******January 2019 Mummies******

Hi Hayley, welcome!!

My scan is a 7 week one. Mainly to check that baby isn't ectopic. I don't have any signs of ectopic pregnancy so I think that'll be all good :)

How's everyone feeling? I'm 6 weeks today, morning sickness has really stepped up in the last few days. I'm so queasy I can't even get out of bed :s least it's a positive sign baby is growing...
Hayley- Welcome and Congrats! I have added you! <3

I am 7 weeks tomorrow and my scan is in 2 days! I am SO excited!!

I have only had bouts of nausea but my moodiness is crazy and I am always sooo tired... my breasts are also sore.
Exciting! I'll be 7+1 on scan day next Monday too :)

You're lucky your nausea is only mild. I haven't had moodiness but my breasts are very sore too. They've gotten bigger too, woohoo!
Positive part of pregnancy, right? haha :D

I totally thought you were farther along!
WheelDon2 I am.exactly the same as you I think 6+6 today so 7 weeks tomorrow. My scan last week had me a day earlier but I'm going to keep going with the natural cycles app date until I see my midwife. Just nausea for me at the moment. And I'm constantly starving too!!

Can't wait to see the midwife, will make it feel.so much more real. Going to really try and wait until the 12 week scan to tell work tho. How long is everyone else waiting?
Hi Hayley! Don t worry about feeling lost, I did too but a weeks or so after I spoke to the midwife a letter came through from the hospital automatically giving me a date for my 12 week scan. You just look after you and they will be doing their job quietly.

I have my scan in a few hours and I am a bit apprehensive to find out but a bit excited too. Just praying there's a little blob with a heartbeat that's all I can hope for at this stage. Will let you all know how I get on xx
WheelDon2 I am.exactly the same as you I think 6+6 today so 7 weeks tomorrow. My scan last week had me a day earlier but I'm going to keep going with the natural cycles app date until I see my midwife. Just nausea for me at the moment. And I'm constantly starving too!!

Can't wait to see the midwife, will make it feel.so much more real. Going to really try and wait until the 12 week scan to tell work tho. How long is everyone else waiting?

I'm a teacher and my plan is to announce it to the people I work with at the start of next term (I'll be 14 weeks then), and to tell the principal/deputy earlier if it starts to interfere with work (ie. if I'm too sick to go in). After the way I've felt this weekend I think I'll likely be missing a few days next week so I'll probably have to tell the high-ups in the next couple of weeks.
Hi Hayley! Don t worry about feeling lost, I did too but a weeks or so after I spoke to the midwife a letter came through from the hospital automatically giving me a date for my 12 week scan. You just look after you and they will be doing their job quietly.

I have my scan in a few hours and I am a bit apprehensive to find out but a bit excited too. Just praying there's a little blob with a heartbeat that's all I can hope for at this stage. Will let you all know how I get on xx

Good luck with your scan Smithy xx
WheelDon2 I am.exactly the same as you I think 6+6 today so 7 weeks tomorrow. My scan last week had me a day earlier but I'm going to keep going with the natural cycles app date until I see my midwife. Just nausea for me at the moment. And I'm constantly starving too!!

Can't wait to see the midwife, will make it feel.so much more real. Going to really try and wait until the 12 week scan to tell work tho. How long is everyone else waiting?

I'm a teacher and my plan is to announce it to the people I work with at the start of next term (I'll be 14 weeks then), and to tell the principal/deputy earlier if it starts to interfere with work (ie. if I'm too sick to go in). After the way I've felt this weekend I think I'll likely be missing a few days next week so I'll probably have to tell the high-ups in the next couple of weeks.

I have lost my appetite...not finding anything that sounds good.. besides dark chocolate (YUM)

I will start my student teaching around 16/17 weeks, let's hope all is well around then!!:D Hope you feel well enough to keep teaching.
Hey all, copying and pasting my response to another post but if you didn't see it here it is :)

Quick update about my scan this morning!

So, I have mixed emotions after it at the moment. Was so lovely to see the little heartbeat flashing away and the sonographer was very helpful and put me at ease after everything. However, the little bean is only measuring 6w1d at the moment which is way behind where I thought I was. I just don't think I can be that wrong about conception even though it's hard to judge seeing as I didn't have a period. I asked her and she said they can just grow slowly sometimes and not to worry as everything looked perfect. So one part of me is trusting her and thinking I've just got a slow growing bean but I am a teeny tiny bit concerned that the weeks are so out. Either way I feel way more relaxed than I was before so that's a bonus I guess and the biggest relief was seeing the little sac, the bean and the heartbeat were all good. Thanks everyone for all your help.
I think at this stage they can measure + or - 4 days anyway, right? So really you could only be a few days off when you think you conceived. If there was a beating heart, then I wouldn't be worried :)
Yeah exactly! I keep telling myself all is well and I am surprisingly okay. I think cause she literally said, "It all looks perfect congratulations!" I am feeling at ease. I have also Dr Googled it all the way home while OH was driving and lots of ladies have experienced this. It's all just so small at the moment that it is hard to tell and because I have no real date for LMP.

So all in all, very pleased bub is in there intact, he/she was snug smack bang in the middle and flashing away. Lovely to see.
Yeah exactly! I keep telling myself all is well and I am surprisingly okay. I think cause she literally said, "It all looks perfect congratulations!" I am feeling at ease. I have also Dr Googled it all the way home while OH was driving and lots of ladies have experienced this. It's all just so small at the moment that it is hard to tell and because I have no real date for LMP.

So all in all, very pleased bub is in there intact, he/she was snug smack bang in the middle and flashing away. Lovely to see.

Lovely news! How exciting. So reassuring having that first early scan. Even tho I had a smudge of blood again yesterday I knew everything was ok. Really pleased for you SmithyBaby :) :)
Thanks lovely, how are you feeling otherwise? I just ate my weight in chinese food and I don't regret a thing :lol:
Feeling a bit nauseous, mainly in the morning but all I want to do is eat. I've already put on so much weight! Its my birthday in June and my best friend asked what I fancy doing... the answer is eat! Simple. Can't remember being this obsessed with food with my last pregnancies.

I used tow exercise a bit before and loved hula hooping. Trying to think of what I can do now and I was thinking of going for a good half hour walk each evening. Is anyone else hoping to keep up some form of exercise?
I still go to the gym 3 times a week (though admidetly have felt too sick these last few days). I used to do an 45mins of cardio (running/rowing/cycling) and 45mins of weights. I've obviously cut the weights out now so I just do 50mins of cardio (cycling + fast walking). I'm also looking into pregnancy pilates/yoga for when I'm feeling better. Definitely do not want to spend 9 months being lazy.
SmithyBaby- Congrats! That is good news! Glad everything is alright<3

I am doing a 25 min pregnancy yoga 5 times a week. It is a full body toning workout. Love it! Plus I currently play volleyball on the weekends.
Ah that's excellent and totally puts me to shame! I'm going to look for a good pregnancy yoga class that offers more than one session a week. And lots and lots of walking I guess. Feeling a bit blobby at the moment as I used to do a lot of body pump classes.

Off to the beach this morning for a walk and a slice of cake lol!

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