Just confirmed!


Sep 11, 2007
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I have had my miscarriage confirmed today, i knew in my heart as i had been bleeding, Id had a scan at 5weeks 5days and there was a heart beat which was so reassuring, but as the week progressed the bleeding got worse, i went in to the hospital where i had an internal, and was told it was a threatened miscarriage, but my cervix was closed! but that night i was in alot of pain and loosing clots, i also passed the sac. I guess i was still clinging to hope but today at my scan i was told there was no sign of pregnancy and that i had fully miscarried...
Right now i dont know how i feel......
So sorry to hear about your loss :hug:

We're all here for you if and when you want to talk about it. PM me if you want to chat.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Hon :( im so sorry...

There is no right or wrong way to feel all i can say is go with whatever your feeling if you feel like screaming do it if you feel like crying do it. Don;t hide it. It does get easier but it will take time.

Grant yourself that hon...

Lots of hugs and kisses
Im here if you want to pm me...

xxxx :hug:
aww hunny :hug:
i didnt know how i felt first...i just felt so empty. its the worst tiem rite now...i knew as soon as i started bleedin wot it woz even tho i didnt no i woz preg...i just had a feelin i woz n neva got a chance 2 test =[ the confirmation is the worst =[
il chta ne time hun...ur not on ur own =] pm me or email me netime =]
ThankYou everyone,

It was our first time, and i am worried that it will happen again!!!
I guess we will wait a few months and try again.
I love this site it is very reassuring to read everyone elses story and realise im not alone.
it is a hard time but i know we will get through it. :cry:
jo-jo said:
ThankYou everyone,

It was our first time, and i am worried that it will happen again!!!
I guess we will wait a few months and try again.
I love this site it is very reassuring to read everyone elses story and realise im not alone.
it is a hard time but i know we will get through it. :cry:

You sound really positive hun :hug:

It's a hard hard thing to go through I know. I'm waiting until after my first period to try and conceive again although I am already very scared about the chance of it happening again. The odds are well and truly in your favour though, honestly.

:hug: :hug:
Hiya hun so sorry for your loss :hug: :hug:

I can relate too you so much having lost my bean recently at just over 6 weeks

My advice to you would be to take each day as it comes, the first week after my loss i can say now looking back that i was numb, the emotions didnt hit me until i stopped bleeding

Take your time going back to work and take it easy it is really draining

I am always here if you need to talk just PM me

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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