******January 2019 Mummies******

Yes, definitely once I have told work (loads of work colleagues and friends on my FB!) that would be a nice :)
I'd be up for that too, probably way easier to check than this site :) x
Fantastic! :D

On that note, have you decided when you are going to tell work and friends?
I actually told my family and all siblings and my OH told his parents. My sister was balling and crying her eyes out with happiness and our parents were wild with excitement. It's been so nice.
Work is more difficult but I'm gonna have to tell them soon in order to get the morning to have my 12 week scan later in June. Ive decided no friends till after that scan x
I'm interested too. We'll get to see all their cute new babies when we're all fat and miserable, haha :)

I told my parents and sister the day after the positive test. Told my best friend about a week later. Going to tell hubby's family after our 7 week viability scan (which is tomorrow! eek!). We'll be telling friends/extended family after the 12 week scan and the plan is still to tell work next term at 14 weeks.
^^^Haha!! :D They will be postpartum while we still have our cute little bumps <3

We have told my mother, his dad, both of my sisters, and 3 of my closest friends. I think after this next scan at 9 weeks we are planning on telling both of our immediate families (which is like 10 more people (he has A LOT of siblings)) then announcing on Facebook within the week.
That&#8217;s what we have done wheeldon! It&#8217;s all out in the open now we have seen the heartbeat! This has worked out the best for us as everyone knows I won&#8217;t turn down a glass of wine so I already had people asking me! Plus I am kind of showing already as I&#8217;m so small lol x
That’s what we have done wheeldon! It’s all out in the open now we have seen the heartbeat! This has worked out the best for us as everyone knows I won’t turn down a glass of wine so I already had people asking me! Plus I am kind of showing already as I’m so small lol x

I'm totally the same way.. I love wine and thankful I am not home or there would be more questions! I looked at my 4 week belly picture and this week's belly picture.. and wow, there is quite a difference already!
It&#8217;s crazy isn&#8217;t it! I only noticed as I can&#8217;t do my jeans up and my mom said I&#8217;d popped in the week we were away! X
Anyone still getting on off cramping. It's like a mild achy more like a pull or burn than period pain? I have sore boobs and sickness so these are all good right? X
Anyone still getting on off cramping. It's like a mild achy more like a pull or burn than period pain? I have sore boobs and sickness so these are all good right? X

Hi Sarah, I had that feeling until the 7th week when it wore off. Although it wasn't really painful I was very uncomfortable. How far along are you? Xxx
7+1 now. It's gone off now, now would be around the time my second period is due. Maybe it's connected X
I have very few cramps, I more so have like gas pains lol

I've read that nausea should start going away soon as well.. like toward week 9? Is that right??

I feel like I am getting more energy yet still no desire to go out and about... :shakehead:
Sarah I'm still getting cramps, they're not like period cramps anymore though. They can be pretty intense at times.

Anyway - AMAZING news at my scan today! Baby is in the right place, measuring two days ahead and has a lovely heart rate of 158!! We're so happy :)
That&#8217;s fantastic news winter wolf! How far along does that make you now x
I should be 7+1 but measuring at 7+3. Yayy :)

Sorry Wheeldon I forgot to add - HCG peaks in week 8 so you should feel some relief in week 9. That's when the placenta starts working. I'm still so nauseated 24/7 but still haven't thrown up. I've only thrown up twice in the last 10 years though so I like to think I have an iron stomach lol
Aww that's good news
My scan is a week today wish it was sooner. Yes I've had some bad sick days some times vomitting. It is more intense at times.
Yeah these feel like Strain stretching feeling.

Worries me that my sickness isn't as intense every day. I mean I feel sick every day but sometimes it's not as bad as the day before XX
Thanks. At least in a week it shouldn't have to be internal. For me, they could see baby and it's heartbeat abdominally but couldn't get a good measurement so had to do an internal one for that (yay..). Plus your baby will look more like a baby if you wait a week.

I have days where I'm only a little nauseated and then others where I can't move. I woke up on Saturday feeling good so was pretty worried, but Sunday was horrible. Now that I know baby is fine I can tell you it's normal for queasiness to fluctuate :)
I told quite a few people quite early on as I kept crying at work and also had quit smoking (which alot of my friends knew would only happen if I was pregnant!). It's nice having there support but at the same time they are mainly men (I have a lot of male friends!) so they don't really understand I don't think!

I have my apt with my GP this morning who will then refer me to the widwife who will then refer me for my scan so I have a potentially long wait ahead of me before I see anything! I'm going to be honest with the GP about how I am feeling because I am scared for myself and for my baby, I have never felt this low before!

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