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Just a "feeling"


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Ever since I found out I have never preferred one sex or another and used to vision myself with both a boy and a girl...

For the past week or two, I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm having a girl... I can't even imagine having a boy?!

BUT, even saying this, I still really have no preference at all!

Does anyone else have this "feeling"?
Those who know the sex now, did you just "know" what it was?
I've had a feeling that I was having a girl right from the start and when I was at the hospital on Wednesday they told me that they are fairly certain it is a girl but they will find out for sure next month when I get another growth scan done. Bubba was upside down and back to front on Wednesday so it wasn't 100% clear! :lol:
I have gotten used to saying 'she' so it will be bizarre if they find balls next month and I'll have to start saying 'he'. :rotfl:
Right from the start i thought of my bump as a boy....
Thinking of boy names, didnt even have an girl ones until just b4 my 20 week scan!

I wanted a boy....

But couldnt imagine it being a girl...

I was made up when it turns out it is a little boy! :D
xjoann said:
I have gotten used to saying 'she' so it will be bizarre if they find balls next month and I'll have to start saying 'he'. :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: How funny!!

I know what you mean though, I'm kind of getting used to the thought of a girl and for some reason dismissing a boy :think: I really won't mind though which is the strange thing...

Sarah, how strange! I think we must just get an instinct or something?! xx
I thought I was having a boy and had been calling bump "he" up until my scan.
We didnt get to find out the sex but the scan lady did say "she" once and everyone who has seen the scan pics thinks its a girl.
Its totally confuzzled me now!! :?
I'm convinced we are having a boy. I noticed my ticker has mentioned it today.

I have always imagined myself with a boy and ALL family and friends think a boy also.

I would be shocked if it was a girl but not disappointed. I don't think my husband would be able to cope with a teenage girl, he would have a fit when the first boyfriend was brought home.

My incredibly hairy legs also get me thinking a boy :lol: .
Totally convinced baby is a boy! always have been, i think baby daddy would prefer a boy too and would give him more of a chance to bond with baby.
I Honestly dont mind if bump is a girl, i've been calling it he from the start, only because i dont wanna call baby "it" plus if its a gilr it'll make it easier not to see daddy in her every day.
I'll find out in just under 2 weeks whether i've been right all along, but everyone seems to think its a boy too
Hazel said:
I don't think my husband would be able to cope with a teenage girl, he would have a fit when the first boyfriend was brought home.

My OH will be the same! Plus when I told him they are certain we are having a girl he groaned and said 'now I need to get a higher paying job with TWO women around' :dance:

I will be shocked if they tell me it is a boy next month as I am getting very used to the idea of a little girl now but I will be far from disappointment! As long as bubba is healthy and happy! :D
From finding out I was pregnant I thought it might be a girl, and could see myself with a daughter but couldn't imagine me having a son. So it was nice when they said at my scan it was a girl :) not that i would have minded either way, but would have been surprised if they'd said boy.
OMG I had that. I really had no preferance, but everytime I imagined myself with a baby it was a girl, I couldn't picture a boy even if I tried. I was convinced it was a girl. But then everybody else was saying they thought it was a boy. My mum was even worried that I'd be dissappointed if it was a boy, so when we went shopping we bought some boys clothes to try and stop me thinking it was a girl.

Well I was right, she's a girl :) Were taking the boys stuff back on tuesday and swapping for girls.
I'm just the opposite ... I can't see myself with a girl, only a boy. I just have a weird feeling. I'm probably wrong... usually I am... lol.

I like the boy names we have on the list better than the girl names so far so that might be influencing my thoughts too I guess :think:
I have really only imagained a girl, but I think thats totally because, given a choice, I'd have a girl, for the simple reason the clothes are so much nicer!

Hubby frowns at me when I say she, he wants a boy! He's really worried that if it is a boy, I will be disapointed. I've tried assuring him I won;t be, I don;t mind either way really. Besides, we are planning on having another one relativly soon afterwards so maybe we will have one of each colour.

At the moment though, my bump is yellow, or, from what I've read on the forum, green! Babe is already being awkward and s/he's not even born yet!
i wanted pink from the start and panicked when i knew there was a blue. looking forward to hopefully getting pink bump as everything is getting referred to as 'she' now instead of 'them' it makes it easier to sink in as well.
With Harrison i KNEW he was a boy straight away, i refused to pick girls names and called him HIM all the time and i was right.

With this one i also KNOWi'm having a boy ( as much as i would love a lil girl) I kinda already know, i think if they tell me im having a girl i will faint.
Before getting pregnant, I always pictured myself with a girl. I couldn't see myself with a boy, but shortly after getting my BFP I had an overwhelming feeling that it was a boy. I started calling the baby 'he' really early on and in the last month or so DH started calling baby a 'he' too. I had my scan last week and they said it looks like a boy, so I guess I was right!
Lol, i was telling my mum last night that we're going to have a boy, i have no idea why, i just 'couldnt imagine it being anything else' lol. Maybe its a common feeling of thinking your having one or the other strongly in your mind. of course...im probably wrong, and if im right, well i had a 50/50 chance so ill put it down to fluke.
But i still have the feeling, that my baby IS a boy, it couldnt be a girl, because im not having a girl, lol.
When I was having my son. I was totally convinced I would have a girl. I said if he wasn't a girl, he would be very feminine lol

Then HE was born :) Did not feel even an ounce of disappointment. As he was healthy and I feel in love with him instantly.

So, this time I think the baby is a boy again. Way before my son knew I was pregnant he was telling people about the baby brother he is going to have who is in my tummy. I think this influenced what I think lol...I have told him now that he may have a little sister, so don't be upset. His response is 'if you have a girl, you need to get me my brother aswell' lol
When I was pg with Callum I just knew I was having a boy but stayed Team Green and I was right :)

With Caitlin I felt all along I was having a girl and this was confirmed at my 20 week scan.

This baby had me confuzzled... For the first 16 or so weeks I was certain we were having a boy, but then in the four weeks leading upto the scan felt certain that she was a girl. But yeah, after numerous scans she is most definately pink :)
from themoment we found out it was 2 i knew they were boy and girl and kept saying that the girl was on my left and the boy was on my right and when we went for the scan it turned out that i was right even down to what side they were laying!!!

It was the same for Oliver from the moment i found out i was preg with him i knew he was a boy....i also knew he was going to arrive b4 christmas(wasnt due till 17th jan) and even told the midwife that and out he popped on the 23rd dec!!!!!!
Its mad..

I know theres only a 1 in 2 chance...

But to get a feeling about something, then being right, is weird

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