Just got back from the hospital very scared!

Thank you ladies i have calmed down a bit now, he didn't tell me how they tested the sugar i only wanted to know and he made me feel like the biggest idiot - how am i ment to know how they test it could have been urine or heart rate or anything!
Its my first baby so im only asking so i know what to expect. The man who saw me had an accent (African i think) and maybe thats why he was so blunt with what he said to me, but he works with pregnant women all day so don't think thats a good enough excuse really, even with an accent you can be polite!
My husband is coming with me next time so if its the same doctor and he is out of order he will tell him not to be so rude, I have a high BMI and yes thats my fault but i don't smoke or drink or take any drugs so you would think they would be happy with me!!

Thanks so much for your experiences i honestly felt like it was a massive deal when really a lot of women seem to have the tests, even without a high BMI, If anyone wants to let me know any stories of Induction at 38 weeks feel free because i can't get enough infomation really!

Thanks again ladies ((Hugs))
he shouldnt have made you feel like that and its not your fault. this is my first pregancy too and of course you dont know what to expect! your not automatically going to know everything. have you thought about visiting your midwife again, explaining what happened and ask her to go through everything with you? i did this around 12 weeks because i was getting conflicting information about things and it helped me. x
I may actually do that- tho ill think ill wait untill my appointment because i don't go back to the hospital untill after then, although she never really seems to listen to what i say very much so if she doesn't im going to move doctors (ive moved house so going to eventually anyway) x
im not being bad but could of been the accent thing my gp and antenatal is like that too makes me feel really little when im there,and is blunt and acts like i should know everything already but because of him everything is moving along pretty quick when it comes to all my other appointments and he seems to be the same with the other docs when hes on the phone to sort out appointments. (they're always messing up my appointments) but at the same time he needs to realise you feel very vulnerable when your pregnant anyway so needs to get over his ways. its notfair him treating you like that. if he does again just say your not happy with the way hes speaking to you and its your first pregnancy and your just following what the other doc said aswell about vitamins. my gp never told me anything about vitamins i started using them after i read a post on here about them x
Yeh maybe your right but i really wish i had said something its not fair for him to act like that really, I actually went to the doctor and asked for vitamins because of how crap i felt (i said i would buy them from the shop if he would advice what was best) and he just said i didn't need anything where as the hospital said he should have known to put me on vitamin D from day one and they gave me too low a dose of Folic acid too, im just loosing faith in them all i dont know what to think x
sometimes you have to with docs. mine didnt tell me either they just told me when to stop taking folic acid and even when i started they had a go at me for not taking it as soon as i got my bfp but i wanted to wait to see if i was actually preg if that makes sense.even though they didnt do another test x
god what a plank!!! i hope you are ok. i have a high BMI - about 34 i think although i am also 6ft and a size 18/20 so i cant be that much different than you, and i got told by my MW i am high risk too but as yet i havent been sent anything apart from having to go for the glucose bloods in october - be prepared - it takes a few hours as you sit there when they have given you some drink and they take more blood to measure the levels or something..take a good book.my mw has been great though and has never once made me feel guilty about being big but i have seen on other sites some can be complete horrors and you can request a different person if you are due to see them again. good luck and be strong - they shouldnt make you feel bad at all - this is a wonderful time for you and they should be helping you to enjoy it!!

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