Just been camping.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Just been camping and it was our baby making window, we did manage this in a tent and in a field full of our friends but......i have been drunk for the last 3 nights/ days, beer bongs, Jagerboms the lot (still living my youth while i can :) ) Ive been taking Angus Castus and my folic acid religiously for the 14 days running up to to Ovulation.....will all this drinking have a negative affect?? xx
I am not sure but I wouldnt´t think so, how many dont get pregnant and had drinks without knowing they wer pregnant and everything turnde out okay? But I am no expert on that..Im sure it wud be ok :) xx
I'm sure you'll be fine chazza as alcohol wouldn't affect bubba till after ov once implantation has occued
Hi Chazabell,

I wouldn't worry too much I had a few cocktails and glasses of wine too this weekend and it was my OV too!

I asked the doctor and she said it was fine to drink up to the 2WW but she said don't drink after in case you are pregnant!

She also said to think of all the babys that are Honeymoon babys- I bet most people drink a lot on their Honeymoons and she said babys were fine.

Just be really good the next two weeks!

Good luck xxx
I wouldnt worry think of all them girls on jeremy kyle and they always manage to get preg frm drunken nights! lol. x
After 1 1/2 years of TTC we whent camping (and drinking...) for a weekend, and we concieved our son. So I would recomend it to everyone :). Hope it works for you!!
Loving the Jeremy Kyle comment! What a story to tell your child...
"Mum, how was i concieved?"
"Well son.....your dad and i chugged a beer each, shot a Jagerbomb then hopped into a tent in a field!" Ha ha.

Well August is looking very positive for us ladies, so lets hope its worked xxx
I'm going camping next weekend let's hope camping is a lucky omen type thing haha
Actually... I'm going camping too lol

Hopefully early next week - should still be fertile :D

Although we'll have the dogs too - dunno if i can get it in in front of the kids ;)

Anyone recommend any decent costal places?
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I think tents are very romantic places, zipped away in your cocoon from the rest of the world, the giggling as you try to do it in absolute silence (and make sure no lamp is on or you might cast a shadow show for the campsite to enjoy!!). We love to camp and definitely do more BD then than in our bed at home, it's just such an intimate environment and the sounds of the sea or of the night are a lovely backdrop.

Once I was complaining to my best friend that we dont do it enough except on holiday and she said "Why dont you pitch the tent up in the back garden?" LOL, I thought it was excellent advice.

As for drinking, well we are both quite social and yes we drink far more than we should. I do worry a lot that it might be a factor in us not conceiveing but my doctor didnt seem to think it much of a big deal, and pointed out (as the others rightly have) that it hasnt stopped an overwhelming majority of pregnancies that were, if not concieved after a few drinks, have been generally unaffected by drink, as most people do drink.

I want a count girls on how many people conceive in a tent this summer!! FX that I'm one of them too ;-)
I hope im one, ive been doing the baby dance since we came back too, i feel very luky this month ha ha xxx

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