*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

Congratulations SK8, its hard to get decent photos of lines. Personally my lines are always stronger at teatime and its not a rare occurrence, not sure why but hey ho.
Im really tired now, haven't bothered testing yet today did the frer yesterday and got virtually nothing so chances are its slipping away again as a chemical, just waiting for a call back from the doctor to see about progesterone levels and whatever. Xxx

No point testing yet anyway as you do better in the afternoons.

Fx it's not a chemical. But...they've been the best lines you've had so hopefully your body is getting better at it. Xxx

Thanks, Hopefully af stays away, not feeling enthusiastic though, could get more Superdrug tests but im hoping for a line on a less sensitive test or a weeks indication digital. Until then I kind of feel 'half pregnant' haha. Xxx how are you doing GG?[/QUOTE]

"Half pregnant"...I know EXACTLY what you mean! That's pretty much how I feel right now. It's like I have all the same symptoms as last cycle, just at 5% capacity so it's not exactly inspiring confidence. Only 6dpo today so while I got a ridiculously stupidly faint line on an internet cheapy 10miu this morning, I am reading nothing into it. If I took a picture, nobody else would see it so I'm just going to ignore it and not stress over it.

Stress is the enemy, so I am kicking it up the arse!![/QUOTE

Nice to see those faint lines none the less! Good to keep hopeful and maybe it will progress in a couple of days! At 10 miu its possible, I dont know im good at line spotting but then I bloody should be haha! I dont know about symptoms I never trust mine really, I've thought I've felt properly pregnant before and 'different' but AF showed on time, nature is cruel giving us similar AF symptoms to pregnancy symptoms!! Xx
TT I feel lucky to never get af symptoms at all, so the past few weeks of feelings have been very odd for me.

Sat here now with my super decaf coffee and my left boob is pulsing. That's the best way to describe it. Get the odd uterine twinge but, at 6dpo, I guess I could be implanting now. I think I actually ovulated on Tuesday afternoon as the lh had dropped completely on Wednesday morning (I opened the stick and the second line was barely visible). So, sperm would have been less than 24 hrs old which gives a good chance.

As always, time will tell. Xx
I hope you both get a sticky bean ladies. I've got everything crossed for you
Just zoomed in on photo from yesterdays frer, maybe there is something there?
I think I see pink, but rechecked and I was 11dpo yesterday not 12, (as far as I know) but maybe im just getting my hopes up while my bank balance is going down haha!?

Missed this before. I do see a line and it does look pink. :) xx
Just zoomed in on photo from yesterdays frer, maybe there is something there?
I think I see pink, but rechecked and I was 11dpo yesterday not 12, (as far as I know) but maybe im just getting my hopes up while my bank balance is going down haha!?

Missed this before. I do see a line and it does look pink. :) xx
Thanks GG that's good to know you see it too, be right back im stuck with electric workman xxx
TT can see the lines on yours, I actually think I'm at least 12dpo maybe more which is why think getting a darker line.

Called GP to get referred to midwife but apparently don't get seen until 9 weeks and 5 weeks by date of last period so going to be a while til see anyone, wasn't sure if to go to gp because of bleeding but there is nothing they can do rather than see what happens so not sure I'll bother, so hard to get an appointment these days!
TT can see the lines on yours, I actually think I'm at least 12dpo maybe more which is why think getting a darker line.

Called GP to get referred to midwife but apparently don't get seen until 9 weeks and 5 weeks by date of last period so going to be a while til see anyone, wasn't sure if to go to gp because of bleeding but there is nothing they can do rather than see what happens so not sure I'll bother, so hard to get an appointment these days!

I got a mw appointment when I was only 11dpo as got bfp at 8dpo and called to cancel my smear test. I also saw her the following Monday as I was spotting. She's absolutely lovely but yes, as you say, just have to wait and see. They don't do bloods here so I'll just see her again on 8th August at a home visit. X
I think I'm getting implantation twinges. It's repeated little twinges in the same area on the left side. Not pain, not pulling, not cramping...just little twinges.

We'll see what the next few days bring. Xx
TT can see the lines on yours, I actually think I'm at least 12dpo maybe more which is why think getting a darker line.

Called GP to get referred to midwife but apparently don't get seen until 9 weeks and 5 weeks by date of last period so going to be a while til see anyone, wasn't sure if to go to gp because of bleeding but there is nothing they can do rather than see what happens so not sure I'll bother, so hard to get an appointment these days!

Thankyou ST, ahh right how much further along could you be? No I think EPU would see you for an early scan at 6 weeks if you were still bleeding? Apart from that its just a case of hanging about, testing lol!
What's the bleeding like now? Can you feel anything? Xxx
I think I'm getting implantation twinges. It's repeated little twinges in the same area on the left side. Not pain, not pulling, not cramping...just little twinges.

We'll see what the next few days bring. Xx

Ooh its exciting! I haven't had much of anything cramp wise, perhaps a few twinges but yes a few days ago. I was probably bombing around at work not thinking anything much of it. Last month I had really sharp pains but not this month at all.
Got a call back from my gp to say she will refer me for an early scan next week if tests still positive. Why do I always feel like an idiot talking to my gp? " Erm I think im pregnant again, or could it still be the last pregnancy? I have positive tests but I also have negative tests and faint lines and um, er, well........":eh:
Have you had any other symptoms? Xxx
I think I'm getting implantation twinges. It's repeated little twinges in the same area on the left side. Not pain, not pulling, not cramping...just little twinges.

We'll see what the next few days bring. Xx

Ooh its exciting! I haven't had much of anything cramp wise, perhaps a few twinges but yes a few days ago. I was probably bombing around at work not thinking anything much of it. Last month I had really sharp pains but not this month at all.
Got a call back from my gp to say she will refer me for an early scan next week if tests still positive. Why do I always feel like an idiot talking to my gp? " Erm I think im pregnant again, or could it still be the last pregnancy? I have positive tests but I also have negative tests and faint lines and um, er, well........":eh:
Have you had any other symptoms? Xxx

Ah bless you. Your GP won't think you're stupid so stop it.

Ummmm, just the odd boob twinge and spaces out feeling. Very tired as well.

Great day though. Interviewed last week for a job...call today and they want me to take a management role :)
I think I'm getting implantation twinges. It's repeated little twinges in the same area on the left side. Not pain, not pulling, not cramping...just little twinges.

We'll see what the next few days bring. Xx

I think I'm getting implantation twinges. It's repeated little twinges in the same area on the left side. Not pain, not pulling, not cramping...just little twinges.

We'll see what the next few days bring. Xx

Ooh its exciting! I haven't had much of anything cramp wise, perhaps a few twinges but yes a few days ago. I was probably bombing around at work not thinking anything much of it. Last month I had really sharp pains but not this month at all.
Got a call back from my gp to say she will refer me for an early scan next week if tests still positive. Why do I always feel like an idiot talking to my gp? " Erm I think im pregnant again, or could it still be the last pregnancy? I have positive tests but I also have negative tests and faint lines and um, er, well........":eh:
Have you had any other symptoms? Xxx

Ah bless you. Your GP won't think you're stupid so stop it.

Ummmm, just the odd boob twinge and spaces out feeling. Very tired as well.

Great day though. Interviewed last week for a job...call today and they want me to take a management role :)

Oh that's good news for you, nothing beats being your own boss. When do you start?
Yeah those niggly boob pains I've had for a while now and very tender boobs.
Tested again with other frer, much the same faint pink tinged line but nothing to get too excited about. No doubt if I used a Superdrug early they might be better but I was trying the Frer for a comparison.
Might have a day off testing tomorrow and then I think AF would be due Weds or Thurs but who knows? Xxx
Congrats on the job news GG!

Well, AF hasn't come yet... I've decided to be a real masochist and wait until saturday to test... I've got a busy week at work so I thought that may distract me and if there's no AF by saturday I'll poas.

Still a bit terrifying because, all these symptoms feel very real but could just be my body preparing for the mother of all periods after my mc mixed in with some sort of virus....I'm still feeling a bit under the weather you see...and also what if AF is just super late because of my mc...? I was very very regular before and, by those sort of cycle lengths today should be the day..... Eeek.
Congrats on the job news GG!

Well, AF hasn't come yet... I've decided to be a real masochist and wait until saturday to test... I've got a busy week at work so I thought that may distract me and if there's no AF by saturday I'll poas.

Still a bit terrifying because, all these symptoms feel very real but could just be my body preparing for the mother of all periods after my mc mixed in with some sort of virus....I'm still feeling a bit under the weather you see...and also what if AF is just super late because of my mc...? I was very very regular before and, by those sort of cycle lengths today should be the day..... Eeek.

Good news there's no AF!! That's the main thing really, not testing all week? That's absolute willpower xxx
Good news there's no AF!! That's the main thing really, not testing all week? That's absolute willpower xxx

I just....I feel like I'm either sick, or I'm pregnant.... and I don't want to test too early and get a false negative or...worse...just find out I'm just sick! :wall2:

Fx for us all...
Oh god I caved... and it was negative. I keep telling myself that my logic was sound:

a) I really don't know when AF is due
b) It's afternoon urine

So I should wait longer.... What an idiot >_<
Im literally almost the same as you, not particularly sure when af is due but going on a normal 28 day cycle weds or Thursday so you were a day behind me or so?

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