miscarriage confirmed today

Aw Doll, I am sorry, as if this isn't hard enough, i hope all went smoothly today and it helps bring closure to this sad time for you and OH, :hug: Lv Yvonne xx
I just wanted to bring closure to this, and i am sorry if its too much info, it may be a good idea to stop reading now.

After hospital sent me home last wednesday they told me to call them if bleeding became very heavy or pains increased. During the evening i started bleeding quite badly and the pains were severe (too me) but i really didnt know if it was bad enough to go into hospital, took a couple of pain killers but they didnt have any effect and then started to vomit so OH phoned hosp and they said come straight in, by the time we got to A& e my pad was soaking and it was running down my leg, had to wait for a porter ( only a couple of minutes) but he took me to maternity instead of the gyny ward! obviously no one was expecting me on maternity! had to ask for another pad and then had the biggest scare of my life with the amount of blood i was losing, eventually got to the ward that was expecting me and the staff were so caring and kind, they gave me pain releif and put me on a drip and said would see how i went over nihght and do the proceddure in the am as it was now 10.00pm. pain releif took ages to kick in, nurse was quite concerned about amount of blood i was losing. i have to say that i was so embarrased, blood on the sheeets, nurses whipping down my pants to check the pad, changing the pad, and then the 2 docs giving me an exam with a spotlight, nurse taking me to the loo it all just adds up.
i was shocked at the loss of blood and passing the "clots" which to me were huge and jelly like and uncomfortable (sorry TMI)

Eventually decided i couldnt wait till the morning so at 2.00am i was taken to thetare, i then apologised to alll the staff for getting them out of bed i think i had really lost control of myself at this point! half an hour later i was awake and back in the ward, and felt so normal almost like the experience had happend to another person.

Allowed to go home in the morning with the doctors advice that i could start trying again next month (after next period).

Felt a little odd at first at home, didnt know what to do with myself told to rest but felt like a fraud.

i want to thank you all for your support and kind words and for letting me ramble away, it has really helped just to get things out and to put order in my mind about what happened,
hi hun :wave:

Im glad everything is ok now, im sorry you went through such a tough time its not very nice and i bet you were scared for a while but you did the right thing and you had lovely staff around you. :hug:

Please come and chat on here whenever you need to, unfortunately a m/c is not something you can get over easily it will take time, but we are all here for you if you ever need to chat, or you can PM me anythime hun.

Look after yourself :hug: :hug:

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