*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

Haha I feel like I've had such a rollercoaster this month what we the squinter of a line which must of been nothing..tjen the bloods saying no ovulation and then Fertility friend moved my ovulation day so I got bloods done on the wrong day. and the pain I thought was implantation must of been ov. so 8dpo today lol I speak to doctor tomorrow I think theyl tell me to repeat blood sap I hope I can do then at 9dpo rather than wait a momth xx
I am sitting it out. Its my birthday on Friday and going camping so will test then as will be 6 days late if I make it till then. I do feel very tired and just weird. I duno whats going on. Goodluck everyone x
Full respect to you Alexis for hanging in there. My willpower is zilch but going to test again in morning with fmu. Hubby wants to be here to support when I test....im such a fibber he has no idea I tested today lol confessions of a peeing obsesser. Never been so obsessed with my underwear lol keep thinking every time I pee that AF is going to have surprised me x
My boobs are so sore! I really hope Ff was right and just ovd late and I'm 8dpo instead of no ov at all xx
Well 6 days overdue AF and now 21 dpo and still BFN this morning. I just don't know what to do. Maybe just need to suck it up and give it a week or at least a good few days before testing again. Felt awful this morning showed hubby test and the glimmer of hope/delight in his face was heart breaking until I explained one line was no good we needed two.
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I'm so upset and frustrated this morning. Don't know what to do for the best so thought maybe booking docs appointment might help put my mind at ease.....fat chance. Docs have no appointments for over 2 weeks and receptionist told me 'over the counter tests are more accurate anyway' I was like do you think I would be frigging ringing you if I hadn't already tried that. And can't get through to the gum clinic where I had my coil taken out. Just want to crawl into a hole and cry...this not knowing what s going on is just a nightmare
I'm so upset and frustrated this morning. Don't know what to do for the best so thought maybe booking docs appointment might help put my mind at ease.....fat chance. Docs have no appointments for over 2 weeks and receptionist told me 'over the counter tests are more accurate anyway' I was like do you think I would be frigging ringing you if I hadn't already tried that. And can't get through to the gum clinic where I had my coil taken out. Just want to crawl into a hole and cry...this not knowing what s going on is just a nightmare

Oh bless you. It's such a horrible and frustrating time. You might be able to find a private gp locally who can do bloods for you but honestly, I think the best advice I can give you is to turn it all off for a week or so. Try to make a conscious decision to accept that you can't control what might be and just get on with living your life until something happens, be that a period, doing another test in a week or an appointment with your gp. It's not easy, but it is possible.

Remember that stress and anxiety can affect your cycle, so you might not be pregnant but you might be delayed in your cycle if this is taking over your mind.
You might have had a missed miscarriage, where you've lost an early pregnancy but your body is still playing catch up and hasn't shed it away yet.

You may be pregnant and not have enough hcg in your urine...and this is a really strong reason to take some chill time from it all as stress is the real enemy here.

Look after yourself. What will be will be and of course I want you to be pregnant, but I also want you to be okay in yourself so please give yourself a break. Xxx
Still going crazy. Tested this morning and BFN on Tesco cheapy. Was a blue dye one....didnt realise until after I had bought. Was planning to test again Tomorrow. Seriously considering going to docs if still negative. Or will they laugh me out at only 6 days overdue Tomorrow? CM is very white and thick. Just going out of my mind not knowing what a going on
Thank God for this forum....sorry for ranting ladies I know i should just be grateful I'm not technically out yet x

You could try an evening test? I find I get better results later on in the day.
Fingers crossed for you xxx

Thanks tree trunks. I bought 4 tests so might give one a go tonight or tomorrow night if test negative again in the morning. Hubby trying to support but I don't want to get his hopes up or mine so find testing alone sometimes less stressful. Not sure what anyone else does x

I would test again maybe 5pm, try not to drink too much before and make sure you use the dip method.
Which tests have you got? Any symptoms ?
Good luck, being so late is a positive indicator xxx
Still no af for me. Boobs still sore and Extra blue veins ALL over my body. I can't stop eating. No cramps other than if i sit or lie down a certain way. I am still going to wait till Friday on my birthday to test if af doesnt show. Some of OH family coming over to new house for 1dt time and Im cooking dinner and champagne had been bought. I can't not drink it or they will think I am pregnant..would a few sips be okay?
Still no af for me. Boobs still sore and Extra blue veins ALL over my body. I can't stop eating. No cramps other than if i sit or lie down a certain way. I am still going to wait till Friday on my birthday to test if af doesnt show. Some of OH family coming over to new house for 1dt time and Im cooking dinner and champagne had been bought. I can't not drink it or they will think I am pregnant..would a few sips be okay?

Ooh you must be excited now! Symptoms sound promising. I dont think a glass of champagne can hurt personally, especially if your eating too. Xxx
Still no af for me. Boobs still sore and Extra blue veins ALL over my body. I can't stop eating. No cramps other than if i sit or lie down a certain way. I am still going to wait till Friday on my birthday to test if af doesnt show. Some of OH family coming over to new house for 1dt time and Im cooking dinner and champagne had been bought. I can't not drink it or they will think I am pregnant..would a few sips be okay?

Ooh you must be excited now! Symptoms sound promising. I dont think a glass of champagne can hurt personally, especially if your eating too. Xxx

I just gave in and did one of those wee cheapy hcg test sticks I had 2 of them and its bfn? I've one clearblue one so will try again in few days but very weird as I feel so strange, tired and bbs so sore. Maybe the witch is just late. Doubt its possible to get bfp this late now?
No sign of af for me , have had a couple of possible early bfps or evaps so will retest
In a couple of days. X
Still no af for me. Boobs still sore and Extra blue veins ALL over my body. I can't stop eating. No cramps other than if i sit or lie down a certain way. I am still going to wait till Friday on my birthday to test if af doesnt show. Some of OH family coming over to new house for 1dt time and Im cooking dinner and champagne had been bought. I can't not drink it or they will think I am pregnant..would a few sips be okay?

Ooh you must be excited now! Symptoms sound promising. I dont think a glass of champagne can hurt personally, especially if your eating too. Xxx

I just gave in and did one of those wee cheapy hcg test sticks I had 2 of them and its bfn? I've one clearblue one so will try again in few days but very weird as I feel so strange, tired and bbs so sore. Maybe the witch is just late. Doubt its possible to get bfp this late now?

I dont know how sensitive those strips are? In early pregnancy I would go for any early test?
Asda do 2 for £3.50 and they're 15miu the same as First response early.
I would say of course its possible to get negative tests early on.
It's just a waiting game now, hope you enjoy your meal xxx
Thanks GG I promise I will try and stress less. I think whole life being up in the air with selling horse as well isn't helping. So going to so my best to chill for a few days, have someone coming to view horse again Thurs so if I can switch focus a little for a week that might help. I'm gonna try again to get an appointment at GUM clinic thinking they will be more helpful than GP....she did say hope we see you for your pregnancy test when the time comes when I had coil out as I had told her where planning to start trying in June.

Tree trunks....i have used first response early response on Tues last week which was 2 days before AF due. Then the same again on Thurs or Fri can't remember what day. Then used Tesco cheapie yesterday morning and this morning. Have one of those left. Didn't realise they were blue dye until I used it. Any suggestions on more sensitive test are very welcome. Going to try and ease off and let nature run it's course then maybe test again at the weekend if nothing happening still?
P.s. no other symptoms ladies other than missed AF at present and constipation for last 2 weeks
P.s. no other symptoms ladies other than missed AF at present and constipation for last 2 weeks

I have had awful constipation too along with sore boobs ...hunger and on and off weird pain in both sides at bikini line and I feel hot alot. ..Still no af .... I feel like this will be an awful disappintment. I am trying to just accept af is late as I am going to be gutted when she shows her dam face. I also look terrible...and feel tired constantly.

Hoping you have more luck than me nikki. This was 7th month trying for us.
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P.s. no other symptoms ladies other than missed AF at present and constipation for last 2 weeks

I have had awful constipation too along with sore boobs ...hunger and on and off weird pain in both sides at bikini line and I feel hot alot. ..Still no af .... I feel like this will be an awful disappintment. I am trying to just accept af is late as I am going to be gutted when she shows her dam face. I also look terrible...and feel tired constantly.

Hoping you have more luck than me nikki. This was 7th month trying for us.

Thanks Alexis.....have everything crossed for you. It's so hard when you are second guessing everything your body does. I have to admit although I didn't take falling pg for granted I did totally underestimate how hard to ttc bit would be x
P.s. no other symptoms ladies other than missed AF at present and constipation for last 2 weeks

I have had awful constipation too along with sore boobs ...hunger and on and off weird pain in both sides at bikini line and I feel hot alot. ..Still no af .... I feel like this will be an awful disappintment. I am trying to just accept af is late as I am going to be gutted when she shows her dam face. I also look terrible...and feel tired constantly.

Hoping you have more luck than me nikki. This was 7th month trying for us.

Thanks Alexis.....have everything crossed for you. It's so hard when you are second guessing everything your body does. I have to admit although I didn't take falling pg for granted I did totally underestimate how hard to ttc bit would be x

Ditto. I have always had tbe fear I can't have children and I told ppl this...now it's actually a reality. ...7 months and nada...we said of no babies after 2 years trying we would accept our fate... almost half way now. OH isn't kean on IVF as it split up a verg happy couple we knew go through it and fail.... it's a tough call.
P.s. no other symptoms ladies other than missed AF at present and constipation for last 2 weeks

I have had awful constipation too along with sore boobs ...hunger and on and off weird pain in both sides at bikini line and I feel hot alot. ..Still no af .... I feel like this will be an awful disappintment. I am trying to just accept af is late as I am going to be gutted when she shows her dam face. I also look terrible...and feel tired constantly.

Hoping you have more luck than me nikki. This was 7th month trying for us.

Thanks Alexis.....have everything crossed for you. It's so hard when you are second guessing everything your body does. I have to admit although I didn't take falling pg for granted I did totally underestimate how hard to ttc bit would be x

Ditto. I have always had tbe fear I can't have children and I told ppl this...now it's actually a reality. ...7 months and nada...we said of no babies after 2 years trying we would accept our fate... almost half way now. OH isn't kean on IVF as it split up a verg happy couple we knew go through it and fail.... it's a tough call.
Hugs Alexis

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