Just felt my baby kick properly for the 1st time!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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Yay!! Have felt some weird movement but no kicks yet, until just now when I was lying on the sofa cuddling with my 4 year old & felt an almighty kick!! :D :dance:

Im happy about it now, but am guessing I wont be when the little one is keeping me awake all night booting me in the ribs!!
Yay for you hun!! :cheer: :cheer:
How far are you now? Where is your ticker??
Thank you!!

I'm about 18 weeks (or just under), promise to get my ticker sorted asap (brain is mush at the mo)
LOL so we're nearly the same! :D :cheer: Whats your due date!?
Around the 21st November. Although both my previous kids were slightly early.
Oh i so jelious! Im due 17th November and havent felt a thing yet :(
LisaPink said:
Around the 21st November. Although both my previous kids were slightly early.
Im due 26th November so your over 18 weeks hun!! :D :hug: :cheer:
Yey on first kicks! wont be long till your moaning about your LO kicking all the time! but soo reassuring to actually feel them in you isnt it.
Very reassuring!! I look pregnant (well, I hope I do rather than fat!), I know Im pregnant but actually feeling the movement, kicks etc, makes it so real & reassures me so much.

Lea, you are right, I am over 18 weeks (all of a sudden its flying by!!)

Nori, Im sure you'll feel something soon, let us know when you do!!
Yay, I got a ticker!!! :dance:

Lea, Im 18 weeks, & 4 days. Must try & keep track of it, LOL!!

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