******January 2019 Mummies******

Ah that's excellent and totally puts me to shame! I'm going to look for a good pregnancy yoga class that offers more than one session a week. And lots and lots of walking I guess. Feeling a bit blobby at the moment as I used to do a lot of body pump classes.

Off to the beach this morning for a walk and a slice of cake lol!

Haha cake sounds good right now! I do at home yoga (where it is cooler)!!

This is the one I do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btVp5F7HOfo

Love it, maybe you should try it out. :D
Someone recommended swimming to me so I think I am going to be getting in the pool more. I laid off exercise the last few weeks just in case but going to pick it back up this week. I feel like the water will support my extra pounds nicely :lol:
Ci1979 that’s amazing news!

Smithy how did you get on with your scan? I saw the midwife a while back they don’t do much just give you your notes check partner history etc and refer you for your scan!

Anyone really struggling to eat? We are in Corfu at the moment and the smells and the food just make me want to be sick lol

How’s everyone doing? X
@MrsBridge I've gone off food too. Everyone's talking about how hungry they are and how they're gaining weight, but I'm sitting here really not wanting anything. I'm forcing myself to eat but every meal is a struggle. I didn't get out of bed until 1pm yesterday because I felt so sick/tired and I'm still feeling cramps from time to time. Kind of worried about that but they're not severe so guess it's ok.
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@MrsBridge I've gone off food too. Everyone's talking about how hungry they are and how they're gaining weight, but I'm sitting here really not wanting anything. I'm forcing myself to eat but every meal is a struggle. I didn't get out of bed until 1pm yesterday because I felt so sick/tired and I'm still feeling cramps from time to time. Kind of worried about that but they're not severe so guess it's ok.

Ditto on everything! Not hungry at all...Sleep until like 930 10am then take a nap at 2ish..Cramps come like a couple times a week if that...
Well if we're feeling exactly the same then that's got to be a good thing! I feel so slack just sitting around all day but I really don't feel up to doing anything.
It must be!

My mom has been in town the past 8 days and she is a busy body and must go, go, go.... I have been sooo exhausted this past week, it's crazy! She said, why are you so cranky and I was like, I am a home body and enjoy the inside and AC lately :D
UPDATE: I am a little distraught right now

I went to my docs appt today, had a scan just to check and make sure there was a baby in there....there is and the doc even said all looks good BUT...

We are roughly 5 MAYBE 6 weeks not 7... Didn't see a heartbeat and I.AM.FREAKING.OUT!!

Tell me everything will be okay, please!
Aw no I'm sorry to hear that. Is it possible you ovulated later and are a week behind? You did have a CP right before conceiving so that can make dating it tricky. If I went by my LMP I should be 7+1 but I know for sure that I ovulated later than CD14. You could be in the same situation, especially if you don't have regular 28 day cycles. If you're really only 5/6 weeks you wouldn't see a heartbeat anyway so I wouldn't be too concerned about that part.

I really hope everything is alright! Honestly ultrasounds can be up to 5 days off anyway. Baby is so small that it's very very hard to accurately date. There's loads of stories of women measuring a week behind early on and then having baby be born closer to the original due date. Are you having another scan in a week or two to see if there's any growth?
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Well I have been freaking out a little too much I think...

They did like a preliminary abdominal u/s which I have read is really hard to pick up baby's size and heartbeat this early... so hopefully that was all it was PLUS I didn't have a full bladder as they wanted to do a pregnancy test to verify before u/s.

I have an appt scheduled in 2 weeks just for another scan and I know for sure I ovulated on the 23rd of April.

Hopefully all is good.... *sigh*
I think the full bladder is just to move your intestines out of the way so they can actually see your uterus, don't think it would affect their measurement but who knows. But like I said, they're not super accurate that early on, especially if they're not internal. Fingers crossed your next scan is all good.
Thank you, their technology here is a little dated too..

I feel better, have read that some actually catch up by the 12 week scan.

2 weeks is a long time to wait to see their little heartbeat <3
Hey wheeldon the same happened to me when I went to the epu a couple of weeks back I&#8217;m hoping things will be better on Friday when I go xx
I was just sad that the tech seemed insensitive and rushed us along even though it was just a diagnostic u/s..

Hope all turns out well for you MrsBridge , Friday is almost here <3
I know! I&#8217;ve got to get back from Greece first though haha I can&#8217;t wait to see what is going on in there! X
Hi Everyone! Thank you for the warm welcome! I don’t have my first scan until I’m 12 weeks - 4 and a half weeks away! It’s driving me crazy lol. Seeing the midwife not this Friday but next and I can’t wait. I think I’m going to tell a few close people about the pregnancy before the 12weeks. I never even thought about how long I’d know before the 12 weeks!

I’m struggling dealing with food before 1pm! At work people by stuff from a food van at about 9/10am and all I wanna do is throw up! My sense of smell is so strong! But by the time I get to dinner time I’m really hungry! I go from one extreme to the other. i got cramps for like 2 weeks (and struggled with going to the loo) but that’s all cleared up now thank god!

I’m really struggling with having the motivation and energy to exercise! I keep wanting to do home yoga but never get close. I have Fibromyalgia and the combination just hits me hard sometimes. The other day I pretty much had to lay down all day as I couldn’t move many muscles (don’t know if anyone else has it here? If so how fo you find Pregnancy and Fibro so far?) x
Hayley I think someone on this forum had fibro, can't remember if she was on this thread though.

Fingers crossed for your scan Mrs. Bridge.

I spoke to my doctor about the cramps I've been having because no one else seems to still have cramps as much as I do. She said cramps are very rarely the first sign of miscarriage, they usually come after spotting. She said they sound like round ligament pain, even though it's a little early to be feeling it. The pains are very sharp and only last a minute or two at a time. They only happen when I get up or move around too much. She also said by 7 weeks your uterus has doubled in size!! So it's still normal to feel cramping from that too. Feeling better now. :)
Hey Wheeldon I freaked out being put 2 weeks back as baby only measuring 6w1d for me. Sonographer said it's so normal when they are this tiny and it's all fine so not to worry. Did you have an external or internal scan? Internal is more likely to pick up a heartbeat but baby might just be not quite there yet. These dates and sizes are just general estimates to give them something to go by so just remember every baby is different. I'm sure by 12 weeks everything will be right where it should be x
Hey Wheeldon I freaked out being put 2 weeks back as baby only measuring 6w1d for me. Sonographer said it's so normal when they are this tiny and it's all fine so not to worry. Did you have an external or internal scan? Internal is more likely to pick up a heartbeat but baby might just be not quite there yet. These dates and sizes are just general estimates to give them something to go by so just remember every baby is different. I'm sure by 12 weeks everything will be right where it should be x

It was a quick external scan nothing really thorough.. I am just trying to keep my thoughts positive even though we didn't see the heartbeat.

Did you see the heartbeat when you went? Was it an external or internal scan?

Winterwolf- I am glad you are feeling more relaxed about your cramps.
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She did an external scan and did see a heartbeat but I was full to burst with water so gave a clear picture to start with. But my worry was that baby looked like a jelly bean at 6 weeks and should have looked like a larger kidney bean at nearly 8 weeks and I am 100% positive that we conceived the week we did. She said all babies grow at their own pace so not seeing a heartbeat might just mean it was too little to pick up on the scan or baby will have a growth spurt. I'm sure it's all okay, they had warned me before I went in that even at 8 weeks they may not find it and they may have to do an internal scan as it's much easier to see. Xx

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