Josephs Funeral

I'm so sorry about your loss babe. I buried my little girl who i lost at 14wks i know that sounds early but i was offered the choice & she had a heartbeat got her scan pictures seen her on scan moving - she was my daughter & i chose to give her a proper burial.

I found the hospital & funeral place to be really supportive really good. When i had my little ones funeral it was just me & my husband that went to grave side - That was what i wanted. The funeral service brought her home to us for 3 days ( my choice ) & they brought her home in a black stretch limo & the man was in top hat & tails.

We had a priest is that how you spell it < come to the house the night before her burial, said a blessing & then he met us at the grave the following day & said a lovely prayer & we used earth & flower pettals to throw on her casket. A little white casket she had.

I also put a very tinny teddy inside her coffin & a picture of me & dh & i had a teddy personilised which i put on top of the casket at the grave side. If your not up to putting somthing in the casket yourself you can ask the funeral parlour to do this for you. We sent balloons off at the graveside up to the skys you can do this too if you wanted too.

It will be hard for you but it does get easier babe. ((( Hugs ))) Your little angel is with you in spirit & i will be thinking of you & baby joseph on the 6th march. Sending you my deepest sympthy & floaty kisses to heaven for baby joseph.

Hi Tee darling,

Just wanted to stop by and send you lots of love for tomorrow.

Keep strong sweetie and say your goodbyes to Joseph tomorrow - he will always love you just as much as you and your OH will always love him.

Thinking of you and hoping it all goes as well a can be expected

Sending you and your OH lots of love for what I know will be a hard day for you tomorrow.

You'll be in my thoughts xx
Thinking of you hun xx

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Thinking of you xxx

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Thinking of you honey xxx

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Lots of love and hugs today, hun. xxx
Hi girls....bit of a nightmare really. My daughter had to take her m8s little boy to school and she was late picking my mum up (her m8 was driving her) . My dad wouldn't wait as he said if we were not on time they might do service without us, so I called my daughter to tell her...she got upset as she didn't know way...then my dad got upset...and they had words...then I got upset....we eventually got there and asked them to wait for my mum and daughter. they were really lovely about it and said they would wait 10mins....I was in a panic as I really wanted my mum and daughter with me...but when I called them 10mins later they were lost! We had to go ahead and do service without them :(

The service itself was beautiful...Ga carried coffin down and we put flowers and teddies on it. Chaplin read some beautiful poems and prayers and it was all so very emotional and as you can imagine I sobbed and sobbed...however I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying properly as I was on pins hoping my mum and daughter would make it....sadly they didn't I just sobbed more.

After it was finally over my mum and daughter turned up about 20mins daughter sobbing her heart out, I felt terrible for her and it upset me to see her like that...but it couldn't be helped as they just didn't know the way and took too many wrong turns :(

The day just wasn't how I imagined it would be as I really wanted them with us.....I feel quite upset by it all and just can't believe things went wrong :(

I am worried for my daughter now as she has been depressed lately and I worry this will make her worse....she seems ok at the moment but then she hides her feelings....oh what a day!

This was the poem I wrote for chaplin to read:

Our beloved son, although we never got to hold you or look upon your sweet smile
The time you were with us was precious if only for a short while
We will miss not watching you grow or celebrate your first birthday
but I know we'll be together again, somewhere somehow someday
So sleep now little man and with the stars you will shine
and forever you will reside in your daddy's heart and mine x
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Oh Tee sweetie, so sorry to hear that your Daughter and Mum couldn't make the service.

I think you have to take comfort in the fact that you all have each other and even thoug Joseph couldn't stay he will know how loved he is....

Please try not to dwell on who was there or not (and make sure you Mum and daughter do not feel bad or guilty!) as you sound like a very close and supportive family.... You don't all have to be in the same roof to share love and grief sweetie!

Well done you for getting through today! Now go and chill out for a little bit

Lots of love

I'm sorry to hear that your mum and daughter couldn't make it hun :( try not to dwell on it too much, Joseph still knows how much you all love him. The service sounds beautiful, the perfect tribute for your little prince. Joseph will always be with you Tee. Stay strong :hug: xxxx
aww Tee so sorry things didnt go to plan but the service itself sounded beautiful :hugs: xx
Hi lovely, I've replied to you on FB but just read your poem here and wanted to say how beautiful it is.x

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