Just a few questions...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I keep getting really vivid dreams all the time about going into labour. I had one the other day about going into labour and i had to give birth in the middle of tesco. I had anotherone, I went to have a scan, and the midwife said she was going to put me into labour even though I was only 4 months pregnant :S Im not sleeping much at the moment because of these dreams, they keep waking me up. =/ Normall?
All I want to do atm, is slob out, I cant be bothered to do anything at all. I dont normally get up untill maybe 1pm these days and then watch tv for the rest of the day, but by 10pm I feel exhausted. Im only a few days of being in the 2nd trimester and I thought all this was suppose to end by then?
Also when do you useually start buying baby things? Iv already bought the pram as I got a bit carried away, Im just scared itll bring bad luck or something. So how long should I wait to buy the rest?
:hug: tiredness is undescribable isn't it! if i didn't have a toddler i too would love to stay in bed all day and sleep all night, you don't realise what its like until you go through it. your not quite in 2nd trimester yet, normally say from 13 weeks so hopefully in the next few weeks you'll start to feel more energetic. :hug: the waking up, its probably your mind working over time, sub conciously we have so much to think about and it manifests itself in wierd dreams and restless sleep.

i too have been having strange dreams some i don't remember i just kbow that they were wierd when i woke up in the night!! :D

i personally bought things after 20 week scan with DS as we found out the sex so knew roughly what we wanted, it depends how superstitious you are really.
Im personaly not that supersticious, but if it were to be all true that buying things to early is bad luck then I wouldnt like to risk it really. :think:
But Iv seen so many cute things I want to buy and its just so tempting :lol:
Are there any little signs that you can see or anything yuo can do that shows if your having a boy or girl. like myths?
Ive been having weird dreams too

And Im gonna wait til my scan until I start buying, but I did order a Thumper sleep suit thingie :oops:

The only myth about predictin gender I know is about tying your wedding ring on a piece of string and dangling it over your belly - but as Im not married I doubt it will do much good :lol:
fancying certain foods. savoury for a boy and sweet for a girl.

when i had DS that was tru cos i liked more savoury foods.
I keep getting cravings for Ice & Mash potatoe. Not mixed together though. Anything cold I can crunch up in my mouth really. I also had a dream I had a boy. I would love a girl though to be honest. But I dont mind whatever it is really, but a girl would be cute :)
One more question. Sorry I have quite a few lol
One day my stomache will look like its a bump (like now, when i sit down it stays in a round shape like a proper bump) but then the next day it will be flat again & when I sit down it will go into rolls not like now where its staying hard and round. and then the next day a bump again.
:think: Has anyone else had this? Is it normall? :?
i remember that from when i had DS its fine hun, even now i am getting tightenings in my tummy and i feel a lil bump and other times when its slack it just feels like the normal flab i have there :D

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