SmithyBaby and WinterWolf- I am doing student teaching soon with my 12 week demonstration teaching coming up in the next few months.. I want to get it all finished before the baby is here, would you ladies recommend, if I am 6+ months, to do it now or wait until after the baby is here?
Kinda bad timing to finish school, but hey still have to do it!
Oh dear, not the best timing! It really depends what your workload will be and how your pregnancy progresses. For my final placement I had to take a full teaching load and I also had uni assignments on top of that. I found it VERY difficult to keep up with the work demands and I was up late most nights. I spent most of every Sunday doing schoolwork too.
Another thing to consider is whether its primary or secondary teaching. At a primary school you'll be on your feet less (time spent sitting with children doing reading tests etc.) and the other teachers in your year level will likely all share resources with you for consistency. At a secondary school you'll be on your feet all lesson every lesson and you will have to create/find the majority of your own resources which really chews up home time. These have been my experiences anyway (I've taught both).
I don't know how well I would've coped if I was heavily pregnant, but if there's a will there's a way! It'll probably be better to get it done now rather than waiting until you have the baby because you'll have more time to focus on planning lessons, and you won't have to worry about childcare.
Sorry to the non-teacher folks for the long winded post

Congrats on your scan Mrs.Bridge, I'm happy baby has caught up, its so cuuute

My scan is in 3 days and I'm SO EXCITED!