*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

Well I'm out AF arrived this morning,gutted.onwards to next month I suppose. Good luck to all those still in this month xx
Awww no mrs cookie gutted for you I really thought it all sounded promising for you too xx
Thanks ladies,I was starting to get positive vibes but nevermind onwards and upwards. Lots of baby dust to you both xx
Do you think you could of conceived twins and perhaps lost one? That would explain the blood clot? Xx

Sorry just seen this Holli, im not sure, im just waiting for early scan again, be nice to imagine.
How are you doing sweet? Saw you had a very short period? Did you test? Xxx
Thanks ladies,I was starting to get positive vibes but nevermind onwards and upwards. Lots of baby dust to you both xx

I know what you mean. I've gone through all my notes and old posts on here over the past few weeks and I'm convinced that I lost the pregnancy probably before it really began. I'm thinking I git bfp on 8dpo with a faint on 7dpo, then I reckon implantation stopped in the next few days. I never git a proper positive on anything other than superdrug which are 10miu so the mist sensitive. The hormones obviously stuck around a while hence my still getting faint lines but if I take Monday/Tuesday ovulation into account, it's the only really likely way I could have mc'd and ovulated just one week later.

Fx I have caught this month but I won't believe I'm in a good pregnancy until I get positives on all tests!
Do you think you could of conceived twins and perhaps lost one? That would explain the blood clot? Xx

Sorry just seen this Holli, im not sure, im just waiting for early scan again, be nice to imagine.
How are you doing sweet? Saw you had a very short period? Did you test? Xxx

I'm currently ovulating:-) had ewcm yesterday and had to change me pants due to been too wet, had cramps in me faff since yesterday too and still wet today but no ewcm that I can see dtd yesterday and today and every day before that except Monday and Tuesday as was working nights so was shattered! Guna try and dtd tomorrow and over weekend so hopefully more than covered this month just hope missing Monday and Tuesday didn't effect it
I've been looking out for you today with you getting a positive digi yesterday xx
Do you think you could of conceived twins and perhaps lost one? That would explain the blood clot? Xx

Do you think you could of conceived twins and perhaps lost one? That would explain the blood clot? Xx

Sorry just seen this Holli, im not sure, im just waiting for early scan again, be nice to imagine.
How are you doing sweet? Saw you had a very short period? Did you test? Xxx

I'm currently ovulating:-) had ewcm yesterday and had to change me pants due to been too wet, had cramps in me faff since yesterday too and still wet today but no ewcm that I can see dtd yesterday and today and every day before that except Monday and Tuesday as was working nights so was shattered! Guna try and dtd tomorrow and over weekend so hopefully more than covered this month just hope missing Monday and Tuesday didn't effect it
I've been looking out for you today with you getting a positive digi yesterday xx

Haha I've been at work all day...but tested again (of course) and getting a bit more excited again!!
There seems to be a decent line progression so far and its the strongest Superdrug I've had! Lol xx
I might have actually gone beyond my usual ......
Do you think you could of conceived twins and perhaps lost one? That would explain the blood clot? Xx

Sorry just seen this Holli, im not sure, im just waiting for early scan again, be nice to imagine.
How are you doing sweet? Saw you had a very short period? Did you test? Xxx

I'm currently ovulating:-) had ewcm yesterday and had to change me pants due to been too wet, had cramps in me faff since yesterday too and still wet today but no ewcm that I can see dtd yesterday and today and every day before that except Monday and Tuesday as was working nights so was shattered! Guna try and dtd tomorrow and over weekend so hopefully more than covered this month just hope missing Monday and Tuesday didn't effect it
I've been looking out for you today with you getting a positive digi yesterday xx

Well, your chances are higher than mine, sounds like you have a few dozen million swimmers up there :dance:

We couldn't dtd last night. I showered and went to bed while he wad taking the dogs out. Next thing he walks in and says, "fancy a walk? He'd heard voices up on the hill and so, got dressed and at midnight we were up on the hill listening to a party happening about a mile away...sound really travels at night in the sticks :lol:

The horses all came to say hello on our way back down the field to the house, we ended up getting back in at 1am. He had to leave at 7 and I always get up at stupid o'clock for the dogs and horses so he showered (both hate going to bed dirty) and we both just looked at each other and knew it wasn't going to happen. So, only dtd once in the timeframe...either one or two days before ovulation so fx that's enough.

Really got my fingers crossed for you xx
That sounds really promising treetrunks good luck!

It only takes one well timed go at it GG, don't worry if you only managed it once, you don't want to stop enjoying it or start thinking about it as a chore.

I'm still sticking out waiting for the end of my tww (monday) I'm ignoring the tests I did last week because they've confused me. I think I have probably had a chemical, but at the same time I am having unusual symptoms I don't normally have. Still having cramps, not quite the same as AF cramps (and I don't have them BEFORE AF, occasionally during but not before), I'm also having some back pain.... today I have been really hungry in between meals which is...ok not completely unheard of (I like my food lol), but still a bit unusual....

quite a lot of CM and a little bit of very light tan coloured spotting.... again not really normal for me before AF, and my mc symptoms stopped quite a while ago.

I'm bloated, I don't normally get bloated before AF, not much anyway... and today I was wondering if I was imagining it (and I probably am) but I felt a bit off, like the feeling you get when you may want to burp but it won't quite come up if you know what I mean?

Lovely how our bodies like to play tricks on us!

Bady dust to everyone.... we'll get there :)
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Photos of course.....


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Also did the other Digi xx you can see yesterdays line isn't as good as todays and for a change there's noticable difference in 24hrs xx


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No doubting it chick...that's a proper line on today's superdrug. With a line like that, I reckon you'd get a 1-2 weeks on a clearblue.

I am so so happy for you xxx


No doubting it chick...that's a proper line on today's superdrug. With a line like that, I reckon you'd get a 1-2 weeks on a clearblue.

I am so so happy for you xxx

Awww thanks so much GG!! I know, FINALLY a proper line and a Digi!!
It can be done then? And the Superdrug's aren't dodgy after all!!
Haha xx
You are deffo pregnant TT that is by far your best line I've ever seen , can't wait to see your digi I reckon you will get a positive on that with that line xx
You are deffo pregnant TT that is by far your best line I've ever seen , can't wait to see your digi I reckon you will get a positive on that with that line xx

Thanks so much Holli, ey do you think I should pop out now for a CB Digi weeks?
Im at work tomorrow all day? Be nice for oh to see when he gets home tonight later on?
Or shall I wait to avoid disappointment ? Xx


No doubting it chick...that's a proper line on today's superdrug. With a line like that, I reckon you'd get a 1-2 weeks on a clearblue.

I am so so happy for you xxx

Awww thanks so much GG!! I know, FINALLY a proper line and a Digi!!
It can be done then? And the Superdrug's aren't dodgy after all!!
Haha xx

Nope...clearly not. When I got a negative on Tuesday that coincided with the positive OPK, I figured all of last weeks must have just been residual hcg hanging around. The LH surge must have told my body to sort itself out and I do think I ovulated as I did get quite an obvious pinch on Tuesday evening that lasted about 5-6 minutes. Then obviously Wednesday's OPK was negative.

So, my faith is restored in Superdrug earlies and I've also got 40 10miu internet cheapies so feck it, I'm just going to test every morning and satisfy my urge to do so rather than pretend to be cool and collected and wait a week, lol.

Who was I kidding saying I would resist anyway, :roll::lol:

I really am so so pleased for you TT. I have thought about you so often every day through the last couple of weeks as you've had such a rough couple of years...and you must be feckin worn out with all the blinking sex. So...now that you're preggers, can you please give yourself and hubby a bloody break before you spontaneously combust through friction :bd::lol:
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You are deffo pregnant TT that is by far your best line I've ever seen , can't wait to see your digi I reckon you will get a positive on that with that line xx

Thanks so much Holli, ey do you think I should pop out now for a CB Digi weeks?
Im at work tomorrow all day? Be nice for oh to see when he gets home tonight later on?
Or shall I wait to avoid disappointment ? Xx

Well, I think the clearblue digi is actually 25miu and the clearblue weeks is 50miu, so maybe wait a couple of days to do that one. That said, they are in a twin pack, so if it were me with those lines, I'd test now and not be bothered by a negative due to the strong positives you have, and then test again in a few days.

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