JULY Babies!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Hey all July mums to be.

Just a quick message to say how exciting it is to say we are all having babies NEXT month.

I'm also being sneaky - not meaning to jump in the way of the June ladies, but I'm hoping to follow the trend from a month or two ago when the person to start the monthly thread was the first to drop lol!

L xxx
Roll on July, that's all I can say.

I'm due on the 24th so even when june is over with I've still got a while to wait :roll:
wooohooo!! i cant wait!!

hoping its not to hot, cos im so uncomfy already.

cant wait to meet my baby, im so excited gals!!!cant believe its come round so quickly, this is crazy 8)

helllo july mummies!!xxxxxx :cheer: :hug:
Lisamj said:
I'm also being sneaky - not meaning to jump in the way of the June ladies, but I'm hoping to follow the trend from a month or two ago when the person to start the monthly thread was the first to drop lol!

L xxx

Sneaky :lol:

Next month we are all going to become mothers :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I can't wait to meet my LO.

Alex xxx
:shock: Lisa, you'll pop in June now!

Kaz started the April List and popped in March and I started the May List and popped in April...

You're doomed to board the pain train early I'm afraid :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Awww it's so exciting to think we'll meet our babies next month :D I'm not due til the 27th so I could even end up with an August baby! Can't believe how fast it has gone though!
Jade&Evie said:
:shock: Lisa, you'll pop in June now!

Kaz started the April List and popped in March and I started the May List and popped in April...

You're doomed to board the pain train early I'm afraid :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

He he - I wouldn't complain if I did! I'm classed as full term on the 22nd June so we shall see!

It is very exciting isnt it! :D
Im due 3rd July, but will be having this one in June, so im Queue jumping already :lol: Get a definate date on Thursday, then it'll be on countdown! :shock: :shock:
I don't wanna invade the July mummys but i have a VERY VERY strong feeling i will be one of you July ones to pop ( fingers crossed i will now)
Woohoo :dance: :dance: I am so excited, the first thing I said yesterday was I am going to have my baby next month!!!

Cant beleive it :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It is so exciting! Next month I'll be a mummy! :cheer:

I am due 22nd but I've got a feeling I will be early.
Im due 7th July. Think he's going to come earlier than that though.

Can't believe how fast time has gone and that im due next month :shock: :cheer:

I'm due 12 July so i'm just 34 weeks, but saw the midwife today and she put 3/5 on my notes eeek does that mean I'm going to have an early one or does thd sound right?

I'm due 9th July, can't believe how quickly it's going now!
Moofa said:

I'm due 12 July so i'm just 34 weeks, but saw the midwife today and she put 3/5 on my notes eeek does that mean I'm going to have an early one or does thd sound right?


Hi Moofa,

Unfortunately from what I've read, when they engage doesn't tend to make much difference to when they are born IYKWIM. You never know though!

L xxx
Oh No next month, i am still in denail that the pain train is so close. Still haven't packed the labour bag (and no one can make me so don't even try).

due on the 20th, but hopeing to follow family trend and be 10 days early.

Moofa said:

I'm due 12 July so i'm just 34 weeks, but saw the midwife today and she put 3/5 on my notes eeek does that mean I'm going to have an early one or does thd sound right?

Sorry to disappoint hun but my little boy was 3/5 engaged from 32 weeks and was still 14 days late :lol: It's a good sign that you're movin in the right direction though!
Sorry to butt in :oops: I'm not due until 8th Aug but the obstetrician may decide to C-section early (38 weeks) as I have a rather large fibroid...she also said there is a high chance of early labour. So I may be joining the July group. Kinda hoping that I get my due date though.
YAY :dance: :dance: Im so excited that someone posted this as its my month! O.k so im due the 31st but having a section and find out date next week so i will be earlier! Yippee :dance:
I'm with you Bubalo - I'm due in August but I'm having a section on 25th July so I'm queue jumping!

I'm getting married this month and having a baby next month. Ahhh! Life is like number 9 buses - nothing happens for years and then it all happens at once!

How lovely that we'll all have little bubbas next month :hug:

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