Just a wee moment of clarity...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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As I sit with my feet up on the sofa...laptop on knee...reading away at posts on PF...with my hands resting on the top of my bump...baby moving around...its just dawned on me that I'm gona miss my wee bump and a quiet baby when she makes an appearance :lol:

Seriously though, I think that I'm gona miss my wee bump ladies :cry:

Anyone else feel like this? x

P.S. I bet y'all that tomorrow, I'll be feeling fed up and wishing for labour to start :rofl:
I'm going to miss my bump too.

I've had an easy pregnancy so far (I'm 36+3) and love my bump especially as I stored fat round my tummy beforehand it's been the only time I've worn tight tops!
i too love my bump, and keep saying to my OH i'm really going to miss it when its gone! the bump itself and being able to feel baby's movements! oh well i'm sure our babies will make up for the missing of the bump!
I have had an easy pregnancy too so far (feel genuinely lucky) but must admit that I don't think I will miss the bump - is that bad?! Purely because I have seen some nice bits and pieces that I want to buy that require no bump!

I am keen to get out shopping for some 'normal' clothes! Its only in the last week that I am seeing things in the shops that I am dying to get wearing!

I am also really really keen to be able to sleep on my belly again! Sleeping on my side just isn't the same. I also won't miss all the running to toilet to pee every 5 mins!
Hmmmm, I'm thinking at the moment that I won't miss my bump, but once its gone I prob will miss it! Just looking forward to holding my baby x
I miss my bump :( The kicks and watching it and having a little shelf for my hands. At the time 9 months seems like an age but in reality, 9 months is just not enough time!
I missed my bump loads after having Joshua!! Felt really empty inside and still had this huge pregnant tummy but saggy and squishy....yuk. Erm still had it 4 months later lol. This will be my last pregnancy so will make a huge effort to get rid of the flab quicker this time. 4 years and still calling my flab my baby belly!!! No excuses this time!!
having a little shelf for my hands.QUOTE]

That's exactly what it is :rofl: Cos I was sitting with my hands resting on it and that's when I had that "moment of clarity" :lol: x

Xcitedmum2b - Not missing your bump is not a bad thing at all. I just haven't been looking at clothes outside of maternity ones cos I'm scared that I won't fit into my own regular clothes soon after I give birth.

When I had my DS 14yrs ago, I ended up with a FLAT tummy and trimmer than I ever was before I got pregnant! I remember the physio who came to see me after in the hospital after I'd had my DS to tell me about exercises, and she couldn't believe how flat my tummy was :lol: Not much luck with that this time though...my bumps bigger this time around and I've eaten chocolate every single day since being pregnant! :lol:

Ladies, pondering over it, I think cos it took me years to conceive again after my DS, even though I would like to have another child in 1 or 2 years time...I have it in the back of my mind that this bump may be my last cos I'm 34 this year and the clock is ticking. x
Rubbish - I'm 39 - you're clock so not ticking yet!! I had Joshua at 36 and he was my first, this is my 2nd! Of course you can try for one more!! Go for it!!
Rubbish - I'm 39 - you're clock so not ticking yet!! I had Joshua at 36 and he was my first, this is my 2nd! Of course you can try for one more!! Go for it!!

I think its just concerning me cos it took me around 7yrs or so of trying to conceive until this pregnancy, but I must admit, I never knew about all the things you can attempt to help with conceiving.

However...I haven't experienced labour pain yet so I may be screaming "NEVER EVER AGAIN!" during this birth and that'll be that! :rofl: x

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