*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

oh no I wrote out a big comment to you and it didnt send :(

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Ah Nikkibiscuit, gutted for you but hope the second viewing goes well. Fx you get a bfp as well.

I'm now cd8...well, will be cd9 in about 9 minutes but, I was cd9 in the last cycle when I got a positive opk after an early/chemical loss. So, I took the strip out as I'm using clearblue digital and the test line is getting stronger but only very gradually so hopefully this last early/chemical loss hasn't created an odd cycle and I'm hoping I ov this weekend. I was scared of pos opk today again as Dan is away so obviously wouldn't work.

Fx I ov Friday onwards.

Fx to everyone else in your own struggles as well. Xx
Well fx we hanging in there Alexis and our bodies are just trying to confuse us. Never realised the July testing thread would lead into August mystery!

Fx for you topsy.....sounds promising!

Lots of luck and baby dust to everyone moving into August thread and cycle. I'm gonna hang here for a while until AF appears or I get some resolution x thanks for all the support ladies....so glad I found this forum x
Got an appointment at GUM clinic next Wed morning so mind testing a little easier that if no show by then hopefully can figure out what s going on x
Still no af...I duno what to think. How late can af be? Like thats its 4 days late now. Ive just mobed house 1 week ago ..not registered at a docs here. I will see what Friday brings!
Still no af...I duno what to think. How late can af be? Like thats its 4 days late now. Ive just mobed house 1 week ago ..not registered at a docs here. I will see what Friday brings!

Feeling your pain Alexis I'll be 8 days late tomorrow. Still no signs whatsoever. Gonna try and stop thinking about it until appointment on Wed when hopefully they can shed some light for me. No symptoms at all really for pg but then maybe if I am pg and hcg level is very low hence the BFN I guess it's maybe not enough hormone to kick off symptoms.

Head down arse up for me over weekend and planning nice day with hubby Sunday. Work in retail so weekend time off together is precious. Hopefully that will help me relax x
Im still here stalking you waiters, nikkibiscuit and alexis.
Best early tests are the Superdrug early in my opinion, only 10 miu so you should get a line if you have low hcg xxx
Gutted af turned up this morning 5 days late. I don't know why I let myself believe it could actually happen for us. I'm so fed up now. I feel so exhausted !
Gutted af turned up this morning 5 days late. I don't know why I let myself believe it could actually happen for us. I'm so fed up now. I feel so exhausted !

Sorry to read this Alexis, I totally get the disappointment. I wish there was a magic wand but the best bet is not to give up. It's still earlyish 7 cycles seems forever I know, but its really not.
I think look at agnus castus perhaps if its suitable for you or other herbal remedies people suggest?
I always feel hopeless except when I feel Im looking for answers/solutions.
There is a minefield of information out there to get your teeth into.
I know you probably want to cry and stamp your feet and scream its not fair, but there hasn't been any evidence yet that you cant conceive so dont go down that road.
Big hugs from me 2+ years in, you're not on your own but remember your still early days yet really in the grand scheme of things xxx
Absolutely gutted for you Alexis! Tree trunks is right don't give up hope. Everything that I've read days 12 months is average time to conceive so you are a way off even that yet. Biology can be so cruel emotionally leading us up the garden path. Sending hugs and moral support your way. Xx
Alexis, I am so sorry. With af being late and the things you were feeling, it is of course possible that you've had a chemical pregnancy, which many of us have had more than one of. It might not be that, but it is a distinct possibility and extremely common.

You're still early in the journey with regards to average conception times, so take whatever time you need for yourself, but do try to keep some positivity.

Bless you. Maybe try to do something relaxing over the weekend xx
Thanks everyone. It's my bithday tmrw and were going camping with friends. Hopefully I feel better. I still feel nauseous and dizzy and tired not to mention ny boob pain. Why do I feel so drained and yuk ...I don't get it. I honestly feel pregnant.
Thanks everyone. It's my bithday tmrw and were going camping with friends. Hopefully I feel better. I still feel nauseous and dizzy and tired not to mention ny boob pain. Why do I feel so drained and yuk ...I don't get it. I honestly feel pregnant.

I know what you mean, you can only test if you feel pregnant ? A chance of course that the bleeding isn't AF? But you can only test.
It's an odd one, I said to my OH last night I felt pregnant and he said "could be a phantom pregnancy" hahaha I said im not that obsessed it makes me feel sick! Lol.
Hope you have a nice weekend and spending time outdoors with friends gives you a pick me up xxx
Thanks everyone. It's my bithday tmrw and were going camping with friends. Hopefully I feel better. I still feel nauseous and dizzy and tired not to mention ny boob pain. Why do I feel so drained and yuk ...I don't get it. I honestly feel pregnant.

Bleeding isn't always af, but I would caution that even low levels of hcg can take a while after bleeding to leave the system, so symptoms can hang around a bit.

Go and enjoy your weekend and see how you feel next week xx
Hope you had a good birthday Alexis

My sanity is hanging by a thread. My GUM appt on Wed seems a lifetime away. Tested again yesterday with a clear blue cos couldn't get a frer and still BFN. Did evening test this time as suggested by treetrunks. Knew it would be BFN but think I was just trying to cling onto my sanity. Just hoping to find out what's going on Wed so can move on. Haven't DTD for 10 days now....OH not been in the mood and I've just felt so stressed by everything I haven't exactly felt sexy. Hoping if we can relax and restore some normality then things will come to light x
Well the witch has finally showed her face 11 days late. Wondering whether could be an early missed miscarriage hence so late. Totally heartbroken but guess at least it solves the not knowing. Cycle 3 here we come!
Well the witch has finally showed her face 11 days late. Wondering whether could be an early missed miscarriage hence so late. Totally heartbroken but guess at least it solves the not knowing. Cycle 3 here we come!

If you're normally regular then sadly yes, sounds like an early loss. It won't help you feel better, but around 70% of fertilised eggs fail, so it shouldn't be anything to worry about. Xx
Thanks GG hopefully just a promising sign that sperm can make it to the egg! Feeling gutted yet relieved as can now move forward. Bleeding is very Brown as present and slow flow so not sure if that backs up theory but will see if flows normal over next couple days. Time to join the August thread me thinks!
Thanks GG hopefully just a promising sign that sperm can make it to the egg! Feeling gutted yet relieved as can now move forward. Bleeding is very Brown as present and slow flow so not sure if that backs up theory but will see if flows normal over next couple days. Time to join the August thread me thinks!

Bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common so do another test after bleeding has stopped, just to be clear that it's negative and than you can be confident with where you stand. X
Thanks GG hopefully just a promising sign that sperm can make it to the egg! Feeling gutted yet relieved as can now move forward. Bleeding is very Brown as present and slow flow so not sure if that backs up theory but will see if flows normal over next couple days. Time to join the August thread me thinks!

Bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common so do another test after bleeding has stopped, just to be clear that it's negative and than you can be confident with where you stand. X

Going to see what tomorrow brings GG cos never been quite this light before. Had Brown discharge onto knickers when got back from 2 hour walk this afternoon. Put a pad on and in 6 hours haven't bled onto pad yet. 'Investigated and had brown/red on fingers so will see if this materialises into normal AF. May keep appointment on Wed if I'm still unsure after tomorrow. Talk about mind games. It's probably just a light one but got me wondering x

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