******January 2019 Mummies******

Hi flossy it's ok takes it out of you. I had this with my daughter the feeling in unbearable. Try what you can perhaps the meds will help. It's not good but as long as you keep hydrated that's main thing. Sending love XX
Sending hugs Flossy, can only.imagine how rough you are feeling! Take care of yourself, sometimes it's hard to keep up on here but we're all here when you need us. I'm the same and then with the bleeding this week its been a godsend having this space to air my worries.

Thinking of you, and hope you feel better soon. I don't really know much about the condition. Will it pass after a certain amount if time or is it pregnancy long? Xxx
Hi ladies! It feels like forever since. Was last on here and I honestly thought it would be years till I came in here again! But here I am... Found out on Sunday that we are pregnant with number 2 �� Big surprise, and I don't know how I'm feeling yet, mostly dumbfounded! We recently went to Walt Disney world with our 18mth old LG and looks like we brought back more than we bargained for. I'm 5 weeks based on my LMP, not had it confirmed yet but est due date of 24th Jan. I've forgotten everything from first time around even though it wasn't so long ago!

P.s anyone remember how to change the tracker thingy below?
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Flossy that's awful!! For most people it passes early in the second trimester. I hope it doesn't stick around for longer. Keep hydrated x

Congrats Flash and welcome! :)
Flossy86- I am sorry to hear that! Hope the IVs and oral medicine help! Take care of yourself love. Hugs <3

sarah120281- Do you want me to put you down on our Due Date list?

Flash2510- Welcome and Congratulations!! I have added you! You can go to QuickLinks at the top of the page then to Edit Signature. <3

In other news, 4 days until my appointment! I am beyond excited to see our little one! <3
Well after all that worry and the absolute certainty that I'd lost the little bean it turns out all is well and they can't explain the bleeding. Interestingly the nurse said that often through the hormone change it can make the cells at the top of the cervix extremely sensitive and evening having a number 2 or sex will make them bleed. But once the hormones changed have taken place it all settles down.

Anyway, we are so happy that all is ok and looks like I'll be hanging around now.

Hope you've all had a good Friday xxx
Awwww really pleased it all worked out for you I told you it would prob be ok, the thing that I have got that they said mite cause some bleeding is called subchorionic haematoma and since my scan iv has abit of spotting but they said not to worry because it is that!! Congrats and have a nice weekend xxx
CI1979- That is fantastic news! Glad everything is okay! <3

Cwat89- At least they know what will most likely cause your bleeding.
Hi ladies, just had #2 positive. I&#8217;m over the moon after 5 months of trying. Waited a whole year for my last positive! Calculations put me at 30th jan
Congratulations to the newcomers to the thread and also big yay and hugs and love that the bleeding isn't serious for you gals who were having bleeding! Must be so relieved! Take it easy and try to enjoy it all now.
Im getting closer to 8 weeks and seeing the midwife on Thursday. Cannot believe it still as haven't had many symptoms it sort of doesn't feel real. Want to hear babys heartbeat so much. Will she do that this week? I might ring her to check! Anyone else seen midwife yet? Xx
Hi ladies, just had #2 positive. I’m over the moon after 5 months of trying. Waited a whole year for my last positive! Calculations put me at 30th jan

Yayy! Congrats :)

@Smithy I don't think they bother with hearing a heartbeat early on, apparently its pretty hard. You'd see it on an ultrasound at 8 weeks though. Try not to worry about not having any strong symptoms. It really is normal.
Thanks Winterwolf! I've done my freaking out and booked an early viability scan for tomorrow. I feel this will help stress levels a tad and I will know either way if something is up. I know there are no guarantees but I think I'm clearly rubbish at waiting it out x
Ooh a scan, how exciting! Hopefully you'll get good news and you'll be able to relax a little. I've got just over a week until my first scan and I'm counting down the days. Let us know how you get on :)
Finally1yearon- I have added you! Congrats and welcome to January mummies!! <3

SmithyBaby- I have my scan on Tuesday.. freaking out so much as I am excited to hear the heartbeat!! It can't come soon enought!

Winterwolf- Is yours an 8 week scan or a 7?
Hi everyone! Really new to this! My baby is due January the 10th. We’re not telling anyone we know until the 12 weeks, but I didn’t realise how long these weeks take! &#128514; It’s a bit weird keeping the baby a secret, does anyone else find this too? x
Hi Hayley, yes I totally agree with you it is really weird people not knowing only a couple of people know about me mainly my mum and dad because I’ve tried for 10 years and this is IVf and I think most people had given up on me having a baby plus I’m scared coz it’s such early days....my emotions are so mixed at the moment I’m being so over cautious but part of me really wants to scream it out to everyone coz I got a couple of pregnant friends at the moment and it was my birthday a couple of days ago and on FB they were like happy birthday get drunk and have a few for us!!! Ur right aswel the time is going slow...I was looking online last night at fun ways to announce to friends and family ur expecting lol xx
Hi Cwat89. I&#8217;m sorry to hear what you&#8217;ve been through, but happy that it&#8217;s going good so far! I know what you mean about early days. I see the midwife in 2 weeks time, but I&#8217;ve already known I was pregnant for 3 weeks. I feel like I need the confirmation from the midwife and doctors before this feels real. My friend had a baby 6 months ago, and a few people knew we were trying, so a few of or friends keep asking me if I&#8217;m pregnant, and I keep lying and saying no lol. Just want to tell the whole world! &#65533;&#65533; I&#8217;ve been sufering a bit with cramps and not being able to go to the loo (to put it nicely lol), but the doctor didn&#8217;t think anything bad of it. It&#8217;s just kept me up all night, and nearly impossible to hide it from work. But I&#8217;m feeling pretty much better now so fingers crossed (I do feel a bit sick but that I can handle - well atm I can!). When are you due? For my inlaw&#8217;s we&#8217;re going to get cards that say &#8216;Congratulations Grandad&#8217; etc. (This will be the first grandchild for both sides - feel a bit of pressure lol) xx

P.s Happy Birthday for a couple of days ago! &#9786;&#65039;
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Awwww that’s really nice that it’s the first grandchild will be very spoilt lol...I’m an only child and it’s my parents first grand child unfortunalty both my partners parents have passed. I am due on 22nd Jam but it will prob be earlier than that because I have already been told that I’ve got to have a planned c section because apparently the hospital I go to prefer delivering IVG babies that way!!

I found out really early aswel I’ve already had 3 scans and I got another on Tuesday and the week after I’m literally having one a week at the moment I’ve registered with a midwife but no word on when I get to see one yet.... symptom wise I havnt been to bad very moody at times lolol and my breasts have got thick green veins all over them sorry for the information lol. And I’ve been having toilet troubles aswel but other than that I’m ok.

It’s nice being able to talk to others about things coz I actually feel quite lonely at the moment and I don’t know why perhaps it’s hormones xxx
My mum thinks I might have to have a planned C Section as I suffer from Fibromyalgia and I&#8217;m not quite sure how that will affect it all tbh. Wow 3 scans! I haven&#8217;t had any and guess my first one will be at the 12 weeks stage. I guess I book that after I&#8217;ve seen the midwife?! I don&#8217;t actually know what&#8217;s the norm. All I got told by the doctors when I rang them when I found out was to fill in a self referral form and the midwife will be in touch. She did ring me the next day and book the appointment. But apart from that, I feel a bit lost.

I get what you&#8217;re saying about being lonely, as I feel like I&#8217;m distancing myself away from my friends as I can&#8217;t tell them yet. So it is really nice chatting to others, and especially other pregnant people! My mums been a great help but it was like 20 years ago that she was last pregnant (with my younger sister) lol! Yeah my breasts are so sore! &#65533;&#65533;. I can&#8217;t wait for that scan! Only just short of 5 weeks to go lol! xxx
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Hello to all the new ladies, it's lovely that we're getting more of us on here. Congrats!!

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