*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

You are deffo pregnant TT that is by far your best line I've ever seen , can't wait to see your digi I reckon you will get a positive on that with that line xx

Thanks so much Holli, ey do you think I should pop out now for a CB Digi weeks?
Im at work tomorrow all day? Be nice for oh to see when he gets home tonight later on?
Or shall I wait to avoid disappointment ? Xx

I'd be very very shocked if it said not pregnant with that line go get one you know your guna I'm working nights from 8pm but I'm guna keep me phone on me so can keep checking your updates :-) eeek I'm excited for you xx


No doubting it chick...that's a proper line on today's superdrug. With a line like that, I reckon you'd get a 1-2 weeks on a clearblue.

I am so so happy for you xxx

Awww thanks so much GG!! I know, FINALLY a proper line and a Digi!!
It can be done then? And the Superdrug's aren't dodgy after all!!
Haha xx

Nope...clearly not. When I got a negative on Tuesday that coincided with the positive OPK, I figured all of last weeks must have just been residual hcg hanging around. The LH surge must have told my body to sort itself out and I do think I ovulated as I did get quite an obvious pinch on Tuesday evening that lasted about 5-6 minutes. Then obviously Wednesday's OPK was negative.

So, my faith is restored in Superdrug earlies and I've also got 40 10miu internet cheapies so feck it, I'm just going to test every morning and satisfy my urge to do so rather than pretend to be cool and collected and wait a week, lol.

Who was I kidding saying I would resist anyway, :roll::lol:

I really am so so pleased for you TT. I have thought about you so often every day through the last couple of weeks as you've had such a rough couple of years...and you must be feckin warn out with all the blinking sex. So...now that you're preggers, can you please give yourself and hubby a bloody break before you spontaneously combust through friction :bd::lol:
Hahaha a that's hilarious! Definitely having a break for a while! We will both be quite happy with just smiling at each other in our cosy sweats knowing we dont have to catch an egg haha!

Glad your faith is restored in the SD earlies, they are really the best. But yeah those internet cheapies can help satisfy a poas urge.....how addictive is it?
I really dont mind the past couple of years if the eventual outcome is hopefully a viable pregnancy. Im actually over the moon to get a decent line!!
So you will probably catch soon anyway GG, I have no doubt, sounds like your fertile enough and have a healthy lifestyle.
Now then just to keep this bean in there! Xx
That sounds really promising treetrunks good luck!

It only takes one well timed go at it GG, don't worry if you only managed it once, you don't want to stop enjoying it or start thinking about it as a chore.

I'm still sticking out waiting for the end of my tww (monday) I'm ignoring the tests I did last week because they've confused me. I think I have probably had a chemical, but at the same time I am having unusual symptoms I don't normally have. Still having cramps, not quite the same as AF cramps (and I don't have them BEFORE AF, occasionally during but not before), I'm also having some back pain.... today I have been really hungry in between meals which is...ok not completely unheard of (I like my food lol), but still a bit unusual....

quite a lot of CM and a little bit of very light tan coloured spotting.... again not really normal for me before AF, and my mc symptoms stopped quite a while ago.

I'm bloated, I don't normally get bloated before AF, not much anyway... and today I was wondering if I was imagining it (and I probably am) but I felt a bit off, like the feeling you get when you may want to burp but it won't quite come up if you know what I mean?

Lovely how our bodies like to play tricks on us!

Bady dust to everyone.... we'll get there :)

You sound exactly like I have over the past few weeks. Go to my profile, search my started threads and read through my journey, symptoms and experiences over the pas, well 4.5 weeks really as I got a faint bfp at 7dpo so joined up here.

I believe I lost this pregnancy shortly after or even during implantation. I guess shortly after as that would explain the hdg hanging around for so long but...I'm guessing it was a good few days or a week before I had the spotting as that would help explain why I ovulated just a week later.

If you have had a chemical, you have every chance of catching again quickly. My best advise is to of course do any tests you need to do, but also, listen to your own body. Everything I have read has said I shouldn't have ovulated until at least this coming weekend but I had ewcm and a BIG hunch, so rightly followed it and dtd accordingly.

There is every chance you are pregnant. I even still have a 5% thought that I might still be as only spotted for 36hrs but I've got my head around it all and ready to obsess over this 2ww now.

Wishing you the very best. xx
Yes, terribly ambitious of me to try a weeks indicator clear blue as of course it was a stark Not Pregnant!
Anyhow god loves a trier apparently so I will give it a few days and try again.
After all I suppose im only 9dpo so I believe its a new pregnancy.
Oh treetrunks that looks so brilliant, I'm so happy for you!

Felt nauseated this evening on a meal out with friends after feeling a bit funny all afternoon, can't work out if I'm imagining it... probably just a bug knowing my luck :)
Yes, terribly ambitious of me to try a weeks indicator clear blue as of course it was a stark Not Pregnant!
Anyhow god loves a trier apparently so I will give it a few days and try again.
After all I suppose im only 9dpo so I believe its a new pregnancy.

No way you'd be up to 50miu at 9dpo. Remember it's designed to be used after a missed period...but I'd do exactly the same as you. In fact, I did, at 9dpo and got a big fat not pregnant, lol.

Stay happy...you're definitely pregnant :)
Yes, terribly ambitious of me to try a weeks indicator clear blue as of course it was a stark Not Pregnant!
Anyhow god loves a trier apparently so I will give it a few days and try again.
After all I suppose im only 9dpo so I believe its a new pregnancy.

Don't be discouraged you have the strongest line you've had and positive Superdrug's digi tests you are deffo pregnant xx
Thanks ladies, it was worth a try though! Still happy enough with my decent line! That's a miracle in itself lol!!
Going to take the Digi apart though....oh yes, still investigation to be done on that hehe.
It's like treetrunks crazy chemistry experiment here with pots and strips and tests!
Yes GG the 2ww is upon you, but really you will be able to start testing in 6 days again!!
And the merry go round continues.... I personally would put my money on you being pregnant again within the next couple of cycles. Xx
Oh treetrunks that looks so brilliant, I'm so happy for you!

Felt nauseated this evening on a meal out with friends after feeling a bit funny all afternoon, can't work out if I'm imagining it... probably just a bug knowing my luck :)

It's odd as about a week ago I was sick, felt sick, tired, even threw up one morning. But I genuinely thought it was a bug and it passed in 2 days. Not sure if it could have been pregnancy related....
Oh treetrunks that looks so brilliant, I'm so happy for you!

Felt nauseated this evening on a meal out with friends after feeling a bit funny all afternoon, can't work out if I'm imagining it... probably just a bug knowing my luck :)

It's odd as about a week ago I was sick, felt sick, tired, even threw up one morning. But I genuinely thought it was a bug and it passed in 2 days. Not sure if it could have been pregnancy related....

Loik at me and miilielaura!! Some feel nothing, some if us feel lots.

I'm going to start tomorrow with IC's as I have loads anyway and I'm not expecting anything for at least a week but I figure why not? Lol
Oh treetrunks that looks so brilliant, I'm so happy for you!

Felt nauseated this evening on a meal out with friends after feeling a bit funny all afternoon, can't work out if I'm imagining it... probably just a bug knowing my luck :)

It's odd as about a week ago I was sick, felt sick, tired, even threw up one morning. But I genuinely thought it was a bug and it passed in 2 days. Not sure if it could have been pregnancy related....

Loik at me and miilielaura!! Some feel nothing, some if us feel lots.

I'm going to start tomorrow with IC's as I have loads anyway and I'm not expecting anything for at least a week but I figure why not? Lol

Do it GG..scratch the poas itch :)
Yeah defo can get symptoms that early TT! I hate when people say you can't cause I 100% know I have had them that early lol my first pregnancy I wasn't even ttc and was on the pill and I felt so many symptoms that I just knew even though it should of been nearly impossible! (Wish I had that luck now lol). xx

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Haha I used to test from like 2dpo with cheapies even though I knew it would ofc be bfn haha xx

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More weirdness today. Felt a bit nauseated in the morning, lots of little burps all day... thought I felt a bit of a twinge in my boobs...

Of course, I could very well be imagining all of this....
Home now, yes GG the cheapies! If I have these in I end up doing virtually every other wee 'just in case' lol....
Im not testing today ladies!!!!! Going to wait till tomorrow to check with my other basic 25 mu Digi.
Trying to save money now im not as compelled to test every few hours.
My boobs are still sore and im taking the aspirin 75, feel a bit emotional and hungry (of course).
The thing I haven't had this time is any shooting pains yet, last month they were really painful.
If you go on the countdown to pregnancy symptoms at 'x' dpo it gives you loads of info and statistics, I found it really interesting. Xxx
Home now, yes GG the cheapies! If I have these in I end up doing virtually every other wee 'just in case' lol....
Im not testing today ladies!!!!! Going to wait till tomorrow to check with my other basic 25 mu Digi.
Trying to save money now im not as compelled to test every few hours.
My boobs are still sore and im taking the aspirin 75, feel a bit emotional and hungry (of course).
The thing I haven't had this time is any shooting pains yet, last month they were really painful.
If you go on the countdown to pregnancy symptoms at 'x' dpo it gives you loads of info and statistics, I found it really interesting. Xxx

Good going not testing today! What's the theory behind baby aspirin please? Xx
Got tons of ewcm today but my opk is no where near positive.. it's still worth dtd right?

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I would Millie just to be on safe side then your covered... go get him :-) ... good luck xx
Thanks thea, unfortunately no Coops near me at all! So far there seems to be a problem with ALL blue dye tests, (according to general consensus of opinion) so switched to pink dye Superdrug and now apparently these give 'evaps' so all that is left is Frer or digitals? Asda? Xx

I don't think they do...the superdrug that is. The day I got a positive opk, i got a very negative superdrug early. All the previous weeks, I was getting faint lines.

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