Hubbie felt baby kick!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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It was last night after we'd gone to bed and he felt two good kicks. :dance: .

Anyway he was very pleased as he's been trying for the last 2 weeks with no success and I'm happy now as I can stop nagging him with "what do you mean you can't feel it - it's RIGHT THERE!!!"

It occurred to me though that it must feel strange being someone else and feeling from the outside the baby kicking. I've only ever felt the kick of my own baby and though I have my hand on my belly I feel it more from my tummy so my brain doesn't really acknowledge the sensation in my hand - if that makes sense. Has anyone ever felt someone elses baby kick? What's it like?

Yay :cheer:
I was almost crying when my OH felt the baby kick,it was quite a special moment (lol only because I think, he thinks im lying when i say its kicking!).
I havent felt another baby kick from the outside, but my OH said it felt like a really strong pulse in my stomach (and then he asked if it hurt :lol: ).
I cant wait untill my OH can feel the LO kick i can feel it now, felt like it was having a party yesterday its getting stronger by the day. I keep telling him when i feel it but i want him to experiance it too its so amazing.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, so happy for you! I had a cup of mega strength hot chocolate one day and baby just went crazy... Neither of us got to sleep till 3 am and Ian was actually able to SEE it kick from the outside, not just feel it lol.
LOL cant wait till i experiance all that untill recently i havent felt pregnant at all and somedays almost forgot i was, but now if i ever am in danger of forget little one wakes up and lets me no its still there
Aww that's so cute :hug:

My DH had his head on my lap a few days ago and I suddenyl had a large movement across my lower tummy. He suddenly jumped up with a big grin asking if that was the baby.

Felt awful having to tell him It was a really strong bit of wind moving across my stomach :rotfl:

Charm said:
Aww that's so cute :hug:

My DH had his head on my lap a few days ago and I suddenyl had a large movement across my lower tummy. He suddenly jumped up with a big grin asking if that was the baby.

Felt awful having to tell him It was a really strong bit of wind moving across my stomach :rotfl:


How sweet LB! And its nice for the OH's to feel a bit more involved, must be less real for them sometimes.

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