***June 2016 Mummies***

Hey everyone!! New to all this as its my first time :) I'm 9 weeks and 4 days I'm due 4th of June very excited and scared at the same time xx

Welcome to the group and congratulations! Great group of ladies here.... So whatever it concerns, just share! Xx
Hi ladies, I hope you are all keeping well today. I've been busy at work the last couple of days but not feeling motivated enough for it which is never helpful lol, I've lost count of how long I've had the cold, I thought it had gone last week but it's back!

Welcome sjenkins and congrats, you have the same due date as me :) how have you been keeping so far? x
Hi and welcome sjenkins, congratulations on your first. Any worries no matter how silly you think they are just ask and we will try to help.

Morning ladies is it bad that I am excited for my eldest to be back in nursery today for 5hrs? He has been a complete nightmare recently and his pushing is getting worse. Ended up leaving soft play yesterday in tears after a mum came up to me and started shouting at me about how Harry was pushing all the other children :( Thing is he is a lovely polite boy otherwise so makes me feel as though I have done something wrong to make him the bully child that mum's warn their children about :( xx
Thank you so much! Nice to talk to other women who are going through the same thing as me :) I have a tiny bump its not hard but the last few days its just come out!! Scary xxx
Welcome & congrats Sjenkins:-) I'm due 2nd june but have a feeling they'll put me back to 4th. Have you had any scans or midwife appts yet? When's your 12 week scan?

Kanga, I know how you feel. About 6 months ago my DS went thru the same thing and once at softplay a mum came marching up to me accusing my son of pushing her daughter. I wasnt watching which made the situation worse as I probably should've kept a closer eye on him so we ended up leaving. I was quite annoyed with the mum though. It's not as if he was trying to kill her little girl! They all go through the pushing/shoving/hitting and even biting stage and it's just something they snap out of after a while. I say kids should be kids and sort out their differences themselves. I'm sure if you went back a week later it'll be her kid pushing yours. Yes, we need to teach them right from wrong and apologise etc but I'm so fed up with mums turning situations like that into such a drama! Kids (especially boys) play rough and will learn from it. Just my opinion;-) so dont worry hun. He's perfectly normal and will grow out of it. xx
Hey BabyMaker I had my midwife about two weeks and my scan is on the 23rd! Still doesn't feel real.... how you feeling?? xx
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Wow 4 ladies with scans on the 23rd!! I got excited thinking I had a hospital letter for my scan date today turns out it wasn't :(

Thank you babymaker, it does make you feel even worse when another mum confronts you with an issue your trying so hard to sort out. It was the same situation as I can't watch him all the time and run around after my 13m old too, don't know the full story behind him pushing.

Thankfully he had a great day at nursery and no pushing incidents which has made me happy xx
Welcome to our newest members hope your all doing ok.
I received our doppler today I had a quick go and heard noises but wasn't really sure what to listen for. Iv not watched some you tube vids and feel more confident to try again shortly. As I worry all the time I'm hoping we will hear it but I am still early 8+4 so will keep you up dated if I hear our baby xx
So 4 of us currently wishing our lives away until the 23rd lol. Don't worry Kanga I think yours will be the week before ours, I hope the letter arrives this week!

Blueclass, don't be disheartened if you cant hear it, I've read that a lot of people don't hear it until 10-12 weeks. I tried mine again yesterday and could hear the same as last time but I'm less convinced that it was the baby's heartbeat as it doesn't sound as clear as the youtube videos I've watched! I'm going to be patient and wait until Saturday (10 weeks) to try again xx
I tried again and didn't really hear much I'm going to wait till sat il be 9 weeks. Then maybe try ever other day or so. I'm not disheartened yet as I was doubtful to hear it anyway.
It's funny we are all wishing our lives away till 12 weeks then we will probably do it again for the 20 weeks scan and so on. I don't think the worrying ever stops
God I feel awful! 7.5 weeks and had enough! Think il be wishing the whole pregnancy away! Hope the rest of u are coping with horrible tri 1! I got a scan on Monday dating scan as they wont accept e private dating for some strange reason but at least I get to see it again! X
Bless you keeptrying14..... I felt so bad about three weeks ago I was being sick running to the toilet and now it seems to have cleared :) xx
I'll sure be glad when I stop feeling sick. I am a bit too terrified of two toddlers and a newborn to wish the whole 9 months away. I need time to prepair myself, lol.
Hey BabyMaker I had my midwife about two weeks and my scan is on the 23rd! Still doesn't feel real.... how you feeling?? xx

I have my booking in next wed's and scan on 23rd too! Wow there's many of us having scans that day:-)
I feel dreadful still. My cold is finally going (I think) but the nausea is still there. I read that our hormone levels peak between 9-11 weeks so hopefully they'll start easing a bit soon. Feel so useless - I've got so much to do but no energy to do it. DH does most of the work which is great but I feel bad. Hopefully I'll get a super energy boost in Tri 2:pray: xx
Hi everyone. I am in awe of anyone who can do early pregnancy whilst looking after children. I have never felt so ill and spend every evening curled up on the sofa, often crying about how rubbish I feel. Totally pathetic! Imagine if I had to care for young kids as well?! My husband is being amazing and looking after me so well, but I wonder when his patience will wear out... I'm certainly trying it.

Like everyone else, my scan can't come soon enough - it's not until 3 December though!!!
I felt like that last pregnancy thinking I can't even look after myself let alone a baby but you do just get on with it. I'm relying loads on husband and so far he is doing great plus nursery 3 times a week helps. I feel so bad tho she's only 15 months feel like she's missing out on me. I keep crying about it then thinking she won't remember this in the grand scheme of things xx
I was the same. In my last pregnancy i felt sick and wondered how on earth pregnant women managed with kids at the same time. But like Keeptrying said, you just do somehow. With, of course, help from family, tv and ipads;-)
My main panic now is how on earth will i cope with a newborn and a very energetic little man? Guess it'll be lots of tv and ipads.... Xx
Nursery rymes and childrens songs on youtube got me through the energetic toddler and newborn stage, lol. She learned her alphabet, shapes and counting from it too :).
Morning everyone, does anyone else have a problem sleeping at night? If I fall asleep straight away it's a deep sleep for say 3 hours. Then I'm up for hours trying to sleep again. Or it takes for ever to fall asleep then j wake up then sleep then wake up ect.. I'm now up getting ready for work but have a splitting head ache because I'm not sleeping. Xx

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