Still waiting for my period


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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I sadly miscarried at 7.5 weeks. I started bleeding on new years day and passed the ges sac on 8th January which confirmed that I had miscarried fully because I had a scan afterwards. I still haven't had my first period and it's 5 weeks tomorrow. Does anyone know how long it takes to get your first period after a natural miscarriage?

Thank you x
Hey honey, sorry to hear of your loss! In terms of your period returning it really is an individual thing. They do say you should wait 5 weeks after a mc of no bleeding before you actually count any bleeding as a period anyway so that is fine for you. Hopefully it will arrive soon and your body is up and running again!
sorry bout your loss hun. im in same kinda boat as you, still waiting for my af over 4 weeks after my op to remove my lil baby.

the waiting aroud is annoying isnt it

dont think there is a set time for when it will return for either of us.

im wishing i had done some opks to see when/if i have ov yet, you now af would be on her way then.

fx it arrives for you soon hun xxx

I had an mc on 6th Jan and then had my first AF exactly 4 weeks later but it was much lighter than normally and only lasted 3 days. I did OPKs from CD11 last month but don't think I ovulated last cycle.

Still not sure what's going on with my cycle though - I had another bit of bleeding yesterday morning on CD9...! It's so frustrating when you just want to try again.

I hope AF turns up for you soon so you can get back to normal.
Sorry for your loss Hun :hugs:
My mc in april took me a long time to get back to normal I was 6 months before my body was right I had another mc December 7th and tried again straight away i ovd 5 weeks after mc and got my bfp 2 weeks later but if I had not been ttc af would have been 7 weeks after my mc

The best of luck hun I really hope you get your bfp soon xxxx
Hi hun, when I spoke to my Dr after my 1st miscarriage he explained to me that my cycle wouldn't start until HCg levels had dropped to not pregant levels. I was 10 weeks gone and had a scan the following week to check all had come away, I ussually have a 28-29 day cycle and it was 2 weeks late after MC so you never know AF could show up soon for you hun xx
It took almost 3.5 months for me to have a normal AF after my first m/c. But I was my normal 30 days after the second and third?

It depends how far long you were, if you needed medical intervention etc... So there is sadly no definitive answer :shock:

Just be patient hun and your body will right itself


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