Just angry


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2017
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:( I'm normally pretty easy going and not easy to get annoyed or angry :( But I feel like everywhere I look everyone is having babies...my university has always been a source of escapism for me but lately our WhatsApp group has been full of baby talk as one of the girls accidentally got pregnant ...teehee... :( I just feel so angry :( sorry I just needed to rant it out cuz no one else understands

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It is hard! Always annoys me when it's an accident..

my best friend from high school just had her fifth. I'm still trying for my first!! :(
I would find it hard to believe that many women havent felt that way while on the journey to conceive, I liken it to when you want or like a particular car you seem to see them everywhere your just tuned in to it that's all! And yes I totally agree some people just think (or not at the case may be) about getting pregnant and bam thanks very much two fat lines. Better to vent it than bottle it though, your certainly not alone!!
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Tell me about it. Today i want to knock people out
I know a few pregnant people but in my case I'm so glad. my brothers wife has just had a baby boy 5 weeks ago; one sil is due in November and although it's not official I'm certain my other sil is pregnant.

I'm relieved as I now feel like it's my turn. my sil commented a while ago asking me when I was going to try for baby two noting that I'd need to be quick as she'd "beat me to it" and I really do hope she is already pregnant as I move into my first month ttc, I'm not into competitions and races

can totally see why your feeling that way though, your turn will come
Yup this is all around me...everyone has a baby or is having a baby. I am so angry at my body for not working and angry at myself for getting angry. I just want to remember what it was like before ttc. I am trying to do more things to feel like I am working towards the goal.I am going to go for a private fertility scan as I dont have time to wait on the nhs year waiting list . Also tryibg reflexology too but yeah I am angry that some ppl can have 5 kids or as amny as they want and some can't even have 1
I could have written this post myself! lol I currently have loads of girls at work expecting and the pregnancy chat and questioning about when I'm going to have a baby is getting to me a bit! Somedays are worse than others and I can't help but feel so envious! I'm putting so much pressure on myself this month too as I have convinced myself that if I get pregnant now I could join in the chat and it would be so nice to share the whole pregnancy experiece with others. My cousin and OH's best friends wife are also pregnant so I can't really escape it. I'm just hoping that once I get my GP appointment over and done with it will mean a BFP is just around the corner for us! :)
It's so frustrating. Especially when it's an accident. A girl at work has just announced but she's not directly in my department although we see her a lot but I'm sure I'll just deal with it like I always do. Sigh.

Pidgeridoo - I think it's that being part of the experience that I find hard to be excluded from. As soon as someone announces, everyone who's been pregnant before just has to share their wisdom etc and it's just so isolating when you haven't been there yourself.

Alexis - that's good you're going privately for a scan. Hopefully it will just be reassurance but if there is a problem much better to find out early than wait a year to find out on the NHS. I'm sure I've said before, my polyp gave me absolutely no symptoms so I never would have suspected. I also know someone who found out she had polycystic ovaries after a scan which again she never would have known about as she had no other symptoms. Obviously not trying to scare you but the quicker you know these things, the quicker you can do something about them.
Sorry I kinda posted a rant then vanished...ive been finding it tough on here lately and also been working a tonne of hours. My OH have had a big talk cuz I was worried that having a baby right now would be impossible due to our life and work schedules and he's happy to basically rearrange everything and we made a plan of action to take once we find out I'm pregnant (No ifs!! it's gonna happen) my best friend has 2 kids and keeps asking me when I'm going to have some so they can play:(
I’m with you on this one we’ve been Ttc for over 18 months now had a whole loss of tests and 4 rounds of clomid and still no luck yet everyone around me seems to be falling pregnant it really is frustrating when you want it so much
Yep definitely concur!!! I have a WAGS group on WhatsApp of hubbys friends other halves and one of the girls has 2 kids and was asking advice last week because they had had an 'accident' said she had taken morning after pill and was worried hadnt worked. I honestly could have cried. When you want something so much and someone who has it is so dismissive. Then I wanted to punch her when he said their birth control was the pull out method!!!! And they had just got carried away one night pissed. Talk about red rag to a bull.

Then 2 days later one of my team announced he's going to be a dad. So pleased for him but his girlfriend works at our place too so I know it's going to be all in my face. It's such hard work emotionally x
I'm on a super rage tonight. Two more pregnancy announcements, another had 20w scan and is having a boy, another just found out today theyre having twins and another due in 12 weeks. Here I am getting out of work at 8.30 to get an hour and half train home in my stuck life. Shall I get on the train or jump in front of it when it arrives?
I'm on a super rage tonight. Two more pregnancy announcements, another had 20w scan and is having a boy, another just found out today theyre having twins and another due in 12 weeks. Here I am getting out of work at 8.30 to get an hour and half train home in my stuck life. Shall I get on the train or jump in front of it when it arrives?

I will jump with you. Crap day
I'm on a super rage tonight. Two more pregnancy announcements, another had 20w scan and is having a boy, another just found out today theyre having twins and another due in 12 weeks. Here I am getting out of work at 8.30 to get an hour and half train home in my stuck life. Shall I get on the train or jump in front of it when it arrives?

I will jump with you. Crap day
Can we hold hands?but seriously tho, what's up:(

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It seems like having a baby is the only thing in life where working hard at it, putting in time and effort and grafting doesn't get you there.

I just keep telling myself that nothing good in life ever came easy.
It seems like having a baby is the only thing in life where working hard at it, putting in time and effort and grafting doesn't get you there.

I just keep telling myself that nothing good in life ever came easy.
Exactly ...its still tough but it's going to be worth it hehe

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I'm on a super rage tonight. Two more pregnancy announcements, another had 20w scan and is having a boy, another just found out today theyre having twins and another due in 12 weeks. Here I am getting out of work at 8.30 to get an hour and half train home in my stuck life. Shall I get on the train or jump in front of it when it arrives?

I really feel like I'm being slapped in the face with pregnancies at the minute! Three of the many pregnant people around me at the minute are due next month and I am so dreading the new born baby pictures that will be flooding facebook! I feel like I'm turining into such a horrible person :( I hope my blood results tomorrow will be a good start in answering why we haven't conceived yet. I'm kind of oddly hoping that I will have something show up so that we can be getting it sorted as soon as possible. :)
I'm on a super rage tonight. Two more pregnancy announcements, another had 20w scan and is having a boy, another just found out today theyre having twins and another due in 12 weeks. Here I am getting out of work at 8.30 to get an hour and half train home in my stuck life. Shall I get on the train or jump in front of it when it arrives?

I really feel like I'm being slapped in the face with pregnancies at the minute! Three of the many pregnant people around me at the minute are due next month and I am so dreading the new born baby pictures that will be flooding facebook! I feel like I'm turining into such a horrible person :( I hope my blood results tomorrow will be a good start in answering why we haven't conceived yet. I'm kind of oddly hoping that I will have something show up so that we can be getting it sorted as soon as possible. :)

You definitely arent a horrible person *hugs@ :( I have been feeling like that too but its just a natural reaction. Its not like I would wish away their pregnancies or wish them to have trouble conceiving but I just want one too ... I know you are the same and don't wish harm on them so you definitely arent a horrible person. Fingers crossed for you, keep us updated and good luck xx
That's the same as me. I don't wish them any harm but it's difficult to get my head around these "accidents" when I want this so much!

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