******January 2019 Mummies******

Hope all goes well MrsBridge! Can't wait to here how it goes <3
Hey ladies,

Hope you are all well,

Sorry it's been a while since I got involved - I have been really suffering with the hormones (feeling incredibly low) and also picked up the flu last week which hadn't helped at all.. I have been feeling so miserable and had some really horrible thoughts, I feel like I huge burden and failure because I feel I am meant to be so happy!

How is everyone else feeling?

Hey ladies,

Hope you are all well,

Sorry it's been a while since I got involved - I have been really suffering with the hormones (feeling incredibly low) and also picked up the flu last week which hadn't helped at all.. I have been feeling so miserable and had some really horrible thoughts, I feel like I huge burden and failure because I feel I am meant to be so happy!

How is everyone else feeling?


Hi Smor
Sorry you are feeling so awful at the moment. I was saying almost the same thing last night, everyone expects me to be over the moon happy but I'm just not feeling it at the moment. We've moved to the other side of town and I'm feeling terribly homesick. I lost my mum 2 years ago and my wedding in September and this little arrival in January are making me feel really lonely and sad because I don't have any family nearby. The closest family are 2 and a half hours away and I rarely see them.

I have loads of friends but still just feel low and sad a lot of the time. It doesn't help that my car has been in the garage for over 2 weeks and I've just been told it will cost £1500 to fix as well as our last landlord is being awful and won't give our deposit back despite leaving the house in a better state than we found it. Some days you just feel like the world is on your shoulders but it's hard to tell anyone because of the pressure to be happy!

I think I also feel a tremendous guilt towards my children. This baby will have a lot that they didnt. Their dad was very abusive towards me although never physical and they had to witness this. I feel so guilty that this baby won't have to go through this and that I no longer have to worry financially when my children have seen me fret over money for years because their dad wouldn't provide. I should be so happy now that I have found the love of my life who loves my children too but I guess it's those damn hormones upsetting everything!!

Hope you feel better soon, you're not alone feeling low! Xxx
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Mrs Bridge - Good luck with the scan and hope all goes well! Don t be disheartened if bean is still tiny as mine was a big shock. Sonographer said it's so normal at this stage. I saw my midwife yesterday for 2+ hours and she was amazing. She virtually told me off for worrying and said it's great for peace of mind but focus on the 12 week scan as that's the most accurate. So that's what I'm doing now!

Winterwolf - I'm a teacher too but freaking out about telling work next half term (can't tell them in September with a giant belly even though legally I don't have to!) My higher ups are not particularly supportive and I am scared they will take some roles they have verbally promised away from me because of the pregnancy. It's making me very stressed about telling them.
Smor and Cl1979 try not to worry there's so so many hormonal changes going on you are bound to feel this way! If it gets too much you should tell your midwife as it is what they are there for to help you every step of the way xx
Hey ladies,

Hope you are all well,

Sorry it's been a while since I got involved - I have been really suffering with the hormones (feeling incredibly low) and also picked up the flu last week which hadn't helped at all.. I have been feeling so miserable and had some really horrible thoughts, I feel like I huge burden and failure because I feel I am meant to be so happy!

How is everyone else feeling?


I think so many people, in general, don't know the struggle of our raging hormones that occur early in pregnancy. I think when people think of pregnancy, they tend to see the 2nd trimester as that is the ideal time to do a lot of things and you feel your best.. I'm sure your mood and hormones will improve as you progress. Hugs xx

Getting the flu on top of all the hormones and exhaustion doesn't help in the least bit. Hope you are feeling better!

Remember it is okay to feel like this and that you are doing something miraculous with your body....you are growing a human being!! <3
SmithyBaby and WinterWolf- I am doing student teaching soon with my 12 week demonstration teaching coming up in the next few months.. I want to get it all finished before the baby is here, would you ladies recommend, if I am 6+ months, to do it now or wait until after the baby is here?

Kinda bad timing to finish school, but hey still have to do it!
Hey everyone!

Hope you are all doing ok! Had my scan this morning and all is well saw the heartbeat and they have put my dates back forwards we think approx 8 weeks 3 days but the sonographer said the 12 week scan would be the most accurate so we are going to change that from 11th June to a bit later.

Think I have attached the picture xxx


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How cool! Glad it went well and the baby looks healthy! <3
Ahhh look at that little bean! Glad to hear baby is doing well!! x
SmithyBaby and WinterWolf- I am doing student teaching soon with my 12 week demonstration teaching coming up in the next few months.. I want to get it all finished before the baby is here, would you ladies recommend, if I am 6+ months, to do it now or wait until after the baby is here?

Kinda bad timing to finish school, but hey still have to do it!

Oh dear, not the best timing! It really depends what your workload will be and how your pregnancy progresses. For my final placement I had to take a full teaching load and I also had uni assignments on top of that. I found it VERY difficult to keep up with the work demands and I was up late most nights. I spent most of every Sunday doing schoolwork too.

Another thing to consider is whether its primary or secondary teaching. At a primary school you'll be on your feet less (time spent sitting with children doing reading tests etc.) and the other teachers in your year level will likely all share resources with you for consistency. At a secondary school you'll be on your feet all lesson every lesson and you will have to create/find the majority of your own resources which really chews up home time. These have been my experiences anyway (I've taught both).

I don't know how well I would've coped if I was heavily pregnant, but if there's a will there's a way! It'll probably be better to get it done now rather than waiting until you have the baby because you'll have more time to focus on planning lessons, and you won't have to worry about childcare.

Sorry to the non-teacher folks for the long winded post :) Congrats on your scan Mrs.Bridge, I'm happy baby has caught up, its so cuuute <3 My scan is in 3 days and I'm SO EXCITED!
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SmithyBaby and WinterWolf- I am doing student teaching soon with my 12 week demonstration teaching coming up in the next few months.. I want to get it all finished before the baby is here, would you ladies recommend, if I am 6+ months, to do it now or wait until after the baby is here?

Kinda bad timing to finish school, but hey still have to do it!

Oh dear, not the best timing! It really depends what your workload will be and how your pregnancy progresses. For my final placement I had to take a full teaching load and I also had uni assignments on top of that. I found it VERY difficult to keep up with the work demands and I was up late most nights. I spent most of every Sunday doing schoolwork too.

Another thing to consider is whether its primary or secondary teaching. At a primary school you'll be on your feet less (time spent sitting with children doing reading tests etc.) and the other teachers in your year level will likely all share resources with you for consistency. At a secondary school you'll be on your feet all lesson every lesson and you will have to create/find the majority of your own resources which really chews up home time. These have been my experiences anyway (I've taught both).

I don't know how well I would've coped if I was heavily pregnant, but if there's a will there's a way! It'll probably be better to get it done now rather than waiting until you have the baby because you'll have more time to focus on planning lessons, and you won't have to worry about childcare.

Sorry to the non-teacher folks for the long winded post :) Congrats on your scan Mrs.Bridge, I'm happy baby has caught up, its so cuuute <3 My scan is in 3 days and I'm SO EXCITED!

It'll be 8th grade math.... I have two classes I have to complete before I can start but will have small tasks that I will have to accomplish during the student teaching. I am hoping that I can progress a little faster than what my mentor thinks I will and start with the new term in August.

3 days?! I can't wait to hear how it goes! I'm excited to see how your little one is progressing! <3 Ahhh what exciting times for all of these lovely scans!
So are you just teaching the one class?! Even if it's several classes of 8th grade maths, that shouldn't be too hard to handle because it's not a crazy amount of resources to create. You can do that! When I did placement I had grade 8, 9 and 10 Japanese plus grade 10 and 11 business studies. Was run off my feet making resources!

Yep. Hope baby is doing well. I'm feeling positive so I think it will be. :) I agree, it's nice seeing everyone having scans now. It'll be even more exciting when we all reach 12 weeks.
Lovely scan Mrs.Bridge! Looks like it's giving us a little wave! Mine was nowhere near like that. Literally looked like a jelly bean blurry blob. Hoping at 12 weeks there will be more to see...

I don't know if being a student teacher is different in the UK to USA and Aus but I know that I had to dedicate 100% of my time to it for 9 months and I was incredibly stressed the entire time (not to put a downer on it!) hopefully it is different where you are. We were told if we were pregnant or had young children to rethink our options as our dropout rate was insane. But like I said this is the UK so it is probably quite different. Like WinterWolf said, where there is a will there is a way.
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Oh and to give you all a really good chuckle my vivid dreams have turned beyond weird. Last night I dreamed I was having sexual relations with Anthony Hopkins (who, I should clarify, I am not remotely attracted to in any way in real life!). I am so confused right now that I don't even know what to say about the whole thing :lol:
Hello to the new mummies!

I feel like my bump is HUGE. A lot of it is probably bloating, but I&#8217;m struggling to wear anything without me looking like I&#8217;ve got a huge bump, epecially work clohes! I told my boss today, and she was really happy and nice about it! But it was so nerve racking!

I feel okay at the moment. I get nausea most of the morning but it tends to go for the rest of the day! x

P.S Congrats on the scan! x
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Thanks everyone! I feel so much more at ease now!

Smithy lol about your dream! I am not dreaming at all or if I am I am not remembering them lol!

Hayley unfortunately work uniform for me will be the first change as I work for Virgin and the viv uniform is so unforgiving I look like a whale &#55357;&#56331; xx
SmithyBaby- It's a 3 month process in the US... 9 months would be HELLACIOUS!

I think my dreams are getting crazier and crazier...haha

Hayley- That's good that your boss was happy about it, kind of lessens the stress about it.
Wheeldon - Oh that's waaaaay better then! Yes I think you could do it by the sounds of it :) 3 months should fly by. Good luck with it, I am sure you will be fab.
If you are interested..

WolfMamma messaged me and asked me to let you ladies know that there is a Facebook page that the December mums created and would like us to join once we have told your friends and family.. It is private so she would need your email address to add you.
Hugs <3

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