******January 2019 Mummies******

MrsBridge- That is good news! Hope Tuesday's appt goes well! I have not seen a midwife yet.

Cwat- I really hope your blood levels are rising like they should be, FX. <3 When did they say they would have your results?
Thanks so do I but u just have a feeling it&#8217;s gonna be bad but I will have to see what they say I&#8217;m actually at EPU now and they said they will ring this afternoon with results and let me know what&#8217;s gonna happen moving forward...I shouldn&#8217;t say it really but the nurses are really nice but the consultant I&#8217;ve got is rather miserable and she just seems negative with everything she says but perhaps she&#8217;s like that not to get peoples hopes up xx
Thanks so do I but u just have a feeling it’s gonna be bad but I will have to see what they say I’m actually at EPU now and they said they will ring this afternoon with results and let me know what’s gonna happen moving forward...I shouldn’t say it really but the nurses are really nice but the consultant I’ve got is rather miserable and she just seems negative with everything she says but perhaps she’s like that not to get peoples hopes up xx

Sorry your consultant is a grump. Its just another day for them, some of them seem to forget that its a really big deal for us and we need support.

I had my beta done at 4+1 too. My doc said anything over 50 is alright, and over 100 is good! So she'd be saying you're in a good spot. Don't lose hope yet. :)
Thankyou for your kind words.... I have also read that it is ok as long as it goes up so I&#8217;m not giving up just yet as long as I hear it&#8217;s gone up that&#8217;s a start....I know it&#8217;s super early but I don&#8217;t feel pregnant really and I said to the nurse this morning I wish my body would Get a sign xx
Remember, many women don't even find out until they're 5 weeks (and that's usually only because of a missed period) so not feeling any symptoms yet is pretty normal! Good luck today. I hope your HCG has doubled. x
Will have my fingers crossed for you Cwat89

I would like to say I feel horrendous. Nausea almost all day long, threw up again last night and this morning. Everyone keeps asking me at work if I&#8217;m ok and I just keep blaming it on my girly weekend and that I&#8217;m too old now for partying so taking me ages to recover. It surely won&#8217;t take them long to work it out I work in a doctors surgery after all lol!!
Well still early days but I am happy the DR just rang and on Wednesday Morning my level was 107 and this morning they have gone upto 345 and they are going to see me again on Monday so I do feel in a better position now...thankyou for all your kind wishes
Thanks wheeldon! I am all over the place at the moment had a car accident this morning and I was advised to attend a and e. The epu refused to rescan me said they wouldn’t see anything which really doesn’t sit right with me at all in fact I am quite angry at the whole experience. I think I am going to have to take some time off work as I am just not in right frame of mind at the moment xx
Well still early days but I am happy the DR just rang and on Wednesday Morning my level was 107 and this morning they have gone upto 345 and they are going to see me again on Monday so I do feel in a better position now...thankyou for all your kind wishes

Yayyy so happy for you! It's tripled!! Definitely looking positive!
I know Thankyou I have felt abit more relaxed tonight they are gonna see me again at EPU on Monday...I rang my IVF clinic this afternoon and they were really pleased about it....so fingers crossed!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok, sending love xx
Cwat- That is great news! <3

MrsBridge- Oh wow, hope you and the baby are okay!! Do what you have to do to take care of yourself. I'm sorry they are being such a pain!

Been having some sharp pain a little higher in my stomach this afternoon after grocery shopping and walking around in the heat..ready for a nap now, just have to finish laundry.. other than that, scan is in 10 days! Hope everyone else is doing alright!
Cwat89 - I'm glad to hear you are doing okay, I've been following the thread the past few days and have been hoping you got on fine, so glad to see that the doctors are happy with you so far! Sending love your way :)

Update as I'm now 7 weeks 1 day (eek) it's starting to feel a bit more real now as I pass the halfway mark in the first trimester, I've been so worried I wouldn't make it past 6 weeks and to know that my little bean is now the size of a blueberry has really put my mind to rest (for the time being). My appointment with my midwife on Monday can't come fast enough, I'm so excited/nervous.
Symptoms updates - struggling with nausea terribly but haven't been sick for a week now, it comes on at random times of the day and won't leave me alone, it's worth it though to know that my baby is doing well. Other than that I have really horrible vivid dreams and nightmares that I've been plagued with all week, and the dreaded sore boob situation is still here.

I hope you're all doing well too! x
Update as I'm now 7 weeks 1 day (eek) it's starting to feel a bit more real now as I pass the halfway mark in the first trimester, I've been so worried I wouldn't make it past 6 weeks and to know that my little bean is now the size of a blueberry has really put my mind to rest (for the time being). My appointment with my midwife on Monday can't come fast enough, I'm so excited/nervous.
Symptoms updates - struggling with nausea terribly but haven't been sick for a week now, it comes on at random times of the day and won't leave me alone, it's worth it though to know that my baby is doing well. Other than that I have really horrible vivid dreams and nightmares that I've been plagued with all week, and the dreaded sore boob situation is still here.

Tell me about it! I've had some hideous nightmares and crazy dreams. Literally been waking up at 3 and 4am and Can t go back to sleep because they're so strange!
I know that feeling the nightmares truly are horrible! The one I had last night had me so shaken that I was awake until my alarm went off, I haven&#8217;t had dreams like this since I was little and suffered with night terrors, it&#8217;s strange!
Hey all,

not sure whether I'm being extra sensitive at the moment but feeling a bit let down that conversations seems to be happening amongst a few and others are seemingly being ignored/not being acknowledged. Maybe we could make sure we acknowledge everyone to make extra sure that people don't feel rejected?

I promise I'm not having a go and like I said I may be being really sensitive but if I, someone quite resilient in everyday life, feel this way then others may be too!

Again, not having a go :) x
Hi Smor, I know what you mean but I think it&#8217;s probably because people jump in and out at different times as people from USA and Australia etc. I think once we have all the jan mums on board it will likely calm down x
Hi Smor, I know what you mean but I think it’s probably because people jump in and out at different times as people from USA and Australia etc. I think once we have all the jan mums on board it will likely calm down x

Thanks hun, I appreciate the reassurance :) x
Hey all,

not sure whether I'm being extra sensitive at the moment but feeling a bit let down that conversations seems to be happening amongst a few and others are seemingly being ignored/not being acknowledged. Maybe we could make sure we acknowledge everyone to make extra sure that people don't feel rejected?

I promise I'm not having a go and like I said I may be being really sensitive but if I, someone quite resilient in everyday life, feel this way then others may be too!

Again, not having a go :) x

Totally agree with MrsBridge!

I don't think it's personal, just sort of happens... you know? WinterWolf and I are on the same timezone and when we are just getting up, most of the UK is already in bed for a couple hours.

But I'm sorry you feel that way and I will try better you make sure everyone is included and not overlooked. We have to stick together during this precious time of our lives. <3

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