectly natural delivery with no mention of induction or c-section!

I did get a SVT (superficial vein thrombosis) in my leg because i had SPD and didnt move much during the later stages, but that was because of my legs not purely because of my BMI!

actually there is NOTHING to say a large lady cannot give birth, i mean i can only comment on my own BMI and not someone who is massively bigger than me but I honestly think this person has just scared you needlessly. You have choices here and i dont think you need to be induced at 38 weeks! Thats ridiculous! your body wont be ready to give birth and you may end up with a very painful labour and end up having to have a ceasarian!

horrible horrible man!
how awful, id have asked to see his superior. ive a BMI of 40 and my mw says it shouldnt be a problem just have to do the glucose test but would of had to anyway as my dad has diabetes. ive got an app in november to see the anaesthetist at my hospital and im hopeing hes nice lol
thats shocking.

In my first pregnancy i had high bmi and i had no issues i did have dd pre-term but that wasnt due to my bmi and she wasnt massive either. I had the GTT Test and was checked for pre-eclampsia and all was fine.

This time im under consultant as my bmi is high but i intend on natural birth as i did last time. if anything this time my bp is lowest its ever been!
i thought everyone has the glucose test, im having it in a few weeks time?

i would put a complaint in about that, its appalling treatment, what an arsehole! xx
Sounds like an arsehole Hun, You shouldn't be made to feel like that. Awful
The appointment just came through the post i don't know why- It really panicked me that everything will go wrong.. i said to him 'so what if this glucose test goes ok' he just said 'well we will see you a lot between now and birth' sort of saying i may need inducing anyway.
He was saying we are going to induce etc.
I went to the doctors and asked if there was anything i could take because how sick i was and he said no- it wasn't like i didnt try...
Also i said 'is the glucose test just a blood test?' and he like snort laughed and went 'what else would it be?' really shitty -- i was only asking what the test im having is how would i know what they do!!

On the plus side listened to heartbeat and baby had hiccups lol x
What a knob laughing at you!
I'm not booked in for a glucose test yet. I do have another hospital appt on 5th october but apparently that's out patients?

He made me feel like a 40 stone women who was bed ridden and started talking about how if they don't may baby could get this that and the other and could die... he actually said that! I was almost crying! Who tells someone ther baby could die unless there is a good chance? My husband said i should have stuck up for myself but its hard when its a doctor who you trust.

My BMI is 39 although i have lost 11 pounds since getting pregnant so it may be a little lower, my midwife is actually larger than me (im 6ft and a size 20) and all she said was that with a high BMI i would have two midwifes thats all, if she had prepered me for what he was going to say it may have shocked me less but im really worked up about it now, He was acting like i was doing it on perpose if that makes scence. Im going to the midwifes on the 10th October so im going to have words with her then about how he made me feel.
Thanks for the support ladies im loving hearing people going through the same its making me feel better x
Bmi is a load of crap anyway! It shouldn't be used to measure body fat as muscle weighs more than fat! Body builders have high bmi!!

Its apalling how he has made u feel, think some of these 'professionals' forget how big an event in peoples lives and how scary being pregnant is!
Just to give you an idea about the glucose test, you fast from 11pm the evening before, they do a blood test then send you to have a sugary drink then test your blood again to see how your body has handled it. I have to have one due to having polycystic ovaries which puts me at a greater risk of gestational diabetes
What a complete arsehole! (Excuse my French...) Whilst it is, as far as I know, true that with a high BMI there is a higher risk of things like gestational diabetes and DVT and that is why they will class you as high risk and give you extra appointments, it does not mean that these things will definitely happen and that you can't have a natural birth. And it certainly doesn't give him the right to talk to you like that and make you feel bad about yourself, who does that idiot think he is, anyway! I would definitely talk to the MW about your experience, and if you need to be seen by a doctor again ask to be seen by a different one, as this one is obviously too full of himself to care for you properly and give you unbiased information. I hope you feel better soon, don't let that opinionated idiot get to you!
i thought everyone has the glucose test, im having it in a few weeks time?

I think it depends on the hospital you're booked with. I had my 2 kids at 2 different hospitals and am having this one at yet another one, and all of them did this glucose thing in a different way, 1 testing everybody with a Lucozade drink followed by blood test, the other testing everybody with a different sort of sugary drink followed by bloodtest, and the third testing only people who are considered to be at a higher risk of diabetes. I suppose at the end of the day it all boils down to budget, as ususal...
I really feel for you. The woman at my booking appointment was much the same with me. At the start of my pregnancy I was so nauseous that I hardly ate anything (lost weight) and was worried about the fact that the baby (thought at the time it was only one) wouldn't be getting enough nutrition. I mentioned this (after she had already said that my BMI was too high (wtf am I supposed to do about it at this stage?????) and said I was hoping to be eating more and better stuff soon as I was starting to feel a bit better. She sneered and said well you don't have to start eating for a million. I was gobsmacked, tried to say again that no I just wanted to start eating healthily and she just sneered again. I was nearly in tears when I left.

The stupid thing is, her name tag had a picture on that was obviously seriously out of date (she looked 20 years older than her picture) and she was about 6 stone heavier in the pic so had obviously been there before - you'd think she could relate a bit. She even made a note in my notes that I needed a size large arm band for taking blood pressure - I've never had to have a large one before and even since everyone else had used a normal size one. I think some of these people are just on a power trip..................

It's supposed to be the caring profession and I have to say about half the people I have had to deal with since being preggers have been wonderful - the other half really shouldn't be in the profession at all, just horrible, horrible people...............

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