******January 2019 Mummies******

Flossy when did sickness start I am 5+3 today and feel pangs of it when I've not eaten for a while. It's a good sign. With my daughter I had HG. Xx
7 weeks at last eek! And still no morning sickness Thank goodness! Sorry to hear yours is so rotten Flossy, sounds terrible. I hope I don't get any soon as it will be hard to hide in work.
On the topic of birth i know I want hospital as my mum had a baby die during childbirth and she has always told me to be where the doctors can help if anything goes wrong. Gotta trust my mumma on that one. I'm also not keen on the idea of water birth, mainly the whole sitting in blood and floating poops :lol: at least that's all I can picture! Just a nice clean hospital and people on had to help is what I would like.
7 weeks at last eek! And still no morning sickness Thank goodness! Sorry to hear yours is so rotten Flossy, sounds terrible. I hope I don't get any soon as it will be hard to hide in work.
On the topic of birth i know I want hospital as my mum had a baby die during childbirth and she has always told me to be where the doctors can help if anything goes wrong. Gotta trust my mumma on that one. I'm also not keen on the idea of water birth, mainly the whole sitting in blood and floating poops :lol: at least that's all I can picture! Just a nice clean hospital and people on had to help is what I would like.

That's good to hear SmithyBaby! FX it doesn't hit all at once.

To each their own, best to follow momma's advice <3
I'm only 5+3 and sickness has really smacked me in the face today. Haven't thrown up yet but I've been fighting hard not to. Really not feeling good right now. Lucky I don't have work today, but I do tomorrow so hopefully it's not this bad.
Hi All, sorry I haven't been on here much, I've been keeping up but as I haven't stopped spotting I didn't want to be a debbie downer. Saw a doctor yesterday and she said to take it easy and let them know if the bleeding gets any heavier. It's kind of brown discharge almost and a very tiny amount but I never had that with previous 2 pregnancies. Time will tell I guess.

If everything works out the way we want I think I'd choose a birth centre again. I've had a birth in a hospital and one in a birth centre and just much preferred the birth centre but my friend who is a paramedic hates birth centres as she has had to do too many mad dashes to the hospital when there are complications.

Feeling sick and hungry all the time now lol xxx
I hope the spotting turns out to be nothing sinister. Take it easy. If it's not gotten heavier and it's been a few days, it's probably nothing serious. If you're feeling sick and hungry they're positive signs!!
I hope the spotting turns out to be nothing sinister. Take it easy. If it's not gotten heavier and it's been a few days, it's probably nothing serious. If you're feeling sick and hungry they're positive signs!!

Thank you WinterWolf. Im trying to be positive, my job is very stressful and I could do with a few days off but don't think I'm brave enough to call in sick. Have just been to the toilet again and it looks a little thicker and more of it :( FX it is nothing.
I hope the spotting turns out to be nothing sinister. Take it easy. If it's not gotten heavier and it's been a few days, it's probably nothing serious. If you're feeling sick and hungry they're positive signs!!

Thank you WinterWolf. Im trying to be positive, my job is very stressful and I could do with a few days off but don't think I'm brave enough to call in sick. Have just been to the toilet again and it looks a little thicker and more of it :( FX it is nothing.

Hope all is turns out okay. Try not to stress too much about it, could only make it worse. If you need to take a couple days off from work, it's better to do that love. Don't be afraid to do what you need to for you and your baby. <3
I hope the spotting turns out to be nothing sinister. Take it easy. If it's not gotten heavier and it's been a few days, it's probably nothing serious. If you're feeling sick and hungry they're positive signs!!

Thank you WinterWolf. Im trying to be positive, my job is very stressful and I could do with a few days off but don't think I'm brave enough to call in sick. Have just been to the toilet again and it looks a little thicker and more of it :( FX it is nothing.

Hope all is turns out okay. Try not to stress too much about it, could only make it worse. If you need to take a couple days off from work, it's better to do that love. Don't be afraid to do what you need to for you and your baby. <3

I am definitely considering a day in bed tomorrow. After reading through Google, like you do, it seems it could possibly be the placenta attaching or the uterus growing and dislodging old blood. Either way I just want to rest.

Thanks for the support guys... xxx
I definitely agree that you should stay home. There's no point in going to work when you're just going to be stressed out all day which is not good for you, or baby. This is what sick days are for, when you need to rest.
I've called my doctor and am just waiting to hear from them as since I last wrote there's been bright red blood and some tiny clotting. It doesn't look good sadly but I'm going to see if my doctor can arrange a scan or blood test.

It's so hard and I'm sorry to bring anyone down it's just that I'm at work and having to act like everything is normal and all I want to do is cry. I only have an hour and a half till I finish tho.
Awww CI1979 I&#8217;m so sorry that you are feeling like this...you really need some time off work and I know you must be worried sick but please don&#8217;t loose faith yet...they will see you at EPU and hopefully you will get some answers. I have read on a lot of forums about ladies who had rather heavy bleeding most the way through and every time they had a scan they had a nice strong heart beat for some women it genuinely happens and my great nan had full blown periods right up until she was 7 months pregnant and had a healthy baby. Please don&#8217;t loose hope yet....I am thinking of you and sending love and hugs xxx
Love and hugs Cl1979 and hoping it's nothing serious for you. I've been through bleeding in work and I wish I hadn't. If you are able to take the day I would say do it for the reasons the ladies said above. Thinking of you xx
Thanks guys, I've been to the doctors and they've referred me the the EPU who have set a scan for me on Friday morning. No more red blood yet, just gown back to brown/pink when I wipe. Not having to wear a pad and praying it stays that way.

Have been in bed since I got home and will call in sick tomorrow and take it easy until the scan. Any major bleeding before then and I've been told A&E but not sure they can do anything so may just call 111 to get advice instead.

Please still talk about your pregnancies though, I'm going to take a back seat for now but I love to see how you're all doing so keep updating!! Thinking positively even if the worst happens, the fact is I can get pregnant and we know that's the hardest bit right!!!
Love and hugs back xxx
CI1979 hopefully everything will be fine for you just take it easy I went to EPU today for an early scan and everything was fine however she did tell me that next to the embryo I had a small blood clot so I panicked and she said it&#8217;s absolutely nothing to worry about and that it&#8217;s quite common and it can cause bleeding so she said if I do bleed not to panic to much as it is probably just that she said it&#8217;s caused from the implantation so you may find you just have something like that!! The midwife said to me it&#8217;s very common and for a lot of ladies it causes worry. So see what they have to say at EPU I find them very useful and they do put you at ease...sending love xx
CI1979 hopefully everything will be fine for you just take it easy I went to EPU today for an early scan and everything was fine however she did tell me that next to the embryo I had a small blood clot so I panicked and she said it’s absolutely nothing to worry about and that it’s quite common and it can cause bleeding so she said if I do bleed not to panic to much as it is probably just that she said it’s caused from the implantation so you may find you just have something like that!! The midwife said to me it’s very common and for a lot of ladies it causes worry. So see what they have to say at EPU I find them very useful and they do put you at ease...sending love xx

Thank you, that's really interesting and the midwife sounds lovely and so helpful. FX I get one like that :)

I've downloaded 2 books from my favourite authors and I'm literally going to read and sleep until Friday morning lol. Im still feeling sick and boobs have started to feel slightly sore today so not giving up hope just yet.

My other half is being wonderful and taking care of the puppy so I can rest. I feel a bit sorry for him because there's nothing he can do but wait. Letting him bring me drinks and food lol so he can feel helpful!
Sending lots of love CI1979! <3

I have been feeling a lot more nauseous lately, especially when I lay down or once I wake up..

I also noticed some brown discharge and I think like CI1979 said, it may be the placenta attaching. It was there just a few times when I wiped yesterday but so far, none today.

Could it be my increased activity since my mother is visiting and we are out and about all day?
Sending lots of love CI1979! <3

I have been feeling a lot more nauseous lately, especially when I lay down or once I wake up..

I also noticed some brown discharge and I think like CI1979 said, it may be the placenta attaching. It was there just a few times when I wiped yesterday but so far, none today.

Could it be my increased activity since my mother is visiting and we are out and about all day?

It could be, I was so tired yesterday and fell asleep in the waiting room at the doctors. I think when you're tired your body let's you know. I'm off work and having a day in bed today. Woke up and went to the loo, a smudge of brown for me this morning. I don't think I'm going to know anything until the scan tomorrow unless the obvious happens today. Sometimes I find my own body is the most frustrating thing!!

Maybe have a quiet day WheelDon2 or at least a rest in the afternoon and see if it makes a difference. Bug hugs xxx
Hi CI - If the bleeding has slowed down then that's promising! hopefully everything is going to be ok. WheelDon brown discharge isn't something to be concerned about it itself. Both of you need to take it easy regardless x
Flossy when did sickness start I am 5+3 today and feel pangs of it when I've not eaten for a while. It's a good sign. With my daughter I had HG. Xx
I’ve now been diagnosed with HG was admitted to hospital early hours of yesterday morning, vomited 16 times in 48 hours so was dehydrated and had lots of ketones in my urine, 3 litres of IV fluids and iv cyclizine and an injection of prochlorperazine plus almost 12 hours in hospital and I was discharged. On oral cyclizine and metoclopramide three times every day now, feel awful so sorry for being distant

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