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Baby kick??


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Hello all, have been busy recently so sorry i havent posted for a while. Just had a quick questions for you, i was lying on the sofa last night when i felt weird feeling in my lower stomach, i can only describe it as feeling my pulse through my stomach (i know i'm weird) it was very faint to start then got stronger then felt a little like something was stuck in there!! Do you think htis could have been the baby or am i too early still? I havent felt it again since but my tummy feels very heavy today...

wish you all well xxx
It could well have been! I felt mine at exactly 18weeks and 5 days! so very close to where you are!

It felt like a gentle nudging and bubble popping for me :D

Yes I think it probably was. I described as being like feeling a pulse but it's not regular enough.

Lovely isn't it? :D
I had that feeling it was like a strong pulse but my dr said it was the vibrations of my heartbeat as my heart was working double to what it normally does :(. Today I started having these feelings like bubbles popping in my belly so Im thinking maybe the dr could be wrong - well Im hoping so anyway!
Well the pulse sensation I felt was irregular and came and went every few hours and now are so strong it's like a small elephant partying inside me. If that's my heart I shouldn't be alive :lol:
If you think it was the baby it probably was so don't feel sad.
thanks Louise - think i will go with your opinion!! Hope it was, was beginning to feel like it wasnt real but now i have a reminder so thats nice xx
I had the same sensation a few weeks ago and not i know it is def the baby!

it it happening more and more frequently and i can feel it more. i lay on my tummy the other day and junior went mental!! also if i slouch too much he/she seems to get annoyed at the lack of space!!

The only way I can describe it in the early weeks of movement was like a twitching muscle as you couldnt really feel it on the outside dont worry a couple of weeks and it becomes frequent and strong enough to feel on the outside my little one decided to move last night just as I got into bed my tummy was solid where it must have been rolling over then promptly got kicked !!
I have a question for you ladies with experience :)

When you feel a kick, or a pulse, or a bubble, is it usually roughly at the same place, or does it change from one day to the other?

I think I am still early to feel my little one, but 3 times this week, I have felt which looks like what you have described, but it's always more or less in the same area of my bump...also, I tend to be a little bit bloated, so I cannot be sure of what it really is!

Take care,

Mel xx
mine are all over in the early days they were a lot lower down now they go up to my belly button, I always used to get the best movement when I was laying on the sofa or in bed, seems to get more active, now I notice it whatever I'm doing
Hi Melhoney

Are you feeling better now?

Mine were in the same place at first. I think if you think it's the baby then it probably is. It would be strange to suddenly start thinking wind/internal functions :D was the baby when you haven't before.


yes, i feel a little bit better but I still get this pain on my right side, like something is stuck there...I haven't heard from my blood test at the A&E, so I suppose it's ok, otherwise they would have called me!...Hopefully!

I am always focusing on my tummy, and get litttle bubbles at times, but I am not sure...it's probably too early, anyway. I am just being impatient!!!!!!!! :D

Mel xx
I must be a paradox of some kind..this bean of mine was kicking at eleven weeks. It was like bubbles popping or an elastic band hitting me at first. Now it's strong nudges. I felt it mostly on my left side early on, with a couple of complete somersaults...and now it's all over but mostly right or left with vigorous protests when I slouch or lean too much on my tum...it now responds to music and loud sounds too - not to mention my activity..I'm an infant teacher and have been dancing and marching around the room the last couple of weeks singing "Head, and shoulders, knees and toes..." This baby will be an authority on infant rhymes!


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