******January 2019 Mummies******

Hayley I think someone on this forum had fibro, can't remember if she was on this thread though.

Fingers crossed for your scan Mrs. Bridge.

I spoke to my doctor about the cramps I've been having because no one else seems to still have cramps as much as I do. She said cramps are very rarely the first sign of miscarriage, they usually come after spotting. She said they sound like round ligament pain, even though it's a little early to be feeling it. The pains are very sharp and only last a minute or two at a time. They only happen when I get up or move around too much. She also said by 7 weeks your uterus has doubled in size!! So it's still normal to feel cramping from that too. Feeling better now. :)

I am still getting minor cramps but they are nothing compared to when I had a miscarriage so I'm trying to learn to let the fear go. I'm sure they are what the doctor said. I saw a video on YouTube about how much your insides move and change during pregnancy and I really can't say I'm surprised there is some cramping.
She did an external scan and did see a heartbeat but I was full to burst with water so gave a clear picture to start with. But my worry was that baby looked like a jelly bean at 6 weeks and should have looked like a larger kidney bean at nearly 8 weeks and I am 100% positive that we conceived the week we did. She said all babies grow at their own pace so not seeing a heartbeat might just mean it was too little to pick up on the scan or baby will have a growth spurt. I'm sure it's all okay, they had warned me before I went in that even at 8 weeks they may not find it and they may have to do an internal scan as it's much easier to see. Xx

That makes me feel better! I didn't have a full bladder as she wanted to do a pregnancy test 10 min before u/s.

I have totally calmed down about it all and am looking forward to the next u/s in 12 days. :D

Thank you for talkin' a little sense into me. You are awesome! <3
It's what we are all here for! :) I did a fair bit of stressing too believe me, but I googled it and it is so common that I have stopped worrying now. Yes, the next one will be better as you will see so much more! Xx
Hello Ladies,

Congratualtions to you all!

I'm hoping I can join in, currently due 29/01/19.... still in shock as this wasn't a planned pregnancy, but starting to embrace it all more.

Looking forward to hearing about you all. Cx
Hi there, Karate Kid! I have added you :D

Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome! We are excited and glad to have you join us! <3
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Welcome to January Mummies Karate Kid! So nice to have a few more ladies joining us!

Anyone else getting a tiny bump? I keep getting a bloat bump, this evening its massive :lol: but it usually shrinks by morning
Hey smithybaby!

Yeah I am getting a little bump when I&#8217;ve eaten lol my mother in law said how many babies do I have in there lmao! I am more likely to show earlier with a second pregnancy I think but definitely not this early on! Xx
Congratulations to everyone!

I had my second early scan yesterday and I’m 6+1 today. I had my booking appointment today also. Pregnancy wasn’t exactly planned but we’re happy about it. It’s a lot earlier than we’d been thinking although we had chatted about children. It’s not exactly the most ideal time as we’re both looking for new jobs since I took a year out of my Midwifery training this month and he left his old job when he moved half an hour away. I already have a daughter to an ex partner, she’s 2.5 (3 in September) so I’m looking forward to seeing how she is going to be with a baby brother or sister! :)
Hi to all the new people and congrats! This is a lovely forum and post and has been so supportive already!

Sorry, had a hectic couple of days at work and only just caught up! WheelDon2 thank you for the exercise video! Looks good, can't wait to start exercising again. Glad you are feeling a bit better, it must have been so frustrating and worrying for you but I'm sure the next scan will show more and put your mind at rest.

How is everyone feeling? I've started to feel a bit better and as long as I graze and don't get hungry I can keep the sickness at bay. Got a bit more energy which feels amazing so I think the cold I had a few weeks ago really took it out of me. Trying to remember to take the folic acid, I've ditched the pregnacore horse sized ones and just taking regular boots own folic acid which I can actually swallow without gagging.

Not heard from the midwives yet, how long do they take to contact you? It's been over a week since my doc appt xxx
I'm pretty small and I notice a baby bump coming in, it's getting firmer but definitely fluctuates from morning to evening.

CharlotteH24- Do you want me to add you to the list? It looks like your signature says Jan 22?

CI1979- Glad you are over your cold and those pregnacare pills :D
Ladies... <3

How is everyone feeling? Has nausea set in yet? Feeling more tired or have more energy? How are you handling the crazy hormones?

I definitely have hit a point where I am nauseous throughout the day and even laying down does not help.. any suggestions? And I am not eating very much, still forcing every meal but makes me feel even more sick. Hopefully my moodiness settles down, hubby doesn't like it very much :D
I'm nauseous all day everyday too :( it's horrendous, I struggle to even do the washing on my days off. I'm yet to throw up but I'm SO sicky feeling. Don't know how people work full time feeling like this.

You've got to not let yourself get hungry because that's when the nausea is unbearable... which is near impossible when every food seems disgusting. I've found snacking on plain popcorn seems to help, a little. I can't go more than 2hrs without eating something or it's really bad. Stay hydrated and get lots of sleep. Mum said try ginger tea but I didn't find it helpful. Good luck. I'm over it already haha
Bless you both, I hope it passes soon! Eating little and often helps.

I'm just over five weeks pregnant and the nausea is starting to set in.... really funny taste in my mouth, but it's not metalic, I can't quite describe it!

I wasn't overly sick with my first pregnancy, but I was extreemely nauseaous from around week 7 and completely went off chicken! It will be interesting to see when it kicks in this time!

As for moods.... feeling pretty anxious as this wasn't a planned pregnancy and DP and I have only been together since the start of the year.... trying to relax into it all but the hormones aren't helping and I can feel myself getting grumpy over the smallest thing!! Cx
I've been able to stomach peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so that is like my go-to right now.

I tried ginger ale but I'm not a fan..might try ginger chews that my mother got me.

The hormones are the worst! I've never been so grumpy and off putting in my life!
Wheeldon I am with you! My phone went dead in the airport today and hubby didn&#8217;t pack my charger and we were delayed so he got it right in the neck hahaha!

So nervous for tomorrow now hopefully will be good news x
I am CI1979 it is a follow up from just over two weeks ago now. I&#8217;m not sure what to expect as the last one they couldn&#8217;t see much x
I am CI1979 it is a follow up from just over two weeks ago now. I’m not sure what to expect as the last one they couldn’t see much x

Ooh FX you get to see a lot more this time. Its so hard waiting to see what's going on in your own body isn't it. How many weeks are you now? I was nearly 6+4 when I had my internal scan and you could see a little bit and a heart beat but nothing like the 12 week scan.

Let us know how you get on tomorrow. Im sure you'll be able to see a lot more now you're further along xxx
Hi CI1979 I was 5+1 last time so tomorrow I&#8217;ll be 7+4 but I think they may have got it slightly wrong by a few days hopefully we will see tomorrow as it was really worrying to not see anything last time so it&#8217;s been a long wait! Will let you all know tomorrow fx! Xx

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