Jaxom Leland Edward 7/12/10


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2010
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So here goes, as many of you know I was aiming for a VBAC and was being induced on my due date as baby was small.
I called the maternity unit on Monday morning at 10am to find out what time they wanted me to go in, I was told to go in at 2pm as the ward wasn't busy and they would induce me as soon as they could after i got in.
When I got to the hospital the MW got me settled in and left me and chris to wait until they could get the prostin sent up to the ward, they inserted the prostin at 4pm and i was approximately 1cm dialated, it was explained to me that due to my previous section that prostin would be the only one administered to me that day and if nothing had happened by the evening then the consultant would re-evaluate in the morning when he did his rounds.
Anyhow nothing did happen at all, they checked me again at 10pm and I hadn't dialated, was showing no signs of contractions when they put me on the monitor so I was left for the night to get some rest and would see the consultant or the registrar when they did morning rounds.
Overnight I had a horrible feeling that I would end up having an emergency c-section the following day and was losing hope.

At 7:30am on the 7th I woke up having contractions and they were coming every 3 - 5 minutes lasting around 45 seconds!!
I told the MW and they decided to allow me to carry on with no interference until after lunch, I was feeling good, walking around and managing to breathe through my contractions.
At 15:30 the registrar came round and did an examination, it was decided that I was just over 2cm and they wanted to break my waters to help speed things up as my cervix was still very posterior ( actually behind baby's head).
So at 16.00 I was taken down to delivery and put on the monitor while the MW got everything ready, at 16:15 my waters were broken and I was nearly 3cm dialated, I was put back on the monitor for 15 minutes to make sure baby hadn't been distressed by my waters being broken, after that me and chris went for a walk around the unit to try and keep things moving. My contractions sped up to every 1min 30 sec lasting around a minute and I was still just able to breathe through them!

At 8pm I was examined again and was still only 3 cm and my contractions were starting to slow down again. It was discussed and decided that they would give me until 10 pm to walk around then the registrar would come in to examine me and put me on the syntocin drip if there was still no progress.
He ended up coming round at 21:30 and examined me, still no more progress and contractions were no 4minutes apart and 50 seconds long, I was still breathing through them and was told that I had a really high pain threshold lol.
As the registrar left the room to get the drip sent down to us baby's heartrate suddenly dropped from 120bpm to 54bpm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They turned me onto my left side and that didn't help, they turned me over again to my right side and still no improvement.
The registrar was fetched back in and they put a monitor directly onto baby's head. Still no improvement!!!!! I was starting to get very scared this had lasted nearly 5 minutes so far!:shock:
At that point it was decided to get me into theatre for an emergency c-section. All the theatre staff were lovely and chatted to me all the time.
Chris came into theatre all dressed in scrubs and sat right next to me holding my hand all the way through.

Jaxom was delivered at 23.08 and cried straight away, he was cleaned and Chris was asked if he wanted to cut the cord :) Jaxom was weighed and wrapped up and brought back to me, he weighed just 5lb 7oz.

In recovery I was sat up and given skin to skin time and the opportunity to breastfeed him if he wanted it was so lovely to just have him in my arms with Christopher sat next to me.

Jaxom has a tongue-tie and his feeding is very erratic at the moment but he is getting it divided on the 22nd so hopefully we will get a feeding pattern established soon after that rather than feeding every 20minutes - 3hours.





sorry about the size of the pictures I'm in a bit of a rush Jaxom is awake again and wanting feeding xx

oops forgot to add the reason his heartrate had dropped......apparently when they did my section they didn't need to use the suction machine to get the waters out because there was none!!!!!!!! and apparently thats why he got so distressed and his heart rate dropped for so long xxx
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Well done you, congratulations! Was gonna say the same, lovely nails! Xx
Well done sweetie! Shame you didn't get your VBAC, but Jaxom Leland is gorgeous - and what a fantastic name!
Small but strong, just like the Jaxom in the book :)

Big congrats hun :)

cheers lander i knew i'd picked a good name lol xxx
Congratulations x x he's gorge x
Huge congratulations to you on Jaxom - he is gorgous!

I can't believe you got away with your nails in theartre - are they acyrlics? must have been as you were in for a vbac not a section at first. Mine always get removed on the day , before surgery, much to my disgust.

Hope his feeding sorts out soon when they sort his tounge tie
jj mum, yeah nails are acrylics got away with them because my toe nails were clear so they could use them to keep an eye on my circulation.

heluyn, yeah thats him got the dark hair too, all we need is for dragons to exist now lol

his tongue-tie is getting divided wednesday morning, then we got to register him at 1pm and finally get to meet the health visitor at 2.30 so gonna be quite busy x

Thank you all again for all your advice and support xxx

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