jelous friend is now pregnant!!

x kylie x

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Hey girls x

I am not sure if this is just my hormones or not but i am fuming!

Since i came off my pill in October 2010 and tried for my baby she was always telling me how she never takes her pills blah blah and she hasnt got the time to go doctors to get more... basically she has always wanted to fall pregnant to spite me! She generally enjoys making other people jelous by having things they cant! And because she knew i was struggling to concieve she rubbed this in!

My friend who thinks that she is in love after around 2 weeks is now pregnant... since i have been with my other half she has had 4 boyfriends and endless amounts of 1 night stands... it was only around 2 months ago she was on the phone to me telling me she had caught an std and had to txt all the guys to inform them..

She has always slept around without using protection and i always knew one day this would happen but today when i recieved the phone call it has really upset me/made me mad.

I just dont understand why she would find this good? she seems generally happy... even though all last weekend she was smoking/drinking ( apparently she already knew she was pregnant)

I know i have made 1 huge mistake in my past to be in the situation i am currently in ( Not knowing if my partner is my babys dad) But i used protection!!!! Uggh... just seems like if you do things right then you end up worse off than those that choose to keep being stupid!

I am really sorry to rant i just needed to get it off my chest :( Supose i envy her on one thing though... atleast she knows who her babys dad is even though he is a waste of space.
AWw hun hugs. I felt annoyed when I was ttc took us 2 years we waited til we were married and felt we did things the right way is it were and yet I couldn't fall pregnant. All around me my friends were having accidental pregnancies even abortions so I can relate your human hun

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Big hugs hun she doesnt sound a very nice person if she was trying to fall pregnant just to spite you when she knew what you were going through.

This is a bit different but one of the nurses that I work with has been trying for over two years and we had been trying since April last year and I felt so bad when I got pregnant and knew the difficulties she was going through I was scared to tell her I was pregnant shes happy for me but I dont like to talk about it that much when she is around in case I upset her xx

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